Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 5 Chapter 19: The dragons enter the heavenly court and react

   Chapter Nineteen Dragon Race Enters Heavenly Court, Reaction

  East China Sea, in the Dragon Palace.

   Candle Dragon had a thousand thoughts in his mind, and constantly weighed the benefits of the Dragon Clan in this matter. Although there were pros and cons in this matter, for the moment, as far as the Dragon Clan issue is concerned, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

  Maybe, the dragon race can use this to resolve its own karma, reappear the predicament, and enhance its strength.

   "Since the Great Tianzun is here in person, it is enough to explain the sincerity of the Great Tianzun on this matter. The candle dragon is also willing to facilitate this matter. This time the cooperation with the heavenly court, my dragon clan should respond..."

   After thinking about it in his heart, Zhulong smiled on his face, looking at Haotian and said.

After weighing the pros and cons, this matter has a lot of benefits with the dragon family, which can alleviate the most critical point of the dragon family. Candle dragon did not refuse, but it temporarily sacrificed the arrogance of the dragon family. Compared with the whole dragon family, this is a little arrogant. It seems trivial.

   Hearing the words, a strange color flashed across Haotian's eyes. He also knew what Zhulong thought in his heart. These things are beneficial to the dragon clan, can alleviate the karma of the dragon clan, and can advance the world and enhance his own strength.

   In comparison, what is the arrogance of the dragon clan? Haotian had actually thought of this a long time ago, but he didn't expect that Zhulong would agree so quickly. He really stood in his position, and the pros and cons were different.

   Although both parties have their own plans, Haotian is quite satisfied now that the matter has been achieved. Judging from the current situation, the two parties are still a win-win situation. As for the future, I will wait for the future.

   "Since the patriarch has no objection, then this generation of Heavenly Court's role, the matter of cloud and rain, will be handed over to the dragon clan, the patriarch should also choose the dragon clan to serve in the sky..."

   Haotian nodded, looked at the candle dragon and said.

   Candle Dragon listened, nodded slightly, and then called the Great Elder through a voice transmission, and then asked him to call the Dragon King Ao Guang of the East China Sea, who was the face of the dragon clan. Although it was only the cultivation base of Da Luo Jinxian in the later period, it was quite extraordinary.

   For Ao Guang, Haotian naturally knew that this was the manager of the Dragon Clan on the bright side, and his strength was not weak. This also allowed Haotian to see the strength of the other side of the Dragon Clan.

  East Sea Dragon King is all of this strength. No matter how bad the others are, they should have the strength of Da Luo Jinxian. Judging from this situation, it is indeed not low.

   "The matter of God's appointment to perform the duties of cloud and rain on behalf of the heavens will be handed over to Ao Guang and other Sihai Dragon Kings in the future..."

   A brilliant light flashed in Zhulong's eyes, looking at Haotian and said.

   In this way, if there is anything, he can abandon the car to protect his commander, abandon this part of the dragon family, and protect himself. Anyway, he can't hurt himself. At this time, his merit is the most important.

   After he resolves the situation of the dragon clan in the future, he will make other plans.

   "It's the patriarch!" Ao Guang immediately responded when he heard the words.

   Haotian heard this and nodded slightly. In this way, these powers are not weak. In addition to relying on the power of the dragon clan to strengthen himself, he also needs to use the name of the dragon clan to strengthen the power of the heavens.

   In this way, Heavenly Court might still be able to take advantage of the power and strength of the Dragon Clan to allow Heavenly Court to absorb part of the predecessor's casual cultivation and some small forces again.

   or yourself, you can hold a grand event on top of this, and then let those who are still on the sidelines make up their minds and join the heavenly court. In this way, this double-win thing is also achieved.

   "In that case, after three months, Haotian made an order to let the dragon tribe take up the post..." Haotian said.

   Candle Dragon listened, nodded slightly, "I have a great God..."

   "So, then Haotian won't bother..."


   Haotian nodded, and disappeared where he was.

After a while, Zhulong looked at Ao Guang and said, "Ao Guang, this is a problem related to the karma and luck of the dragon clan. I believe you can do well. For the merits, the dragon clan will fight for more in the heavenly court. The great luck that you can enjoy, you have to take as much as you can..."

   "Ao Guang understands!" Ao Guang heard the words, knowing the meaning, and nodded immediately.

   Hearing this, Zhulong nodded, and then signaled Ao Guang to retreat.

   Candle Dragon looked at Honghuang, his eyes narrowed slightly.


   Thirty-three days, in the High Heaven Palace.

   Void shook, and then he saw Haotian walking out of him. With a movement of his hand, a golden light flashed by, telling Yaochi about the Dragon Race. Then he sat on the throne and said softly, "Xuan Tai Platinum Star!"

   The voice fell, and there was a call to the left and right.

   After a while, Taibai Venus entered the Lingxiao Palace and knelt down on one knee and said, "The minister Taibai Venus will see the emperor, and the emperor will enjoy the blessing forever, and the longevity is the same!"

   "No need to be polite!"

   Haotian waved his hand, and then said, "Taibai Jinxing, I have one thing for you to do..."

   "God, please tell me, Taibai Jinxing will be completed smoothly!" Taibai Jinxing's body shook, and immediately spoke.

   Haotian nodded, and said, "After March, you go to the Dragon Clan to declare an decree and let the four Dragon Kings of the Dragon Clan go to heaven..."

   Hearing this, Taibai Jinxing looked surprised and looked at Haotian in disbelief.

  Dragons? ! The four dragon kings go to work?

   He didn't expect that the Heavenly Emperor, who is not visible and leaky, could even win over the Dragon Clan. In this way, the Heavenly Emperor would have to make a big move again.

   "Don't worry, the emperor will complete the task!"

   After being shocked, Taibai Jinxing hurriedly spoke.

   Haotian nodded, then took out the imperial decree, wrote down the content, and covered it with the emperor's jade seal, and then gave it to Taibai Jinxing.

After    Taibai Jinxing took it, he turned and left.

   Haotian sat on the throne, looked at Hong Huang with a calm expression, and then looked at the situation after three months.


   March time is fleeting.

   On this day, in the sky of the East China Sea, the majesty of the sky rolled and swept over.

   After a short while, I saw hundreds of figures appeared in the billowing dark clouds. It was the heavenly soldiers and generals of the heaven, and the leader was the Taibaijinxing who came to declare the decree.

  At this time, in the East China Sea, four figures appeared, coming from the sky, looking at the Taibai Jinxing in the sky.

   Taibai Jinxing glanced at the four dragon kings, and then began to announce the heavenly decree. "Fengtian undertakes transportation, the emperor said.

Because of the merits of guarding the four seas, the Sihailong clan has now designated Ao Guang as the Dragon King of the East China Sea, Ao Ming as the Dragon King of the South China Sea, Ao Run as the Dragon King of the West Sea, and Ao Shun as the Dragon King of the North Sea. Ze Honghuang..."

   Upon hearing the words, the four of them took the decree.

   Taibai Jinxing nodded slightly ~www.ltnovel.com~ The decree in his hand was thrown away, turned into a golden light, and flew into Ao Guang's hands.

   At this time, I heard Taibai Jinxing once again, "Four dragon kings, please also ask you and the other four to prepare the dragon clan to go to heaven and do the responsibility of the four seas..."

   "We understand!" The four dragon kings nodded and said.

   Taibai Jinxing nodded slightly, waved his big hand, and turned and returned to the heaven with the heavenly soldiers.

   Above the Four Seas, only the Dragon King of the Four Seas is left.

   "Go!" Ao Guang whispered, and the four turned and entered the East China Sea.


   In the High Heaven Hall, Haotian looked at the situation in the Haotian mirror and nodded in satisfaction, so this matter was basically completed.

   So, a few years later, the Four Seas Dragon King brought thousands of dragons to the sky, and he set off a lot of waves in the predicament.

   Many primordial monks and creatures, as well as some races, were quite shocked by Heavenly Court's move. After all, it was the Dragon Clan, one of the three ancient tribes, and it was not so easy to be attracted.

   The Great Heavenly Venerable Haotian was able to do this step, obviously not an ordinary existence, it seems that this Heavenly Emperor still has quite a means.

   The Three Sects, the Nuwa and Lich races, and the Human race, did not pay much attention to the Heavenly Court at this time, and they still returned to their own situation.

   Although the Western Two Sages have a few criticisms about Haotian's ambition, this matter is a certainty, and they can't take action against Haotian on the face of it.

   What's more, it's still the current situation.

   These things can only be done slowly.




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