Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 5 Chapter 30: Fuxi is truly in reincarnation, and Zixiao Palace will open again

   Chapter 30 Fuxi is truly in reincarnation, and Zixiao Palace reopens

   In the wild, in the reincarnation of all beings.

   Before the reincarnation.

   Two divine lights flashed, Xuan even saw Tai Shang and Nu Wa standing in front of the reincarnation disc.

   Taishang looked at the reincarnation disc that was constantly rotating at this time, and the avenue appeared in his eyes, and a mysterious and unpredictable place emerged. Several mysterious and obscure handprints formed in his hand and entered the reincarnation disc.

   "Humanistic reincarnation, open!"

   The too snorted softly, and even after seeing sentient beings on the wheel of reincarnation, a small portal appeared, which was the reincarnation passage of the human race.

"go with!"

  The brilliance in Taishang's hands is flowing, a special power of the great avenue protects Fuxi's soul. This power of the great avenue is extremely special, even Nuwa, at this time, it is impossible to see the specific situation of this power of the great avenue.

   But there is nothing unusual about my brother's soul. That power of the great power is probably too great a means, and it can achieve an unexpected effect in Fuxi's reincarnation. After thinking about it, Nuwa did not speak.

   With a move of Taishang's hand, the power of this great avenue envelops Fuxi's soul, and then he enters the reincarnation of humanity.


   There was a flash of light on the reincarnation plate of sentient beings, and then it was restored as before.

   Seeing this, Taishang and Nuwa looked at each other, and then they left the land of reincarnation of sentient beings.

   At the same time, in the palace of peace.

   Houtu looked at Taishang and Nuwa who had left, a hint of doubt flashed on their pretty face.

   She naturally knew that Taishang had sent a soul into the reincarnation, but she could not know all the information of this soul, even if she first took the Ming Dao, it was still difficult to figure it out.

   But I want to be able to get Taishang and Nuwa to come here in person, this Daoshen is probably extremely extraordinary.

After all, Taishang helped her to fill the sky, and let her get some benefits. This time, she had to sell her face to Taishang, so she didn't come forward and asked Taishang to send this soul to reincarnation. .

If it were changed to other existences, how could it be possible to get to the place where the reincarnation disk of sentient beings is located, where the power of the meditation path is enveloped, coupled with the superimposition of the power of Hou Tu, even if it is an existence like Nu Wa, it can’t be so easy. .

   This incident, everyone thought about it, but it can be regarded as a default.

   After thinking about it in his heart, Houtu slowly closed his eyes and ignored the matter for the time being.


  Thus, thousands of years have passed quietly.

   For thousands of years, Taishang has not returned to the Taiqing Palace, and then walked among the human races, watching the human race's development over the years, and by the way, perfecting the human race, an important part of humanity.

   The current situation of the human race, the Taishang has not paid much attention to it, this time is to promote some progress in humanity.

Suiren has reached a critical moment for the fusion of the three fires. Taishang is not too worried. Suiren has the ability to complete the fusion. Although he has reached the critical moment, Xinhuo carries the general momentum of the human race and marks a new one. The civilization of the times.

   This kind of flame is naturally different, and there is also the potential to reach a higher level. Combining the true flame of the sun and the essence of the Nanming Lihuo will not cause much problem. As for the amount of time, it depends on Sui Ren's own methods.

   After he has completely integrated the Three Fires, the Tao of Fire Reward has been transformed and promoted, and after realizing the true meaning of this level, proving the Tao to be holy is not a problem.

   Taishang stayed in the human race. After staying for more than 10,000 years, he left the human race and continued to walk in the wilderness, seeing all the images of sentient beings, and the power of benevolence, so that his control was improved.


   More than ten thousand years later.

   In the wild, somewhere in an area.

   Tai was standing in the void, looking at the colorful talisman that stopped him, his eyes were faint, inexplicably unpredictable.

   "Will the Purple Heaven Palace open again?!"

   Tai Tai squinted his eyes slightly and vomited a word in his mouth.

When the voice of    fell, the colorful talisman had disappeared, and the ones that disappeared at the same time were Taishang.

   In a very short time, he has come to the chaotic world, and then directly towards the place of the Zixiao Palace.

   At the same time, the interpretation of teachings, the cutting of teachings, the Western teachings, the Fengqi Mountain, and the Five Saints also received the Taoist Talisman, and followed the Colorful Talisman to the Chaos World.

   The chaotic world, in the boundless area.

   Taishang moved slowly all the way, but Taishang's speed was not slow. Even the Taoist Talismans, they couldn't keep up with Taishang's speed.

The location of the Zixiao Palace can be found even if there is no Taoist Talisman. After all, Zixiao Palace cannot leave the area too far away from the primordial land. With the current cultivation strength of the Supreme Palace, the chaotic area that can be sensed is already true. The location of Zixiao Palace can be determined.

   As for the other Five Saints, they are still following the Taoist Talisman.


   One hundred years later, in front of the Zixiao Palace.

   Tai Shang slowly fell in front of the palace, looking at the Zixiao Palace with the palace gate wide open, the yin and yang flowed in his eyes, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

  After a few breaths, Taishang slowly stepped into the Zixiao Palace, and then walked on the Star Corridor, walking slowly step by step, calm as water, without the slightest wave of waves.

   After him, the Five Saints came slowly, and they walked at full speed, but after all, it was still too slow.

   Taishang sat on the futon in the main hall of the Zixiao Palace, closed his eyes and rested. After waiting for a while, the Five Sages came here.

   "Big Brother!" Yuan Shi and Tong Tian bowed to Tai Tai.

   "Brother Dao!" Nuwa slightly arched her hand towards Taishang.

   The Second Saint of the West also bowed his hands, and only then took his seat.

   Tai smiled and gestured, and then continued to close his eyes to calm his mind~www.ltnovel.com~ The Five Saints saw that Dao Zu hadn't appeared yet, and he closed his eyes and waited for the arrival of Dao Ancestor.


   didn't let you wait for too long, only heard the sound of a big road bell, even after seeing the energetic air rising on the high platform, the laws intertwined vertically and horizontally, and then slowly appeared a figure, it was Dao Zu Hongjun.

   "Taozu!" Too nodded slightly.

   "Meet the teacher!" Seeing this, the Five Saints saluted.

   "No need to be polite!"

   Daozu nodded slightly towards Taishang, then waved his hand, raised up the Five Sages and said, then closed his eyes again.

   "Thank you teacher!" The Five Saints spoke again.

Taishang looked at Dao Ancestor, and there were some fluctuations in his calm face. Since the last battle with Luo Hu, Dao Ancestor seems to have made progress in these years. Although the progress is constantly increasing, this realm, even if it is a trace, is Very rare.

   Based on the current situation of Dao Ancestor, I am too aware that Dao Ancestor is afraid that it is not far from the mid-term. Maybe when the opportunity arrives, it will be natural to enter the mid-term, and the strength will be improved a lot by then.

   Taishang thought to himself, with a look of Gujing waveless, sitting calmly on the futon, ignoring too much.

   Yuanshi looked at his eldest brother, and then at several other saints. He paused in his heart and said to Dao Ancestor, "Dare to ask the teacher, this time I will be summoned to wait, I wonder if there is any major business?"

   Hearing this, the eyes of the Four Saints all converged on Dao Ancestor, waiting for his opening.

   After a few breaths, Daozu slowly opened his eyes.





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