Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 5 Chapter 28: I have 1 method to help daoists to prove the truth

   Chapter 28, I have a method to help the daoists to prove the truth

   Fengqi Mountain, in the cave.

   At this time, there was silence in the cave, Nuwa and Fuxi both looked at them with shocked expressions, and they did not speak for a long time.

   "Brother Dao said this, but do you want to help your brother prove Dao Hunyuan?"

   After a long time, Nuwa looked at Taishang, narrowed Feng's eyes, and asked.

   Thousands of thoughts in her heart, combined with what Taishang said, it is not difficult for her to guess the point of this statement, that is, to help Fuxi prove Dao Hunyuan.

   Although Nuwa could not understand the details of this for the time being, if Fuxi can really prove the way, Nuwa would still be very happy to comment.

   After all, if his elder brother can prove Hunyuan's words, then their brothers and sisters are all beings who have achieved this state, and it is also a good story among the prehistoric ones, and the existence that countless creatures admire.

   Moreover, if his brother can prove the Dao, he will be able to achieve his long-cherished wish for tens of millions of years. You don't need to be immersed in this realm for countless years without being able to be promoted, and you can also pursue higher worlds and avenues.

   In this way, Fuxi can reach a higher level.

  Nuwa had just finished speaking, and Fuxi returned to his senses. After calming down a little bit, she looked at her and asked with a solemn expression, "Dao Zun really helps Fuxi to prove the Tao?"

"The way of heaven is hard to walk, Fuxi is eager to prove the realm of Taoism, but the secret of heaven is unpredictable, weird and changeable, and evolves in thousands, so it is difficult to prove the way, if the Taoist has the method of proof, Fuxi is willing to try... …"

   If Taishang can help him in any way, he is naturally willing to give it a try. Anyway, he has been enlightening and practicing for tens of millions of years, but there hasn't been much progress, so why not try it.

If you can successfully preach, then you have fulfilled the long-cherished wish for many years. Even if there are some variables and cannot be successfully preached, if you want to use the methods and methods of the ether, you can also improve yourself a lot, infinitely close to Hunyuan. The way.

   Maybe, you can touch the Tao of Hunyuan, and wait for a better time to prove the Tao of Hunyuan.

   Fuxi still quite believes in Taishang. Her sister is Taishang assisting in sanctification. If she wants to come to her own situation, Taishang is also quite clear. After all, Taishang's cultivation level is there.

   Since Taishang is asking himself this time, it is clear to his heart that he wants to come, and there is a way to help, otherwise, he would not ask himself like that. Fuxi felt that as long as it was feasible, he had to fight hard.

   The road to find the way is already difficult, even if it is a billionth of a chance, you have to fight hard and pursue the road.

"The Daoist's control of the way of heaven is not low. What's bad is just a chance to prove the Dao. Dijun can use the demons to attack Hunyuan's Dao. Daoists are also feasible. Among the human races, they have a chance. ..."

   "I have a method that can help Daoists prove Dao Hunyuan..."

The expression of yin and yang is awe-inspiring, and the divine light of yin and yang blooms in his eyes, as if it has turned into a yin and yang world, evolving the world and the world, and there is a magnificence in the mouth, spreading through the long river of time and space. in.

   "Brother Dao said this, but are you serious?"

   After a few breaths, Nuwa's beautiful eyes lit up and she looked at Tai Shang and asked.

   Hearing this, he smiled and couldn't comment.

   "I don't know what the law said, what is the law?"

   Fuxi calmed down for a few minutes, and looked at Tai Tao.

   Although he is pleased that he has a way to preach, he still needs to ask about the specific situation, and then weigh his own situation.

   "Brother Dao said, Human race has a chance. I don't know if there is any chance in Human race that can help brother to prove the truth?"

   After Fuxi finished speaking, Nuwa remembered what Taishang said just now, in the human race, there is a chance.

   Nuwa, as the Virgin of the Human Race, also cares about the Human Race, but can't figure out what the opportunity Taishang said? At this time, Tianji was in a mess, even if he was close to the late stage of the holy realm, it was still unclear.

   The chance of the human race can actually be so great that even the existence of her own brother can use the proof, which really surprised her.

But Taishang said so, she still believes it, she doesn't know it, but Taishang's cultivation base is too much higher than her own, maybe she has seen a lot of changes in the future, the future is the most variable, and I want to know exactly , It's really not easy.

   But too high, obviously has this strength and means.

   looked at her, smiled and said, "With Human Race's current strength, it is really not too difficult to sit in the position of this prehistoric protagonist. Just give Human Race a while..."

   Nuwa and Fuxi nodded. Nuwa knew that Sui Ren's grand and purple energy was in the hands of Sui Ren, and Sui Ren had a great opportunity to prove the way to be sanctified.

   It is indeed not difficult for the Human Race to take the position of the protagonist of the wild by then, she still believes this.

   "But after sitting in the position of the protagonist of the wild, I want to let the people stay on top of it. And here, there is a great world, a chance to promote. The chance for the good luck of Daoists is also here..."

   Tai Tai looked at Fuxi and slowly spoke.

   "If it is the way that Zun Dao Zun said, I don't know how to use it?" Fu Xi raised her brows and asked.

   Now that the secret secret is in chaos, Fu Xi is nothing like this, but he also knows that secret secrets cannot be disclosed. If there is no explanation, he naturally cannot ask. He only needs to know what he should do.

   Nuwa listened to this, her gaze also fell on Taishang, waiting for him to explain the details.

"Since this opportunity fortune is a key point for the human race in the future, then the Daoist wants to follow this method, it needs the human body, so it is necessary for the Taoist to enter the reincarnation with his true body, and then enter the human race and become the human race. One member, then will be the key to good luck..."

"As for all the means of fellow Taoists~www.ltnovel.com~, they can be put on top of the good and evil corpses. The two corpses are united, the origins are merged, and they are maximized. By then, all means will be placed on the road of the three corpses. When they return to the human race, the two corpses return, coupled with the great merits, to help the Daoist friends to advance to the realm of Hunyuan..."

   Tai Tai looked at Fuxi, with a solemn expression, and said.

   Hearing the words, Nuwa frowned slightly. She didn't know if this matter was feasible, but it sounds like she can give it a try.

Enter the reincarnation with the true body, reincarnate into the human race, and then participate in the human emperor's good fortune in the human race. After that time, you can reach a higher world. Although the mana is not comparable to the saint, the status specification is indeed consistent. Saintly.

However, this approach is not a complete plan. Let Fuxi leave the means, the good and evil corpses and the three corpses are united, leaving their own means. Then, using the methods left by the three corpses, you can completely Help him to get to the next level.

   And then, coupled with the great power of the human race and his own good fortune, can help him to prove the realm of Hunyuan.

   With such an arrangement, Taishang has full confidence to help Fuxi prove the Tao, add another top existence to the human race, and firmly occupy the position of the protagonist.

   But this time you need to go into reincarnation. Whether you want to go or not, you still have to look at Fuxi himself. After all, the decision is Fuxi.

   But Taishang's previous question, Fuxi said that he was willing to give it a try, and the divine light in his eyes, Taishang knew that Fuxi would not refuse such an opportunity.

   After all, I haven't touched the threshold of the sermon for so many years. Now that I have the opportunity, I will try it even if I want to.





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