Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 5 Chapter 35: To the Holy Land, 100,000 years

   Chapter 35 To the Holy Land, One Hundred Thousand Years

   Fortune Heaven, in the Palace of Our Lady.

Nuwa nodded solemnly after hearing Taishang’s words. In this case, Human Race is in the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth, it is not for other reasons, and the fortune of the protagonist of heaven and earth is just the meaning of the great avenue. .

   One, this is the true meaning of the Great Dao, so now, the fortune of the protagonist of heaven and earth is the human race.

   In this case, she is also relieved, she doesn't have to worry about the situation of the protagonist of the Terran World, as long as she pays attention to her brother's affairs and the general situation of the Terran family in the future.

   As for the others, Human Race can be solved now, so she doesn't need to worry about it.

   "The matter of the protagonist of the Terran world and this general trend has already gone forward, and it is already impossible to stop it. The next thing depends on the development of the Terran on its own..."

   Tai Tai looked at her and said with a smile.

   Nuwa nodded listening to this.

   "If this is the case, then I won't stay here anymore. There are still things to explain in the human race..." Tai Shang stood up and said.

   "Brother Dao go slowly!" Nuwa stood up and said.

   Too nodded, and then left the Notre Dame Palace, moving towards the prehistoric land.

   Nuwa looked at Tai Shang and left, she returned to practice again. Since there was no other reason for the protagonist of the human world, she didn't worry about anything anymore, and began to practice again.

   During this time, Hong Huang will be relatively calm, and after a few Yuanhui, she will go out to pay attention to her brother's situation.

   In the Palace of Notre Dame, the sound of the avenue lingers for a while, and the strong atmosphere of the avenue is permeated. All things are transformed into vitality, and the meaning of good fortune affects the past and the future, making endless living beings benefit.


   The wilderness, the coast of the East China Sea, the holy land of the human race.

   Taishang returned to the prehistoric land, and came directly toward the human holy land. The spirit treasures Yuanshi and Tongtian exchanged, and their own experience in refining and formation, also had to be arranged by the human race on their own.

Although he has a celestial pot, it is impossible to refine such innate spiritual treasures. Returning to the nurtured in the innate is to compromise his own luck and merit, so such things are too superfluous and he does not often do it. After all, the spirit in his hand There are many treasures, no need to do these.

   Although the human race has also given it, the human race has developed too fast. In the holy land, there are still many human disciples who do not have spirit treasures. The few spirit treasures at this time can enhance the human race's overall strength.

   "The disciples have Chao family, Zi Yi family, pay homage to the leader!"

   There are Chaos and Ziyis after seeing that the incoming person is Taishang, they immediately salute.

   Tai Tai waved his hand to support the second ancestor, and then briefly explained the affairs of the Zixiao Palace to them, so that they had a good understanding. Then, with a wave of his hand, he handed the four spirit treasures and some experience of refining and formation to the second ancestor.

   Soon, Taishang looked at them and said, "You have arranged these things by yourself..."

Having said that, the Supreme Supreme took out two pieces of Lingbao obtained from Fenbaoya to the second ancestor, and after explaining some of the next human race routes, he left the human holy land, and the next time, the human race’s own development Up.

   As for Suiren's situation, Taishang also knows, and this last step is done by himself.

After    Taishang returned to the Taiqing Palace, he also returned to the practice of ‘Tao’ and accumulated himself continuously.


   When time flies, more than ten thousand years have passed.

   Heavenly Court, in the Qinghua Palace.

  Emperor Qingming of the East Extreme Qinghua, in these years, has improved a lot of strength in Qinghua Palace, in addition to the human disciples, he has also absorbed some prehistoric casual cultivators to join.

   has the benefits of heaven, plus the leader's golden core, he believes that the attractiveness of his Qinghua Palace is not inferior to that of the Central Jade Emperor.

   Therefore, as far as the Heavenly Court is concerned, apart from the Central Jade Emperor, the Qinghua Palace is the strongest, and its future development is also quite impressive.

   I believe that even if compared with the central line, Qing Ming is confident, after all, behind him, the entire human race.

   "Emperor, this is news from our ancestors..."

   A disciple released a golden light in his hand, and then the golden light was suspended in front of Qing Ming, the disciple said.

   Seeing this, Qing Ming raised his brows, and after receiving Jin Guang, he said to the disciple, "Go down, and arrange for the practice of Qinghua Palace by the way..."


   Qing Ming has already explained these things, he just went down to explain it, so after a response, he turned and left.

   Qingming watched the casual cultivator who had absorbed into the Qinghua Palace leave, and then opened the golden light in his hand.


   As soon as he put his hand, Jin Guang suddenly submerged in his eyebrows.

   Qingming closed his eyes tightly and began to understand the message contained in the golden light.

   After a long time, Qing Ming slowly opened his eyes, a look of shock appeared on his face, and after a few breaths, he slowly calmed down.

   "The emperor's teacher has a lot of advantages, but it can help me assault the quasi-sage mid-stage. It just wants me to teach the emperor, this..."

   Qingming said in her mouth, her brows wrinkled slightly, she was a little bit embarrassed.

   This emperor, if other beings reincarnated and arrived, he would not have any scruples. After all, as the first disciple of the human holy land and the early cultivation base of the quasi-sage, he is naturally qualified to teach the emperor.

   But the problem now is that the true identity of the emperor ~www.ltnovel.com~ is the reincarnation of Fuxi, the older brother of the Virgin and Nuwa.

   Fuxi is one of the great supernatural powers in the prehistoric age. He has a very high generation and is the brother of the Virgin. With such an identity, even if he is reincarnated, Qing Ming still feels that it is not appropriate to let himself teach the elder brother of the Virgin.

   Even though Fuxi at that time was already a member of the human race, and an ordinary human race, but Fuxi's true identity, after all, was there, Qing Ming still had some concerns in his heart.

   "Since it was set by the leader, the Virgin and the ancestors have no objection, then this matter was done as arranged by the leader..."

   Qingming thought about it in his heart, and said, since this matter is set in this way, he can only do what the leader confessed. Since both the mother and the ancestor have no objection, then the matter is set in this way.

   Just like at the beginning, the leader has set himself as the Great Emperor Qinghua of the East. Since the leader has set it, there are naturally arrangements. Just do it yourself. Anyway, there are many benefits to this matter.

   After making such a decision, Qing Ming immediately got up, and then went straight down to the heavenly court, towards the holy land of the human race.


   Time passed quietly, and in a flash, it was another hundred thousand years.

   In the past 100,000 years, outside of the Heavenly Court, the human race has developed the fastest. As for the other power races, they are considered relatively low-key.

   is like the second family of Lich, although the development is restored, but it is relatively low-key.

  For now, in the prehistoric times, the development of the human race is faintly aspiring to become the first race.

   It depends on the impact of the human race in this final stage.




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