Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 5 Chapter 34: One, Michiya!

   Chapter 34, one, Tao!

   In the chaotic world.

   Sanqing and Nuwa separated from each other, Yuanshi and Tongtian headed directly towards the prehistoric land, but Taishang did not return directly to the prehistoric land, but came together with Nuwa towards the good fortune heaven.

   Regarding the general trend of the human race and the matter of her brother, Nuwa still has some things to ask too.

  As the Virgin of the Human Race and the Associate Leader of the Human Religion, she naturally wants to know a little bit more about the Human Race. These things are too much clearer than herself, so she naturally wants to ask him.


   Fortune Heaven, in the Palace of Our Lady.

   It took decades, Nuwa and Taishang returned to the Notre Dame Palace.

After seated, Nuwa looked at Taishang and asked, "Brother Dao, I will calculate carefully. My brother and the emperor’s position are more and more fit together. Whether it is the emperor’s fate or the emperor’s spirit, my brother will do the best. They are all in full compliance..."

   "Could it be that my brother is really the Emperor of Heaven?"

   Nuwa said, her eyebrows frowned slightly.

Hearing this, Tai Shang smiled faintly, and said, "Fuxi Taoist fellow is also somewhat related to the position of the emperor. As for the man of heaven, it is nothing more than a name. I hold the seal of Kongtong and give Fuxi Taoist friend the emperor. , Naturally there is no problem..."

   "This time the emperor's position is exactly where the plan is, and naturally it is to be foolproof..."

When Nuwa listened to this, she nodded slightly. Before sending her brother to reincarnation, the power of the great road, etc., I think it is too great means, that is, to ensure the position of the emperor, and the guarantee in the reincarnation. .

   Nuwa thought in her heart that she was completely relieved of this matter. Regardless of the day's decision, the emperor said that the emperor was his brother, and that was his brother.

   "Brother Dao, I don't know when my brother will return? When will the general trend of the human race begin?"

   Nuwa looked at Tai Shang and said.

"The return of the Fuxi Daoist Wheel is the time to start the general trend of the human race. As for the specific timing, even I can't figure it out, but judging from the secret revealed by humanity, I am afraid that it will be between ten Yuanhuis. It's not too long..."

   After listening to this, my heart pondered for a few breaths before speaking.

It is Taishang who is in charge of the Kongtong Seal and the power of humanity, but it is not so easy to truly determine the time of Fuxi's return. However, he calculated and evolved a secret in the Zixiao Palace. From the perspective of the secret, It should be between ten Yuanhui.

   Although there are some errors in it, in terms of time, it will not be too long. Ten Yuanhui, for their existence at this level, is just a time of retreat.

   And in the time of these ten Yuanhui, Taishang also hopes that the Sui people can seize the opportunity. As long as they can succeed, the three emperors and five emperors will be even more powerful. By then, the human race will be the first race, and will firmly occupy the position of the protagonist of the world.

Although the   燧 people have not yet proven the way, their aura is already fluctuating greatly, and as long as they are fully enlightened, they can be instantly sanctified.

   Regarding Suiren, Taishang is quite convinced, and it depends on whether he can grasp the time of these ten Yuanhui, and at one stroke proves that the Tao is sanctified, pushing the human race to the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth first.

   "It’s not too long between the ten yuan meeting, so, Nuwa will pay more attention to it..."

   Nuwa nodded slightly, this time is really not that long, even if there is an error, it is at most several Yuanhui's time, for her existence, it is just a moment.

When it is near, you can pay more attention to it. It is very extraordinary to want to come to the emperor to come to the world. Even if you don’t pay attention to it, you will know the day the emperor comes to the world. This is not necessary. Worried.

After thinking about it in her heart, Nuwa looked too solemnly and asked, "Brother Dao, the current strength of the human race, plus Suiren, is the strength of the protagonist of heaven and earth, and it is also one of the protagonists who can sit in this world. Position. But it holds this position, why is it a human race? There were so many powerful races in the past?"

   "The ancient tribes? The second clan of the Lich? Why are they just the protagonist for a while? They can't last for a long time. Why is the human race? Is it true that the human race has unlimited potential? Or are there other reasons?"

This is the only question in Nuwa’s mind. She is also in the Zixiao Palace. After Taozu said that the human race has the fortune of the protagonist of heaven and earth, and she still has this position, she thought about it for a long time. It is difficult to figure out this problem.

   Taishang is the leader of the human religion, who is in charge of humanity and the seal of Kongtong. Maybe he will know something.

   Terran is the protagonist of heaven and earth. As far as the current strength is concerned, it will not be too long, but if it is above this position, why is it? It's not that she doesn't want the Human Race to stay in this position, but that the Lich was so strong before, and the existence of Dijun Houtu was in decline.

   Nuwa is worried, is there anything she can't see clearly in this, although she and Taishang can make a move, but Human Race to this point, they no longer need to pay attention to it all the time.

  Human race, in the end, it has to rely on itself!

   Therefore, Nuwa still feels that it is good to know all these things in advance, and there is no need to worry about it then.

   Hearing this, the Taishang said with a smile ~www.ltnovel.com~ From the level of Taoist Master Dao control, he clearly knows the principle of "Dao begets one, one life is two, two begets three, and three is all things". Until Pangu Father God opened up the primordial land, hundreds of thousands of yuan will evolve the primordial creatures over time, allowing the primordial land to be alive..."

   "At this time, the prehistoric has not yet begun to evolve to completion. The fierce beast is one part of it. At this time, the chaos of the Chaos Demon God is also completed in this robbery. After this robbery falls, the evolution is only considered complete..."

  He paused, and continued, "Since it is the principle of'Dao begets one, one life is two, two begets three, three begets all things,' then such great principles are reversed, then it is'dao'..."

"Three into two, two into one, one, Dao! The ancient three clans have ended in the calamity, although the strength of the Lich II clan is strong, there are such existences as Emperor Jun and Hou Tu, but they are still in the calamity. It's over..."

"Three tribes belong to two tribes, and two tribes belong to one tribe. One is the'Tao'. In this way, the human race has this qualification, and this general trend is to increase the overall strength of the human race and enable this qualification. The strength is fully expanded and realized..."

   "Therefore, the human race has the fortune of the protagonist of heaven and earth, and the strength to hold the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth are all possessed. There is no other reason, so at this point, there is really no harm..."

Taishang smiled and said, his eyes turned to the prehistoric human holy land, and he whispered, "As long as the Suiren can successfully prove the truth this time, the human race will be added to the three emperors and five emperors in the future, even if there is no such reason, he can still live here. Above the position..."

  燧人's current situation has reached a critical juncture, and all the results are up to him.





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