Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 5 Chapter 58: Chuang Clan in the Promise World

Chapter 58 The Chuang Clan in the Promise World

Outside of Chendu, on the banks of the Weishui River.

"The secret board!"

As soon as Fuxi saw this innate chessboard, he blurted out the real name of this treasure.

Although he didn't know why he knew the name of this thing, he could feel that in this darkness, there seemed to be a special power that was guiding him and letting him understand all this.

Feeling the vast pre-existing aura on the heavenly secret chessboard and the evolved heavenly secret, Fuxi felt that his Tao was a little loose, and seemed to feel like he wanted to prove it.

In such a situation, if he doesn't know what the situation is, then he will be in vain.

"So, the matter of Human Race's pursuit of good fortune and avoidance of evil, my matter of proving the Dao, there is nothing wrong with it..."

Fuxi said with a smile on her face.

"Teacher's speed is quite fast, but after only a month or so, I have found a solution, even more so..."

With a move in her heart, Fuxi turned her gaze to where Qing Ming was, and said with a light smile.

At the same time, in the mountains on the banks of Yushui.

When Qing Ming heard the words, he smiled and shook his head. This placed the secret chess board on the dragon horse and the tortoise, and he also followed this rule and gave it to Fuxi at a specific time.

Otherwise, he had already handed the secret chess board to Fuxi himself, so why let the dragon horse and the turtle present the treasure.

"Since you know, do what you think in your heart!"

Qing Ming looked at Fuxi's direction and said.

Chendu, along the Weishui River.

Qing Ming's voice came from Fuxi's ears, with a look of joy, then he bowed slightly in the direction of Qing Ming and said, "The disciple knows what to do..."

Having said that, Fuxi took the Tianji chessboard from the backs of Longma and Divine Turtle.

As for the dragon horse and the tortoise, at this time they returned to the Weishui and disappeared.

Fuxi retracted his gaze and fell on the heavenly secret array in his hand, with a look of joy on his face.

"Tianji chessboard, the best innate spirit treasure, has the ability to deduct secrets and calculate the changes of heaven and earth..."

Carefully looking at the secret chess board in his hand, a message flashed in Fu Xi's mind, even if he blurted out.

Although he didn't know why this information appeared in his mind in vain, Fuxi knew from the information that this was what he wanted, what he had fortune, and what he witnessed.

With the innate spiritual treasure of Tianji chessboard, one's own sermons are considered complete.

At this point, Fuxi's eyes lit up a bit.

With the heavenly jigsaw chessboard, the best innate spirit treasure, it can deduce the changes of the world, and the harm of the human race in the disaster will be greatly reduced.

Not only that, if we can use this to predict the occurrence of disasters in advance, we can stay away from disasters in advance and avoid harm.

"With this, Terran is safe!"

Fuxi said joyfully, then immediately turned around and headed towards Chen Du.


On the bank of Yushui.

Qing Ming watched Fuxi enter the city of Chen, and nodded in satisfaction, "In this way, the matter of proving the Dao is considered safe..."

After that, Qing Ming closed his eyes again, waiting for Fuxi's next deduction.

As for the deduction and the completion of his path of preaching, Qing Ming is not worried about this. These are all things that belong to the emperor. He will naturally do all of this without worrying about anything by himself.

After he completed all this and the Emperor of Proving Tao returned to his throne, his mission was completed. At that time, he could also use the merits of the Master of Human Emperor to improve a few more points, and then return to the Heavenly Court to sit in the Qinghua Palace.

As for the others, he doesn't need to care too much.


Taiqing Palace, in the Promise Hall.

Nuwa and Taishang looked at Fuxi's situation at this time, and slightly nodded, he had already taken the Tianji chess board, and the next thing was not much of a surprise. Only waiting for him to perform the secret method, he will be able to complete the affairs of the emperor.

"After this matter is completed, my brother's task of the Emperor is to see it satisfactorily. At that time, he only needs to find the next co-master, and he will be able to prove his position..."

After a few breaths, Nuwa's holy face showed a smile and said slowly.

At this time, it was not only her, but Fuxi's good corpse was also quite anxious about this matter. After all, the matter of proving the Tao was not far away. The wish that had been waiting for tens of millions of years was finally reached, and I was indeed anxious to see it.

"Calculating the timing, it won't be too long. Once Fuxi's proof of the Tao is complete, the birth of the next Emperor will not be too far away..."

Tai Shang looked at her and said with a smile.

Nu Wa nodded, looking at Tai Shang, a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes.

In the most recent time, the space-time velocity around the Taishang has gone fast. This is obviously another practice. This is also a common technique used by their existence in these realms.

Although she didn't find out what she had improved, she found that she had improved a bit compared with before.

He smiled too much, ignored it, and turned his gaze to the prehistoric state.

At the same time, in the boundless world.

The Taishang mind is transformed into a shape, standing in the center of the Promise World.

He looked at the current Promise World, the world level at this time, compared with the Primordial Realm, although it is still a little worse, such as reincarnation, but after these establishments, the Promise Realm will not be much worse than the Primordial Realm.

However, there is still a long way to go for the Wuji Realm to reach the point of the Primordial Realm. After all, the Primordial Realm is integrated into the laws of the three thousand Chaos Demon Gods. This is not comparable to the Wuji Realm.

However, under the continuous improvement of Taishang, the level of the Promise World will not be much worse than the prehistoric world, and can even be compared to the prehistoric state.

After thinking about it, he took a step too far, transformed countless time and space, and came to a certain area.

After taking a look at this place, he nodded slightly, then turned his hand over and took out several congenital treasures.

Three lights of divine water, nine days to breathe soil, heaven and earth tripod.

In the prehistoric world, the three talents of heaven, earth and man are all available, but in the Promise Realm, they are not there yet.

Human race, but an important part of humanity, this is indispensable in the Promise Realm, and coupled with the fact that Taishang controls humanity, it is much easier to complete this link than Nuwa.

After all, this world is dominated by the Supreme Being.

"Qiankun Ding, get up!"

Tai Shang started the seal decision in his hand, put the Three Lights Divine Water and Nine Heavens Breathing Soil into the Qiankun Ding, using the power of Qiankun Ding's distance from the universe and the power of heaven and earth to integrate into the two innate treasures.

The power of the heaven and the earth that Taishang has integrated into the Wuji world into it this time is different from the practice of Nuwa. It will be improved in practice and in harmony with the heaven and the earth.

However, it depends on the human race itself which step can be reached in the end.


I don't know how long it has passed ~www.ltnovel.com~ I can only hear a series of roaring sounds from the heaven and earth tripod, bursts of heaven and earth blue light blooming and shining, and a vast breath comes.

The speed of Jieyin in Taishang's hand continued to increase. At a certain moment, he gave a soft voice, "Get up!"

Immediately, I saw the Three Lights Divine Water and the Nine Heavens Breathing Rang Fei fleeing out, and then began to merge. Taishang, with the human power under his control, the law of yin and yang, and the law of good fortune learned from Nuwa, were constantly intertwined, and began to create the human race. .

He kept squeezing the shape of the human race in his hand, which was not difficult for him.

I don't know how long it has passed, there are already three thousand six hundred and fifty human figures standing on the earth.

Seeing this, Taishang was quite satisfied. Although there were not many human races, it coincided with the number of the week, which was not bad.

"Today, I will be a human being, human race!"



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