Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 5 Chapter 47: Qilin, the surprise of heaven

Chapter 47 The Qilin, the Surprise of the Heavenly Court

Regarding the situation of the Huaxu clan at this time, Taishang and Nüwa also knew about it. Although Nüwa was a little worried, she saw that Taishang did not show anything. In addition, there were also Sui people living behind the human race, leading everything. Feel a little relieved.

I believe that these things will be arranged by Suir.

If it doesn't work, she will have to do it herself and arrange means to take care of the Huaxu family.

In any case, the Huaxu family's belly is always his brother Fuxi.

"Friends of Daoists don't worry, Sui Ren will arrange everything, don't have to interfere too much in this matter..."

Taishang knows that she cares about her brother, but she doesn't have to worry too much at this time. Since it is the general trend of the human race, the ancestor of Suiren will naturally not let accidents happen, and will arrange everything.

Nuwa nodded when she heard the words, and did not speak again, her eyes fell on Fengyan tribe again.


Outside the Holy Land of Human Race.

Sui Ren stared at a certain place and spoke lightly, "Where is the unicorn?"

When the voice fell, there was a black light coming from the west, not long before it came to Suiren not far away, and turned into a thousand-meter-sized ink unicorn.

"Mo Xuan of the Qilin clan, meet the saint of the human race!"

Mo Xuan uttered human words and bowed to Suiren.

Since the retreat of the unicorn family, most of the unicorns have ceased to appear, and the rest have been present in the prehistoric life in the form of auspicious beasts.

With Sui Ren’s cultivation status, it is still easy to gather an auspicious beast unicorn here at this time, because he knows that there will be unicorns not far away, and it is suitable to give Huaxu this time. The task of delivering food.

After all, it is Rui Beast, if there is such a meaning, the patriarch and elders of the Yifengyan tribe will understand it when they want to, then this matter is solved in this way, and there is no need to intervene too much.

"Mo Xuan, my ancestor has something for you to do..." Sui Ren looked at Mo Qilin and said lightly.

"But the saint has orders, Mo Xuan will definitely complete it with all his strength!" Hearing this, Mo Xuan immediately spoke.

"On the banks of the human race Yushui, the Huaxu family is pregnant with the son of God, but life is difficult. You should go to help each other and wait for success. Your benefits are indispensable..."

Sui Ren looked at Mo Xuan and spoke lightly, which also promised some benefits.

Hearing this, a hint of joy flashed in Mo Xuan's huge eyes. This one, the human ancestor of the human race, is also the sixth saint in the world. Will the benefits he promised be worse? Of course it won't.

Even if there is no benefit, you have to do it yourself, not to mention that there are benefits at this time, it will naturally not neglect.

Isn't it just solving Huaxu's life problems? For myself, it's very simple.

"Ren Ancestor, please rest assured, Mo Xuan will definitely complete the task smoothly..." Mo Xuan said.

After Sui Ren nodded, he waved to Mo Xuan, "So, you go!"

After Mo Xuan bowed towards Suiren and Nuwa, he rode the clouds and headed towards the shore of the human race's Yushui.

After taking a look, Sui Ren turned around and entered the Holy Land of Human Race.

In this way, there is no problem at this time.


Terran, the outskirts of Fengyan tribe.

Hua Xu is here alone, because she is pregnant with a human emperor, and she is not conceived in October like ordinary human races. So at this time, some things, such as finding food, are difficult, but at this time it is difficult. Also do it.

As time passed, these things became more and more difficult, but she had no choice but to do it.

On that day, as soon as Hua Xu got out of the thatched hut, he saw a unicorn of five virtues stepping on the cloud above the cloud, and then fell into the place.

With Huaxu's cognition, he naturally didn't recognize the beast of Qilin, and hurriedly hid in the hut.

"Madam, don't be surprised, I am Human Race Adult Zusui Ren Renzu sent to bring you food..."

Qilin uttered words, and his voice echoed all around. After he said, he put down the bamboo basket on his back.

After a few breaths, Mo Xuan continued to speak, "Madam, don’t worry, Sui Renren’s ancestor told me to tell Madam that what you have in your womb is a human sage, and you can relax and raise your baby. I will send it every day. food……"

Hearing this, Hua Xu felt relieved, and touched his stomach with his hands, and his face no longer had the melancholy of the past.

Human race sage, this is extraordinary. She thought that she was carrying a monster, but she didn't expect it to be a Human race sage.

If it were other people, Huaxu would naturally not believe it, but what Qilin said was the ancestor. Who is Sui Ren? That is the human ancestor of the human race, the entire human race is respected as the human ancestor, and it is also the adult ancestor of the three human ancestors, the saint of the human race.

Hua Xu naturally believed what Renzu said, and what he was conceived must be a human sage.

Thinking about this in his heart, Hua Xu was relieved, and went out to retrieve the bamboo basket, thanking Mo Xuan for his great gratitude, and devoutly offering to the saint every day.


Since Mo Xuan said that he would come to feed Huaxu last time, he has never broken his promise. Every morning, he will carry a basket of fruits that are good for mortals to give Huaxu food.

Day after day, never stopped.

Since it was ordered by Suiren Ren's ancestor, doing this well can get Suiren's benefits, so it is naturally doing its best.

Moreover, this matter is not difficult for it, but for some mortal fruits and other things, it is very easy for it.

And as the days passed, Hua Xu's belly also grew a little bigger as the time changed.

However, compared with ordinary human pregnant women, the rate of increase in Hua Xu’s belly is much slower. The average human is only going to be born in October, but after ten months, Hua Xu’s belly is bigger than before. Some nothing more.

After all, he is the emperor of human beings, so he is naturally different.

Want to wait for the world to come, but it will take some time.


Since Qilin Moxuan has been feeding Huaxu's family, although Huaxu's belly has been rising very slowly, at this time, the gathering of human luck and prehistoric luck is not slow at all.

Even Qing Ming on the banks of the Yushui River can’t help but admire that the Emperor is really different. Although it has only been conceived, but under such a huge gathering of luck ~www.ltnovel.com~ it is enough to see Being born will be so extraordinary.

In the heavenly court at this time, Haotian looked at the situation in the Haotian mirror with a little shocked expression.

"Haotian, but what happened?"

Yaochi looked at Haotian beside him and asked.

"Although the human race is the protagonist of heaven and earth this time, it has occupied a lot of great luck, but this time such a huge human luck and great luck will flow together, it is obviously not that simple..."

"Human Race this time, I'm afraid something big will happen..."

Haotian narrowed his eyes and said in a condensed voice.

Hearing this, Yao Chi was also a little shocked, and if it looked like this, the Human Race was afraid that it would make waves again.



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