Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 5 Chapter 20: 5 yuan will be humane

   Chapter 20, Five Yuan Meeting, Human Beings

It has been thousands of years since the Dragon Race entered the Heavenly Court. In the Heavenly Court, the Dragon Race is also in accordance with the tasks assigned to them by Haotian. Except for the things that go through the clouds and rain in the wilderness, other things , Some need, the dragon will also do it.

   Of course, it is beneficial to oneself, but on the surface, even if there is no big benefit to the dragon, it will still be executed. After all, at this time, the dragon still has to rely on the heavens to resolve its own karma.

   After Haotian joined the Dragon Clan, Heavenly Court's luck and merits have improved a lot. In a faint, he is about to behead the second corpse and enter the quasi-sage stage. This is really not slow.

   Yaochi has been in retreat for more than a thousand years now, and the cultivation base is afraid that he is above the sky.

   Therefore, after dealing with the affairs of the heavenly court for more than a thousand years, Haotian also entered the retreat and realized the second corpse.

   Many things in the Heavenly Court were handed over to the Taibai Venus. Anyway, it is relatively peaceful in the precipice, and Heavenly Court does not need to do anything, as long as it develops itself. As for the other things, there is not much trouble.

   Give it to Taibai Jinxing, Haotian is still quite trusting.


   When the time flickered, another three thousand years of time passed quietly.

   In the wild, somewhere in the mountains.


   Suddenly, only a roaring sound can be heard from all directions, and then there is a force to tear open the sky and the earth, tearing a gap in the time and space of this place, revealing all the existence in it.


   From the previously invisible power of the Great Dao, it evolved into a chain of the Great Dao visible to the naked eye. At this time, he gradually retreated from Zhun Ti's body. The power of the Great Dao that was imprisoned on him had disappeared, and the ten thousand years had come.

   Zhunti slowly got up, his expression was calm, he couldn't see the depth, he looked at Dongfang for a long time, without the slightest movement.

   "Quick mention, this is the end of the eastward journey, you must not forget the previous warning..."

   Between heaven and earth, Yuan Shi’s voice sounded. Yuan Shi naturally knew about the things Zhun mentioned before, plus Tai Shang had already warned him.

   If it is quasi-proposed and then travel eastward, I am afraid it will cause a lot of trouble, so it is better to keep it temporarily.

When    heard the words, there was an invisible cloud flashing under his eyes, and his back figure moved and disappeared in place.

   After a few breaths, Zhunti returned to the Western Spirit Mountain, released some spiritual artifacts, and some Eastern monks, and then followed the lead, and began to preach for Western disciples, and also for these crossed disciples.

   To enhance their strength is also to enhance the strength and luck of the West.

   At this point, I will do my best to do it properly.


   Under the long river of time and space, in the midst of the predicament, the time of five multi-conferences soon passed.

  In the predicament, all races and forces are constantly improving.

   In the past millions of years, the Dragon Race and Heavenly Court have been in the limelight. After all, the two sides have just cooperated, so naturally they will be more limelight in the precipice.

   In the previous demon court, there were many demon races that could move clouds and rain, naturally there was no need for the existence of the dragon race, but now the heaven is different, it is precisely the dragon race that needs to do such a thing.

   Yaozu is now retiring, but ignores these. Zai now often sees dragons in the wilderness, doing things like clouds and rain.

   In the past millions of years, in addition to cultivating his own confidant strength, Haotian also took this opportunity to absorb a part of the predecessors and small forces, which has increased his strength a bit.

   But these are not what Haotian really wants. After all, these strengths are still relatively weak. What he needs is some strong casual training and the joining of forces.

   But it is not yet a good time, he needs to wait a while.

   As for the forces under Dixian Mansion, it is much lower-key, but Dixian Dao is beneficial to the prehistoric things after all, plus Zhen Yuanzi, a veteran master, did not underestimate Dixian Mansion.

   As for those powers and races, there are top-notch existences, and sentient beings don't pay much attention to it, and only care about their own situation.


   Outside the holy land of the human race, in a certain mountain range.

   Above the Heavenly Spirit, the Xuanhuang Pagoda is shining with golden light, and its aura suppresses the heavens, while in the body of the Supreme Being, there is a dark avenue together with him and the Kongtong seal, a special avenue aura radiates.

   The long rivers of time and space flowed fast around Taishang. Every time the long rivers of time and space pass by, the avenue connecting Taishang and Kongtong will grow a bit stronger, and Taishang’s own avenue aura will also be richer.

Above the crimson Qingyun, the Sanqing Taoist sits on the Three Lotus Terraces, and their own avenues are lingering. At this time, they are connected together, and the power of this avenue slowly absorbs the humane force condensed at this time. , Elevating oneself.

   Above the place of Taishang, the forces of humanity continue to converge, forming a vortex, which is continuously integrated into the avenue between Taishang and Kongtong Yin, and continues to grow.

I don’t know how long it has passed, Tai Shang's hands slowly lifted the seals, and each seal was filled with the ancient sky, containing the power of the endless avenue. At this time, he continued to penetrate into the Kongtong seal and the humanity. .


   The sound of a great road bell, as if it is coming from the source of a long river in time and space, passing all the past and the future in a flash, and the degree of flying sand on the Ganges River has reached its extreme at this time.

Taishang is still standing still, and the seal in his hand will not rush into the humanity and the Kongtong seal. At this time, the gathered humane force has gathered the power of all living beings and is madly blending into the humanitarianism. Go in.

   Gradually, the humanity traced back from Taishang and merged into the Kongtong seal.

   At the same time, Tai Shang's four-man tribe's luck is also integrated into it at this time.

  Humanity is the way of all beings. Human race is one of the three talents. The orientation of human beings. Therefore, human race is the most critical link in humanity.

   The integration of the four people’s air luck into it ~www.ltnovel.com~ can greatly enhance Taishang's perfection and control of humanity, and in the future, it can also enhance the strength of humanity.

   "A great way to gather, human beings come true!"

   I don't know how long it has been, maybe tens of thousands of years, or even a million years. I only heard a soft sip from the mouth, and pushed forward with his hand. Tai Qingyin was pushed out in his hand, and he walked through the long river of time and space.

   The flying sand of the Ganges River not only can't wear off the power of Taiqingyin, but also seems to increase the power of Taiqingyin's avenue. At this time, he quickly walked through the long river of time and space, past, present and future.


   Tai Qingyin flew out from the long river of time and space, and then directly disappeared into the humanity, making a clear sound.

   At this moment, in the avenue of sentient beings, it seems that it has been branded into a deep imprint.

Humanity, the way of everyone, now, all beings are clearly aware of the perfection of humanity, and can feel that it seems easier to practice now, although it is still difficult to practice together, but it is a bit easier under Da Luo. not bad.

After    Human Dao was printed in the Taiqing Seal, it was traced back to the Kongtong Seal. Forty percent of the human luck was also integrated into it.

   The Yin Jue in Taishang's hand slowly stopped, and then opened his eyes, and the Taoist Avenue of the Sanqing Dynasty subsided, only the gleaming cyan light on his body and the Taoist rhyme of the lotus platform under the seat, now more and more bright.

   "So, humanity is truly established..."

   After a long time, Taishang said softly and looked at the wild land.





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