Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 5 Chapter 60: Comprehend the world, Fuxi comprehend Tao

Chapter 60 Comprehend the world, Fuxi understands the Tao

The Promise World, in the Underworld.

"In this way, the Promise World is just a complete world, and it will not be too far away from the prehistoric..."

Taishang's eyes were like a clear sky, looking at the nine heavens, and slowly said.

Although the Promise World has surpassed a lot of the Great Thousand Worlds, the Underworld is only one of them after all, and it cannot reach the level of the Great Thousand World, so Taishang chose the scope of the Middle Thousand World to open up.

At this point, it seems appropriate, and it is not too small, but the reincarnation of sentient beings running the Promise Realm is also appropriate.

"From now on, I will regard the Lord of the Infinite Realm as the place of reincarnation, and Li Mingkong as the Lord of the Underworld!"

At a certain moment, Tai Shang looked at all parties in the Promise World and spoke.

The terrifying coercion enveloped the entire Infinite Realm. At this moment, they all knew what was happening. Looking at the underworld, they all showed joy.

In this way, in the midst of his own fall, he can be regarded as having a destination and resurrecting his life.

Such a thing is a good thing for them, and they are naturally happy to see that such a good thing occurs.

"Mingkong, thank you Dao Zun!"

Behind the upper body, a figure slowly emerged, and on the face of the middle-aged, there was a sense of elegance and politeness toward the upper body.

"Meet Emperor Mingkong!"

And behind Mingkong, there are many creatures from the underworld saluting toward Mingkong.

Taishang looked at him, waved his hand, helped him up, and said, "In the future, the underworld will be run by you..."

This is a creature created by oneself, and can only move in the underworld, living for the underworld.

"Dao Zun rest assured, Mingkong assumes that everything is for the underworld, for the infinite realm..."

Mingkong said with a solemn expression, he understood his mission, and naturally he would not be too disappointed.

He nodded with great satisfaction, and with a wave of his hand, he lifted up a group of beings in the underworld, and then disappeared into the underworld with a movement.

"Send Dao Zun respectfully!"

Mingkong and a group of underworld creatures, at this moment, Qi Qi bowed and saluted in the direction that Taishang had left.

Then, Mingkong took them back to the underworld and began to move the rest of the matter.

Since the underworld was established, the fallen creatures in the Promise Realm have begun to gather towards this realm. All these need to be dealt with properly and let them go to reincarnation.

Now that the underworld is first established, it is naturally a bit busy, but for their underworld beings, managing these is also good, and this is also a good time to gain merit and improve their own cultivation.

Therefore, after they returned to the underworld, they began to deal with these creatures and let them go to reincarnation.


After Taishang left the underworld, there was no return of mind, and then he went directly to the nine heavens, and then sat cross-legged in it.

The Taishang Mind enveloped the entire Wuji Realm, and began to realize the operation of the heavens and the earth, and at the same time as confirming itself, it also confirmed the world.

The Primordial Realm and the Infinite Realm are now complete worlds, but there are not small differences between the complete rules of heaven and earth, and this is the place where Tai Shang can prove himself and the Infinite Realm at this time.

The Sanqing Taoist sits on the position of Sancai around the Supreme, and the rules of heaven and earth visible to the naked eye pass through the body of the Sanqing Taoist, and then merge into the body of the Supreme.

Immediately, he flew out from the body of the Supreme Being, and merged into the heaven and the earth.

The rules of heaven and earth, constantly circulating in the Taishang and Sanqing Taoists, began to confirm themselves and confirm the coming of heaven and earth.


A wild land, human race.

In Chendu.

After Fuxi took the Tianji chessboard, he immediately returned to Chendu.

The innate spiritual treasure of Tianji chessboard was extremely important to the human race at this time, so Fuxi needed to understand its secrets as soon as possible and study ways to avoid natural disasters and earth disasters.

Only in this way can the human race avoid the disasters brought about by natural disasters and earth disasters. At the worst, it can also reduce the damage to the greatest extent in such disasters.

For something so important to the human race, Fuxi naturally did not dare to slack off.

However, he also knew that the Tianji chessboard was the best innate spirit treasure after all, and it was not easy to refine and enlighten. After all, he was no longer the ordinary human race of the past, but was based on the power of Da Luo.

Naturally, I know that it takes a long time to refine this magic weapon, plus the time of comprehension, it is estimated that it will not be possible for tens of thousands of years.

But this time, Human Race can't afford to wait.

So, thinking about things in his heart, Fuxi began to refine this treasure.


At this time, Fuxi had just started refining, and it was progressing quite quickly, as if this magic weapon itself was his general, at this time, it didn't take much time to refine it quickly.

Moreover, its own Dao, it seems that it has begun to merge with the Dao rules on the Tianji chessboard, and it is also increasing the speed of the sacrifice.

"Could it be that this treasure has a big chance with me? Or is it because of my status as the emperor?"

Fuxi was puzzled and guessed secretly, but he was not sure of this guess.

But no matter what, this is a good thing for myself, after all, this time can be greatly shortened.

With his own refining, the endless ways of heaven and earth changes contained in the heavenly secret chessboard and the method of heavenly secret calculations are all understood by Fuxi a little bit at this time. The more you understand, the faster the speed of refining.

Not only that, with the refining of the celestial chess board and the fusion of the avenue, the method of celestial calculation and the understanding of the changes of heaven and earth, Fuxi's understanding of this Tao seems to be natural, and it does not need to spend a long time to comprehend it.

As the so-called one pass, Fuxi didn't have a long time to comprehend at this time, but the celestial calculations and the changes in heaven and earth he comprehended were extremely profound, gradually approaching the state before reincarnation.

Regarding this, Fu Xi was very happy, while managing the affairs of the human race, while comprehending the heavenly secret chessboard that had been fully refined at this time.

I hope to quickly sort out the complete method of heaven and earth calculations and the method of calculating the changes of heaven and earth from it~www.ltnovel.com~ At that time, the human race will not need to be on this path as before. In the face of catastrophe, there will be countless deaths and injuries. Up.

You can also know in advance, make preparations in advance, and avoid bad luck.


Time flies, and more than a hundred years have passed in a blink of an eye.

For the monks in the predicament, more than a hundred years is indeed a drop in the bucket. Which of them retreats is not counted on the basis of thousands of years. For them, more than a hundred years is indeed too little.

However, this time of more than a hundred years is extremely important to the human race at this time.

Fuxi obtained the secret chess board and deduced the method of avoiding disaster for the human race, which had long been spread among the human race.

However, the people of the human race also know how great the difficulty is, and they also know the difficulty of the co-lord, but they can’t help with this matter. They can only put hope on the co-lord, hoping that the co-lord can succeed this time. .



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