Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 5 Chapter 31: Taishang: This teacher is in charge of Kongtong seal

Chapter 31: Tai Shang: This teacher is in charge of Kongtong seal


   Zixiao Palace, above the main hall.


   After Yuan Shi finished speaking, Dao Zu opened his eyes, and his eyes slowly swept over the six people present.


   "This time I call you to wait, and there is indeed something to be discussed..."


   Daozu said calmly, his tone was neither sad nor happy, without any emotional temperature, but it fits the meaning of heaven.


   Dao Ancestor spoke, and the Five Saints looked at him with all his eyes, only Tai Shang still closed his eyes, and there was no change in his expression.


Daozu glanced at Taishang, and then said, "In the predicament, since the retreat of the Lich Race, the Human Race has risen, especially the Human Race Holy Land and Human Religion Mission, and the later development of the Second Religion Mission. The strength also surpasses the old Lich Clan..."


  He paused, and continued, "Under the movement of heaven and earth, the human race has the fortune of the protagonist of heaven and earth, this time, the human race will be prosperous, when the great prosper..."


   Hearing the words, Tai Shang slowly opened his eyes, and a star flashed across his crystal clear eyes. As for the Five Saints, they were all silent at this time.


   Yuanshi and Tongtian are relatively peaceful, this matter has not been explained, there should be anything else they need to discuss, let's take a look.


   Besides, from the situation of my eldest brother at this time, he should know something. Anyway, I just need to follow my elder brother's footsteps. My elder brother's route is correct.


   Nuwa, as the Virgin of the Human Race, is also the vice-master of the Human Religion. If the Human Race is a Daxing, she would still appreciate it. But now in the Zixiao Palace, there is nothing to show, let's take a look first.


   As for the two sages of the West, Zhun mentioned a few words in his heart.


   The Lich in the old days, now the Human Race, and it's still great. If I can't get up in the West, why is it getting up in the human race.


  According to this situation, if you don't get a big boost from the West, it will be difficult to fulfill your wish.


   Since birth, I have watched the rise of powers and races, and then their decline. If the West can rise, he will naturally not let it stop, and will continue to flourish.


   The two saints suppressed the Western teachings of Qi Luck, he did not believe it, and it would fall.


   As for the great prosperity of the human race, he felt that it would no longer be like the lich in the past, and it would decline after reaching the top.


   Terrans have such existences as Taishang and Nuwa, coupled with the development over the years, and the strength of the situation, not to mention the Taoist ancestors, let the Terrans take a while, and the Terrans can also take the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth.


   At that time, will the Ethereal and Nuwa methods make people repeat the same mistakes of the Lich Clan? is it possible?


   The human race is sitting in the position of the protagonist of the heaven and earth, the predominant race, is there any dissatisfaction? Who dare not accept it?


   Even under the calamity, the human race will suffer a lot, but as long as the holy land exists, the human race's strength is already strong, plus the forces behind it, it is still the position of the protagonist of the world.


   So, the situation of the human race will become more and more extraordinary from now on.


But Zhunti just thought about it in his heart. Now the human race has become a big trend, even if it is prevented, it is impossible, unless he can defeat the leader of the leader, otherwise, the human race is the protagonist of the world, and there is no longer it. By accident.


   Zhunti and the lead looked at each other, both of them saw the meaning in the eyes of the other party, but after thinking about it, they still did not speak, and continued to wait for Dao Zu to finish.


   "Although the human race has the strength and luck of the protagonist of heaven and earth at this time, the timing is not far away. However, if you want to stay firmly in the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth, it is not enough at this time, you need to push a little more..."


   Daozu glanced across the six people present, and then slowly said.


   Hearing the words, the expressions of the Five Saints were startled, Yuan Shi and Tong Tian were a little surprised. Not to mention that he was clear, it was the Mother Nuwa, who was quite surprised.


   The human race has the strength and luck of the protagonist of heaven and earth, she knows this, and now she also knows that the human race will be prosperous, but at this time the teacher said that the human race should be pushed faster and pushed the human race to that position. She was indeed a little surprised.


   But think about it, this matter is not bad for the human race. Since it is pushed to the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth, then one can not let the human race leave this position, stay firmly in the protagonist of the world, and let the human race completely rise.


   There are some changes in the expressions on the faces of the Western Two Saints. This human race is about to take the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth, is this not enough? This will help the human race to promote and stay firmly in the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth?


   The two of them gazed at the calm-looking Tai Shang and the somewhat pleased Nuwa, yeah! The human race is the protagonist of the world, and it is naturally these two who have benefited.


   After all, one of them is the leader of the human religion, and the other is the Virgin and the vice-master of the human race. This human race is firmly in the position of the protagonist of the world. They are not benefiting. Who will benefit?


   But the problem is that if you ask yourself and others to assist in the promotion, you can't give it no benefit, right?


   At this point in my heart, my eyes are faintly bright, yes, this is all for this purpose, it is good to think about it, if you can catch it by yourself, it is also very good, and it can be used to build the West.


Anyway, Human Race’s position as the protagonist of Heaven and Earth is already a certainty, and it’s a matter of time. With the addition of Taishang and Nuwa, as long as Human Race sits in this position, how could they both make Human Race again? Come down.


   So, if there are any benefits now, you can get them if you get them, and you know that enough is enough. Therefore, you still have to fight for the benefits now, and you can use them to build the West.


   "Dare to ask the teacher, how to promote this human race, also ask the teacher to show..."


   After thinking for a while, Zhunti arched his hands towards Daozu.


   Taishang glanced at him faintly. As long as this is a good thing, Zhunti will always be the first to rush up. For the construction of the West and votives, Zhunti is really ubiquitous.


   "With the current strength of the Human Race, it is not far from the protagonist of the world. But if the Human Race is to maintain the position of the Human Race, then the matter of the Human Race'Three Emperors and Five Emperors' needs to be established..."


"The three emperors and five emperors of the human race have performed the merits of educating the human race to suppress the luck of the human race. When the three emperors and the five emperors return to their throne, the human race will naturally prosper, and the luck will never decline. Therefore, this time, please come to www.ltnovel.com~ It is to establish this emperor’s teacher to guide the emperor to rule the world..."


   Dao Zu said in his mouth, looking at Taishang and the Five Sages.


   Hearing the words, quasi mention and lead the eyes brightly!


   The teacher of the emperor, a good thing! And the benefits are not small! Qiyun merits are what the West lacks. To build the West, and to vouch for God's way, these are all necessary. Therefore, the emperor's teacher, he must win it.


   Taishi looked at Daozu, but did not speak. Yuanshi and Tongtian looked calm, and Nuwa did not speak after thinking about it.


   "Teacher, the teacher of the emperor, I can occupy two of them in the West..."


   Zhunti showed a smile on his dry face and arched his hands towards Daozu.


   "Quick mention, this sect is the leader of the human religion, who is in charge of the Kongtong seal. When will it be your turn to make a decision on this matter?"





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