Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 5 Chapter 59: Neutral Reincarnation

Chapter 59 The Promise of Neutral Reincarnation

The Promise World, somewhere in the area.

"Today, I would like to be a human being, human race!"

Taishang looked at the people, with a smile on his face, said slowly.

The sound was magnificent, running through the long river of time and space, and fell into the ears of every human race, dispelling their confusion and letting them understand the meaning of this statement.

"Human Race, see the Father!"

At this time, all the human races paid homage to the Supreme Master, chanting the name of "Holy Father".

Seeing this, Taishang waved his hand to lift up all races, nodded, and then waved his hand again, only to see a golden light flashing, and immediately turned into three thousand six hundred and fifty copies, all of them submerged into all races. In the middle of the eyebrows.

For the same human race, naturally, there is no need to change the cultivation method. The Taoism of All Beings is also applicable to the human race of the Promise World, so it is not difficult to spread the law at this time too, and pass all these to them.

After the practice of the Primordial Human Race, there is an extremely detailed cultivation method in this cultivation method, and how to do it step by step is already covered, so there is no need to worry that they will not practice.

When they have achieved some success in their practice, they may be able to preach to them. As for now, it is too early.

"You will follow this method when you wait for future cultivation. As for the others, you have to rely on the human race. The human race's road naturally requires the human race to go out by itself and take a road of its own..."

"The sky is healthy, the gentleman strives for self-improvement. Human race, self-improvement!"

Taishang looked at them and said with a solemn expression. Such a remark had been said to the Primordial Human Race before, but he still said it to them now.

"Holy Father, rest assured, we should remember your teachings, human race, and we will continue to strive for self-improvement in the future!"

Several people headed by the human race bowed to Tai and spoke.

Hearing this, Too Shang nodded, and was quite satisfied with Human Race's answer.

"So, let's go!"

With a smile on Taishang's face, he said to them.

Listening to this, they once again bowed to Tai, and then turned and headed towards a certain area.

Seeing this, the upper body moved and left here.

The Human Race will not be too smooth for the next period of time, but as long as this period is passed, the Human Race will slowly rise.

Tai Shang didn't worry about this, the human race was the way of the human race, at this point, he still believed in the human race, and he didn't have to intervene too much.

He now has more important things to do, that is, reincarnation!

Reincarnation is the most critical link in the perfection of heaven and earth, the three realms of heaven, earth and the underworld. If all of them are perfected, this world can be regarded as a truly complete world. As for the gap with the prehistoric, there is only the gap in the law of the Great Dao, as for the others. , It will not be much weaker.

In the Promise Realm, although there is no land of blood, it is not too difficult to open up a land of reincarnation with some power of the underworld in the hands of Taishang, plus his cultivation base.

Houtu establishes the reincarnation of sentient beings by itself and the sea of ​​blood, and Taishang uses the power of the underworld and its own powerful force to open up one side of reincarnation. Both sides have their own advantages and disadvantages.

In comparison, the reincarnation created in the Promise Realm will be weaker than the reincarnation of the primordial beings, but these are not too big problems. As long as the world continues to improve, the reincarnation of the Promise Realm will also slowly rise. It is enough to carry the sentient beings of the Promise World.


The Promise World, the north, a very shady place.

"call out!"

A divine light flashed, and immediately turned into Taishang, walked out of the void, with lotus flowers under his feet, holding Taishang forward.

"This place is extremely yin, it really fits the place of reincarnation, and the path of the underworld will be promoted here..."

In the eyes of Taishang, one yin and one yang revealed endless mystery. After calculating a few minutes in his hand, he nodded slightly.

The voice fell, and the imprints of Taishang's hands were imprinted. Each handprint was filled with the power of the ancient sky, running through the long river of time and space, reaching the end of the avenue, reaching the origin of the avenue, and the power of horror was constantly sweeping away from Taishang.


In one billionth of an instant, above the nine heavens, the path of yin and yang intertwined and emerged, and then the yin and yang Pisces were manifested, and as the Tai Chi patterns flowed, everything revived and was born.

At this time, on the earth, a force began to emerge, and a very special space began to evolve.

With a solemn expression on his face, the handprints in his hands continuously penetrated into the evolved space, the Taiqing mark on the center of his brows bloomed with dazzling divine light, and bursts of Taiqing power continued to blend into it.

Above the crimson Qingyun, the Taoist Sanqing stood up from the three lotus terraces with a solemn expression, and at the same time he slapped his handprints into the space that began to be full of cracks.


At a certain moment, the Taishang and the Sanqing Taoists spoke at the same time, and the sound of soft drinking echoed between the heavens and the earth, and the sound waves rolled through the firmament of the universe and resounded across the four directions, shocking countless time-space creatures.


In the next instant, only a soft sound was heard, and then I saw that the space comparable to the one in the middle of the world was shattered suddenly. The space turbulent flow, the space-time disorder, the chaotic air invaded, and the water, wind and fire evolved.


The brilliance flowed in Taishang’s hand, and the Taiji diagram appeared in his hand, and then with a move in his hand, the Taiji diagram flew out, set the ground, water, wind, and fire, stabilized the square void, and bursts of the power of yin and yang swept out, letting This world gradually took shape.

In the next instant, another Qiankun Ding used the power of Qiankun to make this world evolve rapidly.

The aura of the upper body pressed against the heavens, and was continuously injected into the underworld, allowing the middle thousand worlds to begin to evolve toward the land of reincarnation.

"go with!"

With a move of Taishang's hand, the power of the underworld was injected into the underworld by him, began to merge with this world, and began to evolve towards the land of reincarnation.

Taishang watched the underworld gradually take shape~www.ltnovel.com~ and nodded in satisfaction. The power of the underworld was intercepted by him in the land of reincarnation of all living beings. The power is not small. At this time, after being integrated into the underworld, This world has already formed a complete place of reincarnation.

However, although this realm is completed now, there are still some that have not been completed. That is the reincarnation disk of sentient beings, and he needs to set it up personally.

He stepped out into the underworld, and started to create everything in the underworld as he looked like a mansion in the prehistoric realm. With his own status as the master of the Promise Realm and the status of controlling humanity, he began to open up the path of reincarnation.

These are not too difficult for him.

After doing all this, he personally transformed the creatures, created them, and let them take charge of the operation of the underworld.

It is already thousands of years after Taishang has done all this.

However, seeing the underworld fully formed and starting to slowly rotate, he was indeed quite satisfied. In this way, the Promise World would be considered complete.



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