Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 5 Chapter 27: Taishang: Do Daoists desire to preach the Dao?

   Chapter 27: Supreme: Do Daoists desire to preach the Dao?

   Sui Ren watched his teacher leave, and once again felt the real flame of the sun in the source of the fire, and Sui Ren's eyes flashed a touch of determination.

  The three fires gathered together, and he would definitely use this to transform the way of the fire, promote it to a higher level of existence, completely complete his own avenue, so as to prove the sanctification of the Tao, and push the human race to a higher level again.

   There is a true human saint, and there are two completely different meanings.

   Under such an opportunity, Suiren definitely wants to fight for it. In addition, the teacher has already said that he hopes that he can prove the truth during this time. Otherwise, I am afraid it will be a little difficult.

   He also knows this, so in the next period of time, he will work harder to practice this.

   The three fires gathered and promoted together, he had a lot of confidence in him to do it.

   After thinking about it in his heart, Sui Ren slowly closed his eyes and began to let Sui Ren's fire flames merge with the sun's true flames, and the three fires began to merge.


   After leaving the Human Sacred Land, Taishang did not return directly to the Taiqing Palace, but came towards the Central Continent.

   The Central Continent, as the continent with the most prosperous power and richest resources among the prehistoric, has developed more and more prosperous over the years.

Although Buzhou Mountain is broken, but now that the sky is newly patched up, there are more and more living beings here. After that kind of catastrophe, it will usher in a great prosperity. In the future, the Central Mainland will also heal. The hair is tough.

   After entering the Central Continent, Tai Shang came towards the west where Bu Zhou Mountain was located.

   In an instant, he landed in a mountain range.

   Fengxi Mountain.

   Nuwa frowned her eyebrows, and looked at the figure in the mountains suspiciously towards Fengxi Mountain.

   Nuwa suddenly disappeared in the cave, and when she reappeared, she was already in front of the upper body.

   "Brother Dao!" Nuwa nodded slightly.

   "Dao Fellows have made considerable progress over the years..."

   After the wife nodded slightly, she looked at the Nuwa and smiled.

   As for Nuwa's current cultivation base, it is already close to the late stage of the holy realm. Among the five sages, it is not too different from Yuanshi and Tongtian. As for the Western Two Saints, they are a bit weaker than Nuwa.

   Upon hearing this, Nuwa smiled and couldn't comment.

   "Brother Dao is here this time, do you have something important?"

   Nuwa thought for a while, looked at Taishang, and asked.

   Hearing this, Tai Shang said with a smile, "There is indeed something!"

   Nuwa nodded and said, "In that case, brother Dao, please come with Nuwa..."

   Soon, Nuwa brought Taishang to Fengxi Mountain. In the cave, Fuxi opened his eyes and looked at Taishang with a little surprise.

   "Fu Xi has seen Taishang Dao Zun!"

   Fuxi hurriedly got up and saluted. The Taishang's cultivation was only under the Taoist ancestor. With such strength, he naturally had to salute.

   "Taoists don't need to be polite!"

   smiled too much, waved his hand, and raised Fu Xidao.

   Then, Taishang, Nuwa and Fuxi took their seats. Nuwa and Fuxi looked at Taishang and did not speak.

Taishang’s status, status and cultivation base, and now he came to Fengxi Mountain, combined with Nuwa’s previous question to Taishang, there is indeed something important, and they can’t help but speculate about what the important thing is and need to go too close. A trip?

   Given the current situation of the ether, he is just idle, but in the midst of the predicament, what else does he like?

   Nuwa and Fuxi thought to themselves and calculated, but they didn't get many secrets. The purpose of this trip is still a mystery.

   "Brother Dao said that there are important things in this trip, but I don't know what the important things are?" Nuwa raised her eyebrows, looked at Tai Shang and asked.

   "If it is necessary, my brother and sister can do their best..." Fuxi glanced at Nuwa and said.

   Taishang and Nuwa are the leaders and vice leaders of the People's Education. If there is any major event, it can be considered as a link between air and luck. If it is necessary, his brother and sister will naturally try their best.

Hearing this, he smiled too much, did not answer this, his gaze fell on Fu Xi, and he said, "The Daoists have been so diligent in their cultivation these years, and now they have achieved a lot of super quasi-sages. In the midst of the wilderness, It is also rare to be an opponent of a fellow Daoist..."

   The quasi-sage is perfect, and as far as the current prehistoric is concerned, there is indeed a small part of it. But beyond the existence of Quasi-Sage Consummation, there are only a handful of them among the predecessors, and Fuxi is one of them.

   Fuxi is a veteran quasi-sage, with a lot of means, and his strength is also strong, so among the few few who are counted, there are indeed few opponents.

   Fuxi and Nuwa were silent when they heard this.

   Taishang did not say anything wrong in this statement, but he has not yet said specific things, but what Taishang said at this time is afraid that it is not as simple as it seems, and there is a meaning in it.

"However, it is really not easy for Daoists to practice the way of heaven. If there is no special opportunity, Daoists are afraid that it will take countless years before they have the opportunity to prove the Dao. By then, the vicissitudes of life will change, and it will be even more difficult... …"

   Tai Tai looked at Fuxi, and slowly said.

   Hearing this, Fu Xi frowned. This point was not wrong, and he himself knew this.

The way of cultivating the secret of heaven by oneself, although the way of deduction is the most prestigious ~www.ltnovel.com~ but this way is difficult, he can get to this point, it is already rare, it is not so easy to prove Dao Hunyuan .

   Otherwise, how could he have not made much progress in these tens of millions of years? If he changed to another existence, he was afraid that there would be a tendency to preach the Dao.

   Like Zhen Yuanzi, the ancestor of the immortal Tao, he knows that as long as Zhen Yuanzi has enough momentum and the avenue has enough accumulation, he can prove it in one fell swoop. As for the Sea of ​​Blood and Styx, it is difficult to prove because of the lead of the Sea of ​​Blood.

   As for myself, because the road is difficult, I want to go further but can’t.

  Although the road to Taoism is inherently difficult, it requires a strong Taoist heart to go all the way, but it is Fuxi who has not seen the time to prove the Tao for a long time, and he has the idea of ​​rebuilding his Tao.

   Now that I heard what Taishang said, knowing that the path of proving is even more difficult, but his heart sank to the bottom.

   Seeing at this time, the expression of Fuxi was uncertain, a little dignified Fuxi, suddenly said, "Fellow Daoist Fuxi, are you eager to preach the Dao?"

   Hearing this, Nuwa and Fuxi looked startled, and looked overwhelmed with shock.

   Are you eager to preach?

   If you put it in the wild and ask sentient beings, who will answer if you don’t want it?

   One way of cultivating the Tao is all for the consummation of one's own avenues and to prove the Tao of Hunyuan?

   Fuxi is naturally eager, and has been eager for tens of millions of years, but because his own road is difficult to walk, there is no opportunity to prove it, so I have been immersed in this realm, and there is no way to go further.

   asked such a question. Although Fuxi was very eager in her heart, she didn't know how to answer it for a while?





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