Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 5 Chapter 21: Taishang will preach to the human race

   Chapter 21, Taishang will preach to the human race again

  Outside the holy land of the human race, somewhere in the mountains.

   Taishang’s eyes are like a clear sky, and his spiritual thoughts are pierced. A avenue evolves in front of the Kongtong seal. With the help of humanity, Taishang can see all the changes of sentient beings over the years.

   His gaze penetrates the long river of time and space, the audience is born and passed away, the world evolves, and the avenue of all beings is vicissitudes.

   I don't know how long it has passed before the great road and the image of sentient beings in Tai Shang's eyes gradually receded and returned to the color of clarity.

   With a wave of the upper hand, the Sanqing Taoist fell into the crimson Qingyun, and Qingyun fell into the heavenly spirit. The Xuanhuang Pagoda turned into a golden light, immersed in Taishang's eyebrows, the cyan light emitted by Taiqing Yin became more and more brilliant, and the Taoism in it became more profound and obscure.

After the establishment of humanity, Taishang’s understanding of "Tao" has been improved a lot. On the road to the accumulation of Taiji Jinxian, Taishang has taken a big step forward, although it has not yet been promoted. The timing, but this accumulation is indeed extremely important.

Taishang turned his gaze and glanced at the Heavenly Court, "Haotian plans to use the power of the Dragon Clan and the power of the Dragon Clan to absorb the power of the ancient monks, increase the power of the Heavenly Court, and improve his own cultivation. "

Haotian is now the quasi-sage stage who has cut off the two corpses. Such a cultivation base is rare even in the prehistoric times, plus the spiritual treasure given by the ancestor of the Taoist in his hand. Coupled with the general momentum and luck of the heavens, even the existence of Quasi-Sage Consummation, dare not speak lightly against him.

   As for the Tianhou Jade Pool, the strength is comparable to that of Haotian. With the existence of their two quasi-sages in the late stage, coupled with the improvement of the strength of the Heavenly Court over the years, the overall strength is not weak.

   In the midst of the predicament, the Heavenly Court can be regarded as the top of the second-rate power, even if it is the Dixian Mansion, it is now the weaker Heavenly Court.

   The current limelight in the Heavenly Court is extremely prosperous in the current predominance, attracting many monks and creatures to flock to it, but there is no suitable time now, but it is in the wait and see, waiting for the opportunity.

   After a few breaths, Tai Shang retracted his gaze, after thinking about it, slowly got up, took a step under his feet, and came into the void.

   Qingxuan did not know where he came from, and carried Tai Shang to move on.

   "Master, where are you going?" Qing Xuan asked.

   "The Holy Land of Human Race!"


   Thirty-three heaven, heaven, in the palace of the sky.

   Haotian was urging the Haotian Mirror in his hands to observe the situation of the Three Realms. Although I can't see those places and dare not look at it, Haotian Mirror can still see the situation in other places.

"For millions of years, Heavenly Court has taken this step well, and it has also attracted a lot of cultivators with higher cultivation levels and powerful forces. The next step will involve these masters and forces who are still waiting. It's absorbed..."

   "The grand event I thought of before can start from the top of the peach. I believe that in the face of such benefits, they will make up their minds..."

   Haotian gazes on the Haotian mirror, thinking to himself.

Haotian already had such a plan when he invited the Dragon Clan to serve in the heavens. Over the past million years, the Heavenly Court has come over step by step, gaining fame, and absorbing some new monks. The monks previously cultivated have gradually cultivated. Come up, improve the overall strength of the heaven.

   In this way, those monks and forces with higher cultivation bases and stronger strength have seen an opportunity. In such a predicament, it is natural to seek shelter from some major forces.

   Heavenly Court occupies great righteousness, it was ordered by Dao Ancestor to reopen it, and Heavenly Emperor Haotian was backed by Dao Ancestor, so there is no need to worry.

   In addition, there are so many benefits of joining the Heavenly Court. Those monks and forces who are attracted by the Heavenly Court's strength, momentum, and reputation are now waiting for the last time and waiting for a suitable time.

   As long as the great event of Haotian is held, he believes that these monks and forces will make up their minds. With so many benefits, no one will refuse.

   "In this way, we can proceed to arrange..."

  After thinking about it in his heart, Haotian nodded slightly, and after putting away the Haotian mirror, he headed towards the Peach Fairyland.


   in the holy land of the human race.

   "Teacher, according to your instructions, arrangements have been made. After three hundred years, the altar will be preached..."

Suiren said respectfully towards Taishang. He didn't expect that after the teacher left the customs, he would want to preach to them. This is a great opportunity. He will naturally make arrangements with all his strength. Now that things have been arranged, he just waited for the opportunity. Has arrived.

   After hearing the words, Tai Tai nodded, "You can arrange this matter..."

  He paused and looked at Sui Rendao, "I have something for you as a teacher, which can help you improve your salary..."

   Taitai said in his mouth, flipped his hand, nine small bronze lamps appeared in his hand, and then moved, the nine small bronze lamps hovered in front of Sui Ren, bursts of blue light flashing, the first breath was vast.

When the   sui people saw these nine small bronze lamps, they already understood the magical effect of them. After receiving the nine small bronze lamps, they prayed to the Taishang, "Thanks to the teacher, my disciple, for the treasure!"

   Tai nodded slightly, then closed his eyes and ignored it.


   Thirty-three days, Lingxiao Tianting, Dongji Qinghua Palace.

   "The emperor, the leader will preach in the holy place, and the ancestors summon me to wait..."

   A human disciple said to Qing Ming, the great emperor Qinghua of the East Pole~www.ltnovel.com~.

   Hearing the words, Qing Ming nodded and said, "Gather all the disciples of Qinghua Palace, return to the Holy Land, and listen to the preaching of the master..."

   The teacher preached, this is a great opportunity, and Qing Ming will naturally not miss it. Now that he has encountered a bottleneck in his cultivation, he can just use this opportunity to advance. By then, controlling the Qinghua Palace will also have a lot of help.

   "Yes!" After the disciple responded, he turned and left.

   Qingming slowly got up, and then walked outside the hall.


   Three hundred years are fleeting in the blink of an eye.

   In the holy land of the human race, on the preaching platform.

   Taishang slowly opened his eyes and saw that all the disciples in the Holy Land were already here, and after a little nod, he began to preach.

"Dao can be Tao, very Tao. Name can be named, very famous. No, name of the beginning of the world. Yes, name of the mother of all things. So there is always nothing, and you want to see what is wonderful; often there, you want to see what is wrong. Both of these The same origin but different names, the same is called the mystery, the mystery and the mystery, the door of the many wonderful..."

   The main outline of the Great Dao opened with a soft utterance, which led all the disciples into a state of enlightenment. The Great Dao shook the world.

   At this time, the power of humanity came and enveloped the holy land of the human race, and the atmosphere of the vast avenue permeated. In addition to the human race, other creatures have also gained a lot of benefits, and it is also listening to the sound of this avenue.

   Before the sound of the avenue fell, Tai Shang began to speak again.

   "The great way produces one, one life two, two produces three, three begets all things, all things return to one and only one, the way also..."

   "People follow the earth, the earth follows the sky, the sky follows the law, and the Tao follows nature!"




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