Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 5 Chapter 45: Fengyan Huaxu

Chapter 45—Feng Yan Huaxu

Wu Clan, among millions of mountains.

"According to my little sister, something big will happen soon to the human race, and for the human race, it is still quite advantageous..."

Jumang's expression was thoughtful, and he said softly.

After Houtu came this time, in addition to using his accumulated merits to help resolve causal karma, there was also news. Although these news did not have much impact on the Wu people, such things were not small. of.

After all, the human race is now the protagonist of heaven and earth, if anything happens, the human race is afraid that it will become more and more terrifying.

It is considered light to be the protagonist of the world, and the race will be respected by the human race for a long time.

Ten thousand races are vying for current, but the long river of time and space is rolling by, how many races can eventually exist?

The big waves are scouring the sand, whether it is the Dragon and the Han's Great Tribulation, the Lich's Tribulation, are there few innate races that have fallen?

The former great and wild races have been destroyed seven or eighty-eight. Now the new great and wild races, I am afraid that under the rush of time and space, I am afraid that there will not be many innate races in the end.

And this kind of thing, on the other hand, Human Race, as long as it is firmly in the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth, then this kind of thing will not happen, and the long river of time and space rushes like this, as long as the luck does not disperse, the core is not destroyed, Human Race will always exist.

The Human Race now has Suiren, and the overall strength of the Human Race has surpassed the former Lich Race. Such strength is above the protagonist of heaven and earth, and it is not easy to fall down.

As Houtu said, as long as the human race ended this matter, Jumang believed that the human race would be the protagonist of the world.

"The beginning of the general trend of this human race is not easy. I haven't seen the soul of the reincarnation thoroughly..."

Houtu frowned and said in a condensed voice.

Hearing this, Ju Mang and Dijiang and other ancestor witches nodded. From now on, the middle of the Hunyuan period will not be able to see through, then the special nature of this soul can be imagined.

Moreover, the primordial spirit that can allow Taishang Dao Zun and Nu Wa saints to operate in person is naturally an extraordinary existence.

If they hadn't sensed that Fuxi on Fengxi Mountain was still there, they would even think that Fuxi, Nuwa's brother, had gone to reincarnation.

After thinking about it in his heart, Di Jiang looked at the ancestors and witches and said, “I don’t need to pay too much attention to this matter for the time being. The human race is improving. Naturally, our witch race cannot be left behind. Ten thousand years, but now it’s only a few million years..."

"During this period, we still need to solve the karma first. As for the strength of the respective tribes, they are slowly recovering. After waiting for the recovery of the karma, it will reappear and then slowly try to figure it out..."

Listening to this, a group of ancestors nodded, "It means to respect the big brother!"

After the ancestors and witches dispersed, Houtu did not immediately return to the reincarnation of sentient beings. Instead, he temporarily stayed among the millions of mountains. He was also trying to restore the vitality of the witch tribe and the vitality of the Houtu tribe.

As for the underworld, if you sit in the capital with peace of mind, you don't need to worry about anything.

With the strength of Pingxin, in the underworld, relying on the power of reincarnation and the power of the underworld, even the existence of a saint or a Hunyuan can not beat Pingxin in a short time, and this time is enough to return to all living beings. Reincarnation.

Therefore, Hou Tu is not worried about the underworld, and now he should first assist the Wu Clan.

Let the witches first resolve the cause and effect of karma, and reappear the ancient times. As for the others, they will gradually develop and improve in the future.


So, it is thousands of years later.

The reincarnation of sentient beings.

A primordial spirit entrapped a boundless general trend and the aura of human emperor and a trace of merit, and then submerged into the humanity again to reincarnate.

At this moment, Taishang already knew, waiting for Fuxi's return.

Not only him, but Hou Tu also knew about it now, but she couldn't intervene in this matter, so she ignored too much and continued to assist the Wu Clan.

And the good corpse of Fuxi in Fengxi Mountain looked at the direction of the reincarnation of sentient beings with a smile on his face.

As Fuxi's benevolent corpse, there is still a feeling for the deity.

He carried all the means of Fuxi and the way of heavenly secrets on his body. Now he naturally knows that his deity has already completed reincarnation, and in this life he is returning to the throne of the emperor.

At that time, he can go out of the mountain, and the two will become one, proving that the Dao and Da Luo Jinxian will be mixed.


With the development of these more than ten Yuanhui, coupled with the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth, countless great fortunes continue to gather in the human race, the fortune is long and deep, and the expansion and development of the human race is not slow.

Although the ten-odd yuan will come, there are some development problems in the human race, which affects the shrinking of some numbers and luck, but for the human race now, it is nothing at all.

Since the human race became the protagonist of the world, the missionary power of the human holy land among the human race is much more refined than before, and the strength of many human tribes has been improved a lot.

After preaching, many human tribes have come to the fore and have gradually grown. Although the human tribes are scattered, the strength and scale of many human tribes are indeed not small.

Coupled with the hundreds of thousands of years after the human race became the protagonist of heaven and earth, after the holy land of the human race was preached, the strength and scale of the big tribes became more and more powerful, even the leader of the human tribe in the area, the strength It's not too low.

The Fengyan tribe is one of the tribes that are not small in size, and it is also quite famous in the area where it is located.

The Fengyan tribe is located on the banks of Yushui River. With the strength of the Fengyan tribe, even if it is placed in the entire human tribe, it is considered the top tribe. The development over the years is indeed good.


To the west of the Fengyan tribe, there is a Lei Ze, in Lei Ze there is the Thunder God, the dragon head of the human body, bulging its belly, like running thunder.

According to the ancient rumors, the **** of thunder is a **** who lives in the sky, who controls the thunder and punishes all evil people in the world.

Therefore, this Lei Ze is a sacred forbidden area of ​​the tribe, no one can enter Lei Ze without permission, otherwise they will be expelled from the tribe.

Among the Fengyan tribe, Hua Xu, who grew up listening to the story of Thor, is yearning for Lei Ze.

Huaxu was born on the edge of Huaxu Mountain, so it is called Huaxu clan.

Huaxu's appearance is beautiful, and he looks like a lady, and his heart is also kind, and he is very well received among Fengyan tribes.

Although Hua Xu had a lot of yearning for Lei Ze and wanted to see it with his own eyes, he also knew the tribal rules and did not dare to touch it easily, so he could only bury it deeply in his heart.

Hua Xu, who yearned for Lei Ze and planned to take a look, saw a shining electric light piercing the sky and falling towards Lei Ze, only to disappear after a while.

Seeing the light, Hua Xu suddenly remembered the legend of Thor that had been circulating in the tribe, and couldn't help but shine.

Hua Xu wanted to go to Lei Ze to take a look, but he was afraid that he would be expelled from the tribe when he was known.

But together with curiosity, it is always difficult to suppress, so Hua Xu quietly walked in the direction of Lei Ze.

With Hua Xu's footsteps, half a day later, he finally reached Lei Ze's side. Looking at Lei Ze who was close at hand, Hua Xu inevitably hesitated.

If you stop here, there may still be a place to stay, but if you enter, there is no place to stay. If the people in the tribe know about it, you will definitely be expelled from the tribe.

Looking at Lei Ze in front of him~www.ltnovel.com~Hua Xu's eyes flickered, and he whispered softly, "Since I have come here, if I don’t go in and see it, I’m not reconciled. Besides, it’s all here. Punishment is enough, in that case..."

After that, he no longer hesitated and stepped into Lei Ze.


In Lei Ze.

In Lei Ze, Hua Xu did not see Thor, and there were tall reeds everywhere in Lei Ze.

Fearing that he would get lost, Hua Xu laid down all the reeds where he had walked, in order to recognize the way when he came, so that he would not get lost here.

Hua Xu walked in Lei Ze for several hours, and finally saw a large area of ​​reeds that hadn't come all the way in front of him. He was curious and walked over quickly.



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