Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 5 Chapter 51: Qingming apprentice, Pingqi

Chapter 51: Qingming accepts disciples, Pingqi

On the banks of Yushui, somewhere in the mountains.

Qing Ming watched the changes of the human race at this time, the changes of the Fengyan tribe, that he had already existed in the early stage of Quasi-Saint, but he was still a little shocked.

Such a huge amount of luck gathered on the emperor, if it weren't for the reincarnation of Fuxi, this is the emperor of the human race in the new era, he would even think that this is the son of human luck.

With such a huge primordial aura and human aura, coupled with Fuxi's methods, the emperor's aura of the body, and the merits of proving Dao in the future, Qing Ming has no doubt that Fuxi will not reach that state.

He faintly guessed that perhaps the Virgin's brother had reincarnated into the human race for the sake of proving the Dao, but it was only with the means of the leader, otherwise, who would dare to do this?

The current situation is based on the means and arrangements of these people, but this matter has no small benefit to the human race. Although Emperor Fuxi was the elder brother of the Virgin in the previous life, he is the emperor of the human race in this life.

In the future, he proves that Hunyuan is still a human being, and there is a cause and effect between how to say it and the human race, and it will also affect the human race. In this way, the human race will have two tops.

This is among the prehistoric, but it is the real first race.

Thinking about it this way, a smile appeared on Qing Ming's face. This result was not bad.

"The Emperor has come to the world, and it is time for me to complete the task given by the ancestor..."

After Qing Ming said, he got up and walked out of the cave.

As soon as he left the cave, Qing Ming saw the Mo Qilin Mo Xuan who was feeding the Huaxu family. He calculated a little bit in his heart and smiled, "It is destined to me, follow me in the future!"

"Yes, the Great!"

Mo Xuan also knew Qing Ming's identity, and immediately replied.

Qing Ming nodded and said, "This time, go with me!"

"Yes!" Mo Xuan replied.

Before the words finished, Qing Ming was already sitting on its back, and Mo Xuan carried Qing Ming towards the Fengyan tribe.


Fengyan tribe, the birthplace of Huaxu.

With the advent of the human emperor, the tribe members suddenly heard the roar of beasts outside.

When they went out to see, it turned out that it was the Mo Qilin who was feeding Hua Xu.

Seeing this Lucky Beast Qilin came, the clansmen were even more happy, after all, it was Lucky Beast Qilin coming to congratulate.

And on the back of the unicorn, there was a person sitting, dressed in cyan clothes, exuding a dusty temperament, and looked like a worldly expert.

Qing Ming's figure moved, and in the next instant, he was already standing in front of Qilin, looking at everyone with a smile, while Qilin took a step back.

The people of the Fengyan tribe glanced at each other, and already guessed in their hearts that this person must be the Taoist immortal in the prehistoric age.

And this Lucky Beast Qilin may be his mount.

"We, meet the fairy..."

For a time, everyone in the Fengyan tribe knelt down, but was lifted up by Qing Xuan.

As a fellow of the human race, Qing Ming didn't care about these vain courtesies either.

After calming down a bit, the patriarch asked, "I wonder what the immortal is doing here?"

Hearing this, Qing Ming smiled and said, "I am here today to accept this son as a disciple..."

Everyone hesitated when they heard the words.

Originally the immortal accepts disciples, this is naturally a great thing, but this son is a human race great sage, related to the tribe, related to the human race, and should not be allowed at will.

After all, the great sages of human race still have to focus on human affairs.

Qing Ming looked at them, how could he not know what they were thinking, and smiled indifferently, "I am a disciple of the Holy Land, Human Race Qing Ming. This time I came to accept this son as a disciple by the order of the lord Ancestor Sui Sheng. Madam is willing?"

As Qing Ming said, his eyes fell on Hua Xu's body.

At this time, the faces of the Fengyan tribe were shocked, and it was actually the order of the ancestors of the adults. This is absolutely not to be rebelled.

Besides, it is a great thing to be able to enter the door of the Holy Land.

Qing Ming is also a member of the human race. In addition to being the first disciple of the Holy Land, he is also the Great Emperor Qinghua of the East of Heaven, and he has long been famous. If they worshipped under his sect, they would naturally teach them carefully. In this way, how could they be unwilling to do so.

Hua Xu knew at this time that Qing Ming had actually come to accept his disciples by the order of the lord Zusui Sheng, and there was naturally no reason to be unwilling.

His previous eating was also the order of the ancestor Mo Qilin. Obviously, the ancestor has been paying attention to this matter, and he can't stop these things.

Renzu obviously has arrangements. The great sage of the human race is related to the human race, and the human ancestor will arrange everything properly, so she naturally does not have to worry.

Therefore, when Hua Xu's thoughts flashed, he immediately spoke with joy, "Yes, yes, the immortal leader is willing to accept my son as a disciple, Hua Xuyan has reason not to wish..."

But suddenly, feeling that his child was about to leave him when he was born, Hua Xu felt a little bit reluctant and couldn't help but look at it more.

Naturally, Qing Ming saw Hua Xu’s concerns and smiled slightly, “Don’t worry, Madam, I live in the mountains by the Yushui River now. When this son grows up in the future, you are asking him to come to the mountains to inquire about me. It's..."

"Thank you Xianchang..."

When Hua Xu heard this, he didn't expect Xian Chang to guess his own worries, but also took his own worries into consideration, and quickly thanked him again.

"Don't be polite, right, does this kid have a name?"

Qing Ming looked at the child in Hua Xu's arms and asked suddenly.

"Hui Xianchang, I call him, Bingqi!" Hua Xu smiled.

"Bingqi?! Good name!"

Qing Ming muttered a word, and immediately exclaimed.

Before the human emperor laid the foundation, it should indeed be a unique human name. This name fits his fate and is indeed a good name.

After Qing Ming said, he looked at Mo Xuan and said, "So, let's go!"

"Yes!" Mo Xuan vomited in response.

Before the words fell, Qing Ming had already landed on Mo Xuan's back, and then headed towards the mountains on the bank of Yushui.

"Respectfully send the immortal long!"

At this time, everyone from the Fengyan tribe worshipped again, until Qing Ming and Mo Xuan completely disappeared from sight, and then stood up.


Taiqing Palace, in the Promise Hall.

"Is the name of Bingqi the name of my brother in the human race?"

The brilliance flowed in Nuwa's beautiful eyes~www.ltnovel.com~ and said softly.

"Before the human king lays the foundation, he needs to have a name that fits his life style. After everything is established, he can change his name. Taoist Fuxi will change his real name back to Dao Dao in the future. As of this time, he already has the name of Bingqi..."

Taishang heard the words, smiled and said, there is a yin and a yang in his eyes, evolving the heaven and earth to the truth, and the confirmation of the heart in the boundless world has made a big breakthrough.

Next, he plans to confirm some other avenues.

After hearing this, Nuwa nodded and did not speak any more.

At the same time, in Fengxi Mountain.


Fuxi's mortal corpse whispered, and then his eyes fell on Fengyan tribe again.



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