Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 5 Chapter 49: The emperor came to the world to startle

Chapter 49: The Emperor of Humanity Comes into the World and Frightens the Land (1)

Heavenly Court, in the High Heaven Hall.

"The situation in the Heavenly Court, I am afraid it will be more complicated..."

Yaochi's face was worried, and he whispered softly, Sanyu was already quite troublesome, and now there is still the Taishang Laojun intervening, and the central line wants to rise, which is even more difficult.

"Go ahead and count one step!"

Hearing this, Haotian sighed lightly.

Who could have imagined that in silence, Dao Zun left the method to the Eastern Great Emperor, and Dao Ancestor did not stop it.

As far as the current situation is concerned, the central line has to seize the time to improve, otherwise, I am afraid that the other two forces will catch up.

Yaochi nodded and did not speak any more.

After Haotian told her a few words, he went to retreat. Now that the situation is like this, he can only continue to improve himself.

As for the others, it can only be counted as one step.


Heavenly Court, in the Qinghua Palace.

"Palace Master, what you have explained has already been ordered..."

A human disciple said respectfully towards the Taishang Laojun.

They knew that although this person in front of him was not their own deity, but after all, he was a clone of the leader, and he naturally had to be treated respectfully.

Moreover, in addition to his special status, his cultivation is also extremely terrifying, and it is not an exaggeration to be afraid of being the first person in the heavenly court.

This time the Qinghua Emperor returned to the human race to complete the tasks assigned by the ancestors. All of the Qinghua Palace was taken over by the Taishang Laojun, and they all acted according to the Taishang Laojun's instructions.

Hearing this, the old gentleman nodded slightly, then moved his hand slightly, the boy next to him walked out, and then took out two purple gold gourds.

The Grand Master said to the disciple, "These two bottles of golden pills, you send them to where the Changsheng Great and Ziwei Great are located, and help them improve some of their strength..."

"The disciple knows!"

After the human disciple took the golden core gourd from the boy's hand, he bowed and retreated.

Seeing this, the Grand Master nodded, and then returned to the Palace with his disciples.

As for what matters in Qinghua Palace, he will take care of it, and for the rest, he will study the alchemy and refining golden pills.

As for Heavenly Court matters, he ignored too much for the time being.


Terran, outside the Fengyan tribe.

Since Mo Xuan Xu gave Hua Xu food every day, he did not break his promise. He would come every day to deliver food to Hua Xu, and he would leave after delivery, without delay, day after day.

With the food delivered by the unicorn, Hua Xu didn't need to worry about these things anymore, and raised the fetus with peace of mind.

So, in a flash, it is already October.

Among the human race, the October period was originally the birth period of human women, but now there is no news.

Among the tribe, the patriarch, the elder who is in charge of misfortune, and several other elders were disturbed, wondering whether the birth of Huaxu was an evildoer.

If Huaxu was not a good person and had a good reputation among Fengyan tribe, otherwise, the patriarch of Fengyan tribe might not keep her until now.

It was now October, and he felt uneasy. He was sent to the outskirts of the tribe to check the situation of Huaxu. If there were any changes, he would report it immediately, and then he would prepare himself.


Fengyan tribe, outlying land.

"how can that be?!"

The member of the Fengyan tribe who came to check found that Huaxu had no signs of giving birth at this time. Not to mention giving birth, the degree of belly is just the usual May and June appearance.

He was shocked, when he had seen such a situation.

Human race conceived in October, and now October has passed. Why is Hua Xu still having a big belly, and it is only this level. Is it true that he is pregnant?

"No, you have to report to the patriarch..."

The more the people of that tribe thought about it, the more they felt that the matter was unusual, and when they wanted to turn around and leave.


Suddenly, a roar of a beast shocked him, and also attracted his gaze.

He looked up and saw a strange beast stepping on the water above the Yu Shui.

This animal lion head, antlers, tiger eyes, moose body, dragon scales, and ox tail are exactly the legendary auspicious beast unicorn.

"This is the Lucky Beast Kylin? It personally came to feed Huaxu?"

After seeing Qilin feeding Huaxu, the tribe couldn't help but be shocked.

Qilin is an auspicious beast. It personally came to feed Huaxu. This was terrible. He didn't care about other things at this time. He immediately turned and ran towards the tribe. He wanted to inform the patriarch of the place immediately.

This matter is extraordinary, if the judgment is wrong, it will really ruin the entire tribe.

After that tribe returned to Fengyan tribe, he immediately reported the matter to the patriarch of Fengyan tribe.

Hearing this, the patriarch was also shocked. It seemed that things were unusual. After all, it was the Lucky Beast Qilin. This is a sacred beast. You can let it deliver food in person. This Huaxu's belly is not what he thought.

At the moment, the patriarch is summoning all the elders in the tribe to discuss this matter, and it is necessary to redefine the matter.


Terran, Fengyan tribe, in the clan chamber.

"What advice do you elders have on this matter?"

After the tribe chief briefly informed the matter, he turned his eyes to the elders and asked.

Hearing that, the elders looked at each other. At this moment, it was obviously not what they had guessed, but the opposite. After all, it was a unicorn delivering food.

After a moment of silence in the chamber, the elders of the blessings and blessings in the clan in charge stood up and spoke.

"The patriarch, a unicorn is an auspicious beast. Wherever the unicorn goes, there must be auspiciousness. Since the unicorn feeds Huaxu, it can be seen that the fetus in Huaxu's belly must be auspicious. It's the great sage of my human race..."

The great sage of the human race, everyone heard it, their expressions were shocked.

The great sage of the human race is related to the future of the human race and is also an important existence that promotes the advancement of the human race. Such a character is very important.

Although it's unsure at this time, it's just a guess, but if I want to have a Rui Beast Qilin to deliver food, it should not be much different from the guess.

"If it's really a great sage of the human race, then it's time for my Fengyan tribe to prosper..."

After thinking about it, the patriarch said with a smile on his face.

It's not that there are no sages born in the human race. The birth of each sage usually leads their tribe to become more prosperous. Now that great sages are born in their tribe, they are naturally happy.

"If this is the case, then I should welcome Huaxu back later, how can my human great sage treat this way..."

The patriarch glanced over the tribe elders, and when they saw the expressions on their faces agreeing with this matter, he made a final decision.

It is said that none of the elders have any objections, after all, this is about the Fengyan tribe ~www.ltnovel.com~ is about the entire human race, so don't be careless.

Immediately, the patriarch led the clansmen and several elders, personally went to the bank of Yushui and greeted Huaxu.

Hua Xu didn't remember what happened to the people of the tribe anymore.

Panic, human nature, is no big deal.

This time the patriarch personally led the clansmen and elders to come, she also forgave the clansmen, and they moved back to the tribe with the clansmen. After all, she could be more convenient with the care of the clansmen.

When Hua Xu returned to Fengyan tribe, the situation had already returned to the right track. Mo Xuan no longer had to worry about Hua Xu's life. Now she was already taken care of.

Huaxu's matter was resolved. At this time, the concerned Suiren, Fuxi Shanzie, Nuwa and Taishang nodded slightly, waiting for the emperor to come.



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