Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 5 Chapter 50: The emperor came to the world to shock the world (2)

Chapter Fifty: The Emperor's Coming to the World Shocking the World

The years are long, and in a blink of an eye, twelve years have passed by.

Among the Fengyan tribe.

Although twelve years have passed, Huaxu's belly still hasn't come to the world.

She has been pregnant for twelve years since she was pregnant. Not only is she not panicking this time, but on the contrary, she is even more happy.

There are rumors in the human race that the later a great sage is born, the higher his sages will be. According to their knowledge, the longest sages are only one year and six months pregnant, while Hua Xu was pregnant for twelve years. If this child was born, it would be extraordinary.


On the banks of Yushui, somewhere in the mountains.

"It's really worthy of being the emperor. When you are born with a full baby, I am afraid that it will shock the predecessor when it comes to the world..."

Qing Ming looked at Fengyan tribe and exclaimed in admiration.

He is also a human race, so naturally he knows the pregnancy situation of the human race, and he also knows that some sages in the human race will come to the world for a longer time, but he saw it for the first time in twelve years.

But think about it, the identity of the emperor is the reincarnation of the elder brother of the Virgin and Nuwa, and there may be arrangements made by the leader. If it can be so, it is normal, after all, this identity is different, plus the emperor’s body , It's even more extraordinary.

After thinking about it in Qing Ming's heart, he moved his gaze away, and the avenue appeared in his eyes, looking at the human luck and primordial luck that were constantly gathering at this time, plus the person who was gradually condensing because of the emperor's body. Emperor gas.

The aggregation of these things indicates that the emperor's coming into the world is not far away.

After watching for a long time, Qing Ming retracted his gaze and continued to wait.


In this way, several months have passed.

On this day, Hua Xu suddenly felt pain in her abdomen, and the people hurriedly delivered her baby.

After everyone was busy for a while, the child finally came to the world.

When the child was born, a purple qi descended from the sky, and the room where Hua Xu was located suddenly glowed, and the room was full of strange fragrances, and there were faint dragons around the beams, and a loud cry of cry spread across the sky and the earth.

This cry shocked the entire Primordial Land, but it was the birth of a human child, and its crying was able to spread throughout the prehistoric land.


As soon as the cry of crying sounded, then I heard a roar in the human race, which shocked the entire human race's fortune. At this time, they were all aroused and tilted toward the Fengyan tribe, and the vast and unreliable fortune fortune suddenly condensed. The human emperor gas manifests endless emperor prestige, covering endless time and space.

Human race is now the protagonist of heaven and earth. Today's human fortune and primordial luck are not trivial. At this time, being mobilized, it can be described as shaking nine heavens and ten earths, an endless space-time region.

At this moment, countless existences looked at Human Race in shock.

How long has this been, why has something major happened to Human Race? With such a huge amount of luck, this newly born child would know this future achievement without even thinking about it. I am afraid that he will be more shocked than he is now.

Yuanshi, Tongtian and the Western Two Sages, although they knew that this one was the reincarnation of Fuxi and the position of the emperor, but now he has such a huge luck and such a shocking vision that he will return to his place in the future. At that time, I am afraid that it will reach that state.

Yuanshi and Tongtian didn't matter. This one obviously had his own eldest brother's method in it. If that was the case, he naturally didn't care.

Although the Western Two Saints have some criticisms, this matter is a foregone conclusion, and they can only look at it like this.

Although Hou Tu knows that the general trend of the human race will not be easy, but this one came to the world, it is enough to see what kind of terrifying situation this general trend will be.

She thought about it in her heart. At present, the affairs of the Wu tribe are the first, and the affairs of the human tribe have nothing to do with her for the time being.

There is no contradiction between the human and witch races, so you don't need to worry about that much, first dissolve the causal karma of the witch race, and reproduce the prehistoric state.

Dijun looked at the Human Race and said nothing for a long time. The Human Race has grown to this point. Although the two races have no major contradiction, there is a gap between them. He wanted to intervene in the Human Race and attracted the Sui Ren to take action. At this time, the Sui Ren has become a holy, the Human Race. It has grown to this point.

The collision in the future is afraid that it will increase. After all, in the development of these years, there have been some fights between the human race and the monster race, but they are all small wars, and there is no big problem.

But the situation in the future is hard to say.

After a long time, Di Jun retracted his gaze and continued to deal with Yaozu's affairs.


Outside the Zhoushan Mountain, in the Fengxi Mountain.

A smile appeared on Fuxi's good corpse, looking at Fengyan tribe, and smiling lightly, "The deity comes to the world, and the day when he really returns is not far away..."

"By then, my task will be completed..."

After Fuxi's good corpse said, he continued to wait with his eyes closed.

Now the deity has come to the world, and the rest is waiting for him to return.

At the same time, in the Taiqing Palace.

"My brother came to the world safely and shocked the land. With such a huge amount of luck, he was already beyond imagination. It will not be difficult to prove the Tao in the future..."

Nuwa looked at Fengyan tribe, the brilliance flowed in her beautiful eyes, and a smile appeared on the holy face.

"After Fuxi Taoist Fellow proves the truth, everything about the Human Race can be settled..."

He smiled too much, and said.

After that, he turned his gaze and glanced at the Heavenly Court, the direction controlled by the Great Emperor Qinghua of the East.

Nuwa looked at him, thought about it, and said, "Brother Dao arranged this, will the teacher stop it?"

She naturally knew about the matter of Taishang Laojun. The Sacred Heart looked at the Three Realms, the long river of time and space, and the things in the heavenly court could not hide from her.

"Since not, Qing Ming taught the emperor to let the Supreme Master manage the Qinghua Palace. It's all right..."

Taishang heard the words, smiled lightly, and said.

Hearing that, Nuwa nodded slightly. Since the teacher hasn't stopped it until now, there is nothing wrong with this matter.

She thought about it, that's okay, Heavenly Court's affairs can also be arranged, Dao Brothers arranged like this, but there is nothing wrong with it. Anyway, Heavenly Court's affairs, it is Haotian that is annoying, and she doesn't need to pay too much attention to it.

Nuwa retracted her gaze~www.ltnovel.com~ and turned to Fengyan tribe again. At this time, the biggest thing was her brother's affairs. She didn't want to pay attention to the other things.

After a long time, Taishang withdrew his gaze, and the center of the heart was divided into two. Most of them were comprehending their own avenues, as well as confirming that the laws of the avenues and the rules of heaven and earth are in the boundless world.

Anyway, those who have Sui Ren and Qing Ming arranged to stand outside of the Three Realms and look at the overall situation. The others will be taught by the emperor's master.

When he returned to his position, he shot again.


The emperor came to the world and shocked the land.

At this time, the human luck was tilted, the prehistoric luck was condensed, and the prosperous age of the human was officially kicked off from this time on.



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