Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 5 Chapter 17: Humane, Haotian's plan

Latest website: Chapter 17 Humanity, Haotian's Plan

Outside the holy land of the human race, there is a mountain range on a certain peak.

"Kongtong seal, the treasure of the human race, contains the power of space..."

Taishang looked at the seal in his hand and slowly said in his mouth, the avenue appeared in his eyes, slowly scanning the Kongtong seal, analyzing the Kongtong seal.

When the words fell, Taishang's eyes fell on the Kongtong seal, the Kowloon junction, and the place where the jade dragon was coiled. There, Taishang saw where he was familiar.

The fragments originated here!

Too Shang now, I understand that this human treasure, the leader of the human education, does have a lot of contact, which can cause some things, but it is reasonable.

Tai Shang's thoughts turned a thousand times, and then slowly calmed down, and his eyes fell on the Kongtong seal again.


The brilliance in Tai Shang's hand is flowing, Yin and Yang are turning, the power of the vast avenue is wrapped around the law of the avenue and condensed on it, and then directly patted down towards the Kongtong seal, causing waves of space ripples.

On the Kongtong seal, there was a bright blue light and a vast expanse of weather, but the moment converged.


In the next instant, a group of cyan flames rose in Tai Shang's hands and began to practice.

Because of the fragments of the Kongtong seal, it does not take too much time for Taishang to sacrifice the Kongtong seal. It takes at least three thousand years to complete the sacrifice, and thus become another special spirit in his hands. Bao it.


Taishang here is offering spiritual treasures, in the midst of prehistoric times, and slowly pushing forward. In the holy land of the human race, both Suiren and Xuan do not know that Taishang is in the trillions of miles outside the holy land. Refining Lingbao.

In the prehistoric times, even Yuanshi and Tongtian didn't know where Taishang was.

They are all aware of their elder brother's way of cultivating inaction, and have always been quiet and inaction, wandering freely in the predicament, so they have not paid too much attention to these, they are now the way of practicing and understanding themselves.

Both Dijun and Hou Tu were arranging things for their respective races, as well as restoring the vitality of their races and dissolving karma and so on.

Nuwa, however, came from the heavens of good fortune to the wilderness, practicing in Fengxi Mountain.

The introduction of preaching for the disciples on the top of Lingshan is also slowly upgrading and changing the avenues of the quasi-tiduhua monks, allowing them to practice the western avenue faster and reach a higher level.

Zhun Ti has already ignored too much now, anyway, he has been sealed here by Taishang Town, so that's it, accepted it, and waited for the arrival after ten thousand years.

After the ordinary tribes of the human race were preaching in the holy land and human education, their overall strength and luck were slowly improving.

Heavenly Court, Earth Immortal Mansion, are now improving in their own way, but Heavenly Court's limelight is more prosperous.

The tens of thousands of races in the predicament, as well as many monks, and the newly born creatures, are now advancing to a higher level, vying for the predominance.


In a flash, three thousand years have passed by.

On the mountain peak, in the cave.


A cyan light flashed, and then a clear voice came, and a vast expanse of weather swept away.

"to make!"

The Supreme Admiral punched the last handprint into the Kongtong seal, and then put away the flame of the sacrifice in his palm, and the sacrifice was successfully completed.

Taishang looked at the Kongtong seal in his hand and nodded in satisfaction.

In the next instant, Tai Shang's hands again made the seal, and continued to penetrate into the Kongtong seal, and then saw the Kongtong seal blooming with dazzling divine light, slowly floating in front of Taishang's body.

A breath of entrapment visible to the naked eye radiated from the Kongtong seal, enclosing the Taishang in it.


Above the heavenly spirit, the scarlet Qingyun rose, and the Taoists of the Sanqing Dynasty formed seals at the same time, and then penetrated into the Kongtong seals. And above Qingyun, a golden pagoda slowly emerged, suppressing everything, and the aura of the vast avenue continued to fall.

"Humanity, open!"

The Taishang and the Sanqing Taoists spoke at the same time, and the handprints that stirred the power of the endless avenue of the ancient sky suddenly penetrated into the Kongtong seal, and then saw a holy light like the time when the world opened up, penetrating the long river of time and space, the long river of destiny, Until the end of the avenue, the origin of everything is general.

Then I saw the divine light emerge, flooding the world, in the divine light, a road containing the way of all beings is intertwined and evolved.

Seeing this, the handprints of Taishang and the Sanqing Taoists continued to penetrate into it, and then Taishang slowly closed his eyes, his mind permeated and left, and began to merge with this avenue, and his own avenue is also here. For a moment, I blended into it.


In the mountains, there was a roar suddenly, reaching the land of Nine Heavens, and it shook the entire wilderness.

At this moment, all human races, all prehistoric creatures, all their eyes were looking at this place at this moment.

It seems that from the very beginning of the long river of time and space, there are certain means left behind, and sentient beings look at the place of the supremacy. Although they don't know what is going on, they always feel that they are connected to themselves.

Although such a thing did not affect the Five Sages and the two Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, at this time, his eyes were also looking at this place.

With a slightly condensed look, everyone remained silent for a long time.


In the holy land of the human race.

Sui Ren looked at the mountain range. Although he didn't know what was going on, at this time the human vitality flowed and descended there. Moreover, the human vitality was slowly ascending, and the power of humanity condensed.

After thinking about it in his heart, Suiren probably guessed that this might be the method of his own teacher.

The improvement of the human luck and the power of humanity, Sui Ren as a human ancestor also has some benefits, so when these are all improving, he also began to retreat and practice.

Not only him, but many masters in the holy land of the human race are like this.


Heavenly Court, in the High Heaven Hall.

"This power is extremely extraordinary. If it weren't for the power of the heavenly court to guard it, I'm afraid I would have to surrender under this power..."

Haotian looked solemn and said in a deep voice.

"That kind of feeling, as if all beings are in it, you can be controlled by this power, and you can use this power to improve, but you can't borrow it."

The solemn color on Yaochi's pretty face doesn't have to be Haotian Shao, she feels it very clearly.

After she said, she looked at Haotian and said, "With such a terrifying power, I am afraid that there is only one of those few..."

"All beings are among them. Perhaps this ~www.ltnovel.com~ is humane, truly humane!"

Haotian's expression was slightly cold, and he spit out a word.

"Humanity!" Yaochi said softly, and divine light appeared in his beautiful eyes.

"But too high Taoist?" Yaochi asked.

"Human Dao can reach this point, it can only be him..." Haotian raised his brows and said.

Yaochi nodded slightly and did not speak.

After Haotian was silent for a few breaths, he looked at Yaochi in vain and said, "Yaochi, it's time for Heaven to take a crucial step..."

"What are your plans?" Yaochi looked at him.

"Invite the Dragon Clan to enter the sky and enhance the power of the heaven..."



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