Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 5 Chapter 57: Dragon Horse Xianbao

Chapter 57: Dragon Horse Offering Treasure

Taiqing Palace, the Promise Hall.

"Tianji chessboard?!"

Nu Wa raised her eyebrows, looked at it, and said softly in her mouth.

Not to mention other things, it is the real name of this Lingbao, and you can know the secret way that fits your brother. If this treasure is in the hands of your brother, it can naturally play a greater role.

After all, Lingbao that fits the avenue is not so easy to encounter. Those who do not have a deep chance or good luck will naturally have no such possibility.

Nuwa knew that Taishang had spent a lot of thought on refining this spiritual treasure.

"call out!"

Overturned in Taishang's hand, a spirit treasure of a square chessboard appeared in his hand, and a strong pre-existing breath radiated, in which the rules and the rules were intertwined, and a lot of secrets emerged.

Under these heavenly formations, a congenital gossip pattern is formed, in which yin and yang flow through it, evolving endlessly and mysteriously.

"This is the secret chess board..."

The brilliance flowed in Nuwa's beautiful eyes, and she whispered in her mouth.

From her gaze, she felt that the secret chess board was extremely difficult, and even she could not fully see the secret secrets that emerged in it.

Among the best innate spirit treasures, the Tianji chessboard can be regarded as the top one.

"This treasure is the treasure of Fuxi's Taoism..."

Too Shang said with a smile, Fuxi will use this treasure to control the human race in the future, and her strength will increase a lot. In this way, the situation in the Holy Land is completely relieved.

"Thank you brother!" Nu Wa arched her hands towards Tai Shang.

"It is the human emperor, the treasure of proving Tao, that is naturally indispensable..."

With a big smile, with a wave of his hand, the heavenly secret chessboard turned into a ray of light and sank into the void.

Soon, Too's mouth moved, and then he ignored it.

Seeing this, Nuwa nodded slightly and did not speak any more.

Next, it was the matter of my brother's proving the Dao, and by then, he would not be far from proving the Dao.


The coast of the East China Sea, the holy land of the human race, in the palace of the ancestors

"call out!"

A ray of light flashed in the void, and Sui Ren stretched out a hand, lightly tapped the light, and then turned into a chessboard spirit treasure and fell into his hand.

Before he had any other thoughts, a great explanation rang in his ears.

"The disciple knows!"

Sui Ren nodded slightly towards the direction of Taiqing Palace.

Then he put away the Tianji chessboard, he looked in the direction of the human race, Qing Ming had already returned to the holy land at this time, and could be back within a few days, and then it was enough to explain these things again.

As for the others, there is no need to worry about anything for the time being.

So, after seven days.

Qing Ming had already returned to the Holy Land from the banks of Yushui, and came to meet Suiren directly.

"Disciple Qing Ming, pay homage to the ancestor!" Qing Ming saluted towards Sui Ren.

"My ancestor already knows your intentions, and this career is fully prepared..."

Sui Ren nodded slightly and waved his hand to help Qing Mingdao.

Qing Ming nodded when he heard the words. Now that the ancestor already knew about this, he didn't need to say more about it, and let the ancestor arrange it.

"call out!"

Sui Ren flipped his hand, a divine light flashed, and then he saw a chessboard-like Lingbao appearing in his hand.

"This treasure is refined by the teacher. It is Fuxi's Taoist Treasure. You can take it and give it to him. He will finish the rest of the matter..."

Sui Ren handed the secret chess board in his hand to Qing Ming, and said slowly.

"The leader?!"

Qing Ming's expression was startled, a flash of shock flashed in his eyes, it turned out to be a spiritual treasure made by the leader himself.

Judging from the breath of this treasure, Qing Ming has no doubt about the power of this treasure, and it is Fuxi's proof of Taoism, and the power in the future can be imagined.

But think about it, Fuxi is the emperor after all, and his identity in the past is not ordinary. There is nothing wrong with being able to obtain the spiritual treasure refined by the leader.

After he took the Tianji chessboard, he nodded and said, "The disciple knows how to do it..."

Sui Ren nodded when he heard this, and then waved his hand to indicate that he could do it.

"The disciple retire!"

After Qing Ming bowed to Sui Ren, he left the Holy Land and came towards Fengyan Tribe.

"So, it's almost complete..."

After calculating for a while, Sui Ren nodded.

Immediately, his gaze turned to Fengyan tribe again, not only him, but the few corpses in the world and Fuxi's corpses were also paying attention at this time.


Terran, outside the eastern part of Chendu.

This place is like the bank of Yushui River, and there are many rivers. In the east outside of Chendu, there is a big river that borders the Yellow River and is called Weishui.

This location was also requested by Fuxi himself, because when he could not solve the problem, he always liked to sit on the riverside and meditate. Only for bigger things would he ask Qing Ming to help him solve the problem.

Outside the capital of Chen, on the banks of the Weishui.

Fuxi meditated here for a long time, and then slowly recovered, and sighed, "I don't know what happened to the teacher. This natural disaster comes again, and the human race has suffered a lot of deaths and injuries. If this continues, I am afraid it will hurt the human race's vitality... …"

"If you want to avoid bad luck, you can only know the changes in the world, but now I don't have any clues..."

By now, Fuxi had already understood what to do in the last thing she had to do before proving the Dao, that is, to establish a law for the human race, which can seek good fortune and avoid evil, and let people know the changes of the world, so that there will be no more deaths and injuries under such natural disasters. Up.

It's just that this fashion lacks the opportunity to prove, so even if he knows what he should do, Fuxi has no way of starting at this time.

After thinking about it, Fuxi sighed again and said, "It seems that we should continue to wait for the teacher's news..."

After that, he got up, walked towards Chen Du, and continued to wait for Qing Ming's news.


A few days later, there was a faint change in Fuxi's heart, and she came to sit and meditate on the Weishui River again.

After an instant, the surface of the Weishui River changed drastically in vain, and a deep whirlpool appeared in the water, as if some creatures were about to emerge from it.

Before Fuxi could make any response~www.ltnovel.com~, I saw a strange beast slowly emerging from the whirlpool in the water. The beast neighed and then stepped onto the water to face Fuxi on the shore.

Seeing the strange beast approaching herself, Fuxi was surprised that there was no trace of fear in her heart. Suddenly the message of this strange beast flashed in her mind. The dragon horse, the essence of heaven and earth, its shape, horse body and dragon scales, so it is called it. Longma.

The dragon horse is green with red stripes and is eight feet five inches high. It has wings like a Luo, and it is a sacred animal.

I saw Longma approaching Fuxi, looking back at his back.

Seeing this, Fuxi followed Longma's gaze, and saw that on the back of Longma, there was a supernatural tortoise. On the back of the supernatural tortoise, there was a treasure, which was an innate chessboard that revealed the mystery of the infinite heaven and the way of yin and yang.

On the chessboard, there are congenital gossip patterns appearing, and many heavenly secrets emerge between the transformation of Tai Chi yin and yang fish.

"The secret board!"



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