Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 5 Chapter 44: The day of reincarnation is approaching

Chapter 44 The Day of Reincarnation Is Near

In an instant, tens of thousands of years passed quietly.

Taiqing Palace, in the Promise Hall.

Taishang has completely consolidated and absorbed his new insight into this preaching, and Nuwa and Sui will not be too long.

As for Xuandu, he had already left the Taiqing Palace to go to experience in the prehistoric and consolidate his realm by the way. When he returned, the task of the Human Emperor was almost his turn.

Taishang’s gaze swept across the precipice. He has already understood the changes in the past hundreds of thousands of years. It’s a good thing for humanity. It’s a good thing for humanity. Too much control of humanity is for the "Tao". The comprehension will become more and more profound.

"Counting the timing, it's almost time..."

Taishang retracted his gaze, the yin and yang appeared in his hands, manifesting the secrets of heaven, and continued to calculate. After a long time, Taishang secretly said in his heart.

The timing previously predicted was about ten Yuanhui. Now that more than ten Yuanhui has passed, the timing is indeed almost the same. Calculating the current secrets, it is indeed a lot clearer, indicating that the general trend of the human race is coming.

He is too in charge of humanity, and he is also the leader of the human education. At this time, the secret of the calculation and what he knows are indeed not comparable to those of them.

However, Tai Shang has not paid much attention now. He was just thinking that Fu Xi should be able to reach the point of proving the Dao. If it is still a few minutes away in the end, then he needs to do more.

However, looking at the methods and secrets left by Fuxi before, there is no problem in thinking about it. After all, the power of this great influence is extraordinary, and coupled with the huge merit of the emperor, there is no major problem.

"As long as Fuxi can prove Dao Hunyuan, and Sui Ren will be in the human race in the future, and all the problems of the human race will not need to be paid too much attention. The position of the protagonist of heaven and earth will be completely stabilized because of them..."

Taishang's eyes are like a clear sky, with a clear mind, looking at the holy land of the human race, and secretly thinking in his heart.

In fact, his plan to let the clan take the lead in heaven and earth, is not the whole trend of the "three emperors and five emperors".

This general trend is certainly strong, but to truly stay firmly in the position of the protagonist of the world, it is far from enough to rely on the Three Emperors and Five Emperors alone. Only the real top presence can stabilize the luck and resist everything.

Even under the calamity, many people of their own race can be protected.

Therefore, after the Sui people became holy, plus the three emperors and five emperors, it was considered achievable.

But Taishang felt that it was not enough. As long as Fuxi reconfirmed the Dao and sits in the human race, then the human race's leading role in the world can be considered to be truly stable.

There are two top existing human races, and the luck of the human race is of course needless to say. Under the suppression of the luck, even a saint can hardly do anything, as for the others, it is even more impossible.

And with the existence of two tops, even if there are two saints or two Hunyuan, the human race itself can resist.

Only by taking over these completely can the human race be considered to be firmly in this position. As for the Human Race, as long as Fuxi proves the Tao, then all this is considered complete, and with the other human emperors, there is no need to worry about everything.

After thinking about it in Taishang's heart, he slowly retracted his gaze, waiting for Suiren and Nuwa to wake up, and Fuxi's final reincarnation.


In this way, time flies, and more than ten thousand years have passed.

The reincarnation of sentient beings, the underworld.

Pingxin Temple.

At a certain moment, Houtu slowly opened his eyes, the brilliance flowing in the beautiful eyes, looking at the disc of reincarnation, his eyebrows were slightly furrowed.

"Human Race, soon, I am afraid that something will happen..."

Although the matter of the three emperors and five emperors has gradually become clear, Fuxi has not yet come to the world and has not really started. There are some specific things, even if it is Houtu, at this time, it is impossible to calculate clearly.

However, Hou Tu is the lord of reincarnation after all. Fuxi reincarnated in humanity and reincarnation. The power of the human race and the power of humanity he embraced is indeed extremely huge. In addition, he is the emperor of humanity. Such a person exists in reincarnation. Reincarnated, it is impossible for Hou Tu to not pay attention.

Fuxi reincarnates in the humanity, and the soul has so many special circumstances, Houtu guesses in his heart that these will happen in the human race.

If it's a bad thing, she believes that Taishang's cultivation strength has already stopped it. Therefore, what will happen to the human race next will definitely be beneficial to the human race.

But to be specific, she still can't count it.

"call out!"

At this moment, in the reincarnation disk of sentient beings, a primordial spirit glowing with golden light in addition to humanity, and then into the humanity.

Hou Tu was already paying attention to all of this at this time. With her identity and eyesight as the Lord of Reincarnation, she could not see the situation of this soul, which really shocked her.

"Presumably, this primordial spirit is the primordial spirit sent by brother Dao and sister Nuwa to reincarnation in person? I don't know which one exists, and there is such an opportunity. I am afraid that this will cause a lot of waves. ..."

After Hou Tu watched that Dao Yuan Shen entered into the humane, he secretly said in his heart.

"Hong Huang is afraid that the situation will change in the future, and the Wu Clan has to hurry up..."

After Houtu thought about it for a few breaths, there was a brilliant light in his beautiful eyes, and then he slowly got up and came directly toward the Wu Clan's millions of mountains.


Taiqing Palace, in the Promise Hall.


Tai's eyebrows moved slightly, and the mark of Taiqing was bursting with bright blue light, and a mysterious and humane aura suddenly swept away, awakening the Suiren and Nuwa who had just consolidated their absorption.

The two opened their eyes and saw a smile on Taishang's calm face, but they didn't know why he was laughing.

"Brother Dao, I don't know what's the happy event?"

Nuwa Shengyan smiled, looking at Taishang and asked.

"Fellow Daoist, Daoist Fuxi has entered the last reincarnation. After he has gone through this experience, he will return to his position..."

Taishang looked at Nuwa and Suiren, smiling.

"That's great..."

Nu Wa smiled, with a joyful expression on her face. After waiting for more than ten Yuanhui, now she is finally coming back.

"After the emperor comes to the world, the general trend of the human race will begin..."

Sui Ren smiled when he heard the words.

This general trend is of great help to the human race, and the problems that the human race is now emerging need to be solved by the human emperor.

Even if the Holy Land fully intervenes ~www.ltnovel.com~, it will take a lot of effort. It is better for the emperor to solve it easily, and it can improve the strength and luck of the human race. Why not do this?

"Suiren, the time when the emperor came to the world will not be too far away. After you return to the Holy Land, you must pay close attention to it, and then you can let Qing Ming leave..."

Taishang looked at Suiren and slowly said.

"The disciple understands!"

Suiren nodded and said, and after bowing to Taishang and Nuwa, he got up and returned to the Holy Land.

"So, wait for the return of my brother..." Nuwa said.

Tai Shang nodded slightly and looked at the wild land.




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