Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 5 Chapter 48: Dusit Palace, the Supreme Master

Chapter 48 The Palace of Dousing, the Supreme Lord

Heavenly Court, in the High Heaven Hall.

"At this time, the secret of heaven is not completely clear. Although it is predicted that the human race will be imminent, it is a picture of chaos, and it is impossible to snoop it."

Yaochi frowned and said slowly, she did some calculations, but she knew very little.

But judging from the situation at this time, this time the general trend of the human race, I am afraid it is not so simple. She believes that at this time those few people are all paying attention to the situation of the human race.

And what can attract their attention is obviously not an ordinary thing.

"The human race has reached the position of the protagonist of the world, if this big trend comes, if it is promoted like this, I am afraid it will be..."

Haotian frowned and said condensedly, a strange color flashed in his eyes.

He hadn't finished speaking, but Yaochi understood what Haotian meant.

This time the Terran general trend is not trivial. As long as this matter ends, they can imagine that the luck, strength, etc. of the Terran will be improved a lot by then. By then, the position of the protagonist of Terran Heaven and Earth will be considered stable.

At that time, the human race position will no longer be shaken by the innate race. In the prehistoric state, it will continue to absorb more prehistoric luck. If Heaven wants to gather more prehistoric luck, it will increase a lot of difficulty.

Moreover, the Heavenly Court's future control in the predicament must keep a distance from the human race, after all, the human race is no longer the human race of the past.

If you think about it this way, Heavenly Court's current status will drop a little more before Human Race is firmly positioned as the protagonist of Heaven and Earth.

"This time the general trend of the human race has taken place, and the protagonist of the human race in the world can no longer be changed. The three royals in the heavenly court continue to rise, and the central line needs to work harder..."

Yaochi Liu frowned slightly, and said slowly.

"The situation in the Heavenly Court is indeed complicated. The three veins are protruding, and it is possible to surpass the Central Channel, especially the Qinghua Channel. Heavenly Court should not intervene in matters in the prehistoric times..."

"In this general trend of the human race, there may be a lot of benefits in it. If it is possible, it can be planned..."

Haotian said in his mouth, his eyes squinted slightly, and the light flashes in them, and he didn't know what was brewing.

Yaochi looked at him and didn't speak. It was not that simple to plan Human Race, but if it was possible, it would be feasible. Under such a general trend, the benefits would definitely be indispensable.

After thinking about it in Haotian's heart, with a movement of his hand, a golden light flashed, even when he saw Taibai Jinxing coming from outside the hall.

"Chen Tai Bai Jin Xing, see Emperor Tian, ​​Queen of Heaven. Emperor Heaven, Queen of Heaven, enjoy the blessings and eternal life, and the longevity is the same as Heaven!"

Taibai Jinxing saluted towards Haotian and Yaochi and bowed.

"Taibai Jinxing, during this period you should pay more attention to the situation of the human race. If there is any special situation, report it immediately!"

Haotian looked at Taibai Venus and ordered. Now Heaven's luck is improving, and he also wants to use this to continuously hit the realm. Recently, Dadao has some feelings, and he intends to continue to retreat.

"The minister understands!" Taibai Jinxing nodded.

Haotian nodded him, waved his hand, and motioned him to retreat.

Seeing this, Taibai Jinxing stopped talking.

"But what else is there?" Haotian frowned.

"Heavenly Court, in the past tens of thousands of years, the strength of the East Great Emperor's line has improved really fast. The ministers found out and found out that there is a new palace in the southwest of Qinghua Palace, named Dousizong!"

Taibaijinxing, after thinking for a while, said.

"Doo Rate Palace?!"

Upon hearing this, Haotian and Yaochi frowned.

With a wave of Haotian's hand, he sacrificed the Haotian Mirror, searched the heavenly palace, and immediately fell to the place of the Douli Palace.

Just taking a look, Haotian and Yaochi knew how extraordinary this place was. They hadn't waited for them to react. The picture in Haotian Mirror was blurred, and the rules and rules had been reversed, and they could no longer spy.

The two looked at each other and their expressions were very solemn.

The Haotian Mirror is still the best innate spirit treasure, not to mention its attack and defense, but its characteristics are all over the three realms, and its rules and laws can be reversed in an instant, and all of these can be concealed. It is enough to see its extraordinary. Up.

"But the means of the Taoist Master?" Yaochi asked condensedly.

"It shouldn't be him who did it personally, but it has something to do with it. After all, Emperor Qinghua is a disciple who teaches him. If Dao Zun is to help, it is possible, but in this way, the Dongji line, I am afraid that it will be more powerful... …"

Haotian squinted his eyes slightly, and said in a deep voice. This place was within the range of the East Pole line. If it is said that the rise of the East Pole in these years has nothing to do with Dousizong, then Haotian absolutely does not believe it.

But it is also quite terrifying existence that can reverse the rules and laws of the Haotian Mirror in an instant, so that he cannot snoop.

"call out!"

At this moment, only a ray of light flashed, and then slowly manifested in the hall, and then a figure was revealed.

The gray yin and yang Taoist robe, with a pale face, holding a Taiyi whisk, looking at Haotian and Yaochi with a smile on his face.

Seeing this suddenly appearing figure, Haotian and Yaochi stood up from their positions with shocked expressions.

"Dao Zun?!"

Haotian said with some doubts, even though the face of this person is eighth similar to Dao Venerable, even if it is not Dao Venerable, it is his handwriting. With his methods, it is easy to cut the corpse, clone, and so on.

Yaochi's expression is also quite shocked, does Dao Zun want to intervene in the heavenly affairs?

"Lao Dao, Lao Jun, I have seen two Taoist friends..."

Taishang Laojun smiled and said to Haotian and Yaochi, his body was ethereal, and a trace of Dan Dao aura radiated.

When Haotian and Yaochi heard this, their brows suddenly frowned. It sounds like this is no doubt Dao Zun's handwriting. If you can add the word Tai, who can do it except Taishang himself?

Since Taishang went to the Dao, whoever used these two Daozi words will be backlashed by the Dao, and only Taishang himself can.

Therefore, this Taishang Laojun is undoubtedly Dao Zun's handwriting.

It's just that they don't understand, is Dao Zun intending to intervene in the heavenly court? Dao ancestor appointed him and two of them to manage the heavenly court. Wouldn't it be clear that he would be against Dao ancestor? But this is indeed an intervention.

What puzzled them the most was that Dao Ancestor didn't stop this incident. Is this a tacit understanding?

"I don't know how important is this?" Haotian asked.

"Douli Palace is indeed the land of the old way. In the future, the old way will belong to the line of the East. Since this time the daoist wants to know, the old way will tell the daoist..."

Taishang Laojun said that although he has not yet reached Hunyuan's strength, he can still cover everything about the Haotian Mirror.

"Since it is the place of Dao Sovereign, Haotian will definitely not dare to look at it anymore. As for this East Pole line, it belongs to the human education. Dao Sovereign is here, naturally it is indispensable."

Haotian said, UU reading www.uukanshu.com hasn't done much this time, but he knows that if he snoops again, he's afraid it won't be that simple.

Although he can sense that the old monarch has not yet reached the point of Hunyuan, his Taoism is still deep. Although he is at the same level, he is definitely not his opponent. He is sure that in the consummation of the quasi-sage, the predecessor Among them, no one is his opponent.

The level of Taoism is not so simple, even if it is of the same level, it is still the same.

From the aura of Taishang Laojun, as well as the laws and rules of reversing the Haotian Mirror in an instant, Haotian could see it.

Taishang Laojun nodded slightly, and then moved away from the Lingxiao Palace.

Haotian waved his hand, and Taibai Jinxing retreated.

"The situation in the heavenly court is probably more complicated..."



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