Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 5 Chapter 61: When Fuxi's 8 hexagrams act in the sky (1)

Chapter 61: Fuxi's Eight Diagrams Acting in the Sky (1)

Terran, in the city of Chen.

In a blink of an eye, another fifty years passed quietly.

Co-owner Fuxi's residence.


Suddenly, there was only a loud noise that shook Chen Du, and the human races in Chen Du looked at the place where the sound came from.

"That is the direction of the co-master..."

The sharp-eyed human race exclaimed, and an incredible color appeared in his eyes.

"The co-master, he succeeded..."

Some people murmured to themselves, their eyes moist.

One stone stirred up a thousand waves and shocked thousands of human races. At this time, countless human races looked in the direction of co-lord Fuxi.

Above Fuxi's residence, a mysterious congenital gossip pattern rose up.

As soon as the gossip comes out, the secrets emerge!

Bursts of mysterious aura radiated from the innate gossip patterns, as if to show all the mystery between the heavens and the earth and penetrate all the rules of the heavens and the earth, shocking many ancient monks and powerful expressions.

Such a vision is not something that can be done simply by being. This innate gossip pattern alone has shocked many quasi-sage powers.

Such supernatural powers and such great avenues are placed in the prehistoric state, and they are all extraordinary existences.

At this time, it appeared in the Chen Capital of the Human Race, thinking that it was the co-master of the Human Race, the Emperor Fuxi.

This one, I'm afraid it's not easy!


At this time, Chen Duzhong.

Looking at the sky, the huge innate gossip pattern shocked countless human races, and countless human races showed joy. The co-lord finally succeeded.

From this moment on, the human race also has a way to seek good luck and avoid evil, and finally the human race does not have to suffer so many deaths and injuries.

At this time, all the emotions in the heart, these human races, are crying with joy.

The co-owner has done a great deed for the Human Race to solve the problem of the Human Race in the future to seek good and avoid evil, how can they be unhappy in their hearts.


At this time, as the innate gossip pattern slowly turned, endless heaven and earth changes slowly manifested in it, and that mysterious and obscure aura instantly enveloped the area of ​​hundreds of thousands of miles.

In this area, countless heaven and earth are intertwined and manifested, and all the evolution between heaven and earth is clearly visible at this time, as if all the evolution between heaven and earth are presented in front of all beings.

Although this situation will not last long, it is already a great blessing for these human races to be able to watch this scene at this time.

In the Holy Land.

Sui Ren had already let many disciples watch such a vision. From this innate gossip pattern, he understood the mystery of the heavens and the earth, and even refracted this vision to the holy ground, allowing some disciples with lower cultivation levels to see it.

Although this vision was short-lived, many disciples in the Holy Land had a lot of new insights in their hearts, and Sui Ren was quite satisfied.

He seized the time to let these disciples with new insights quickly go to retreat and learn about cultivation, maybe how diligently the cultivation base will be.

After doing all this, Suiren looked at Chen Du and nodded with a smile.

At the same time, in the Taiqing Palace.

"Such a vision, I think my brother has realized the way..."

Nu Wa looked at Chen Du and said with joy.

Regarding the way of my brother's secret, it is really not difficult to walk this way at this time. The key is to fit the way of the human race. Now that the vision has appeared, it has shocked countless existences. I think it is already a success.

"The innate gossip has come out, the secret of heaven has emerged, Fuxi's proof of the Dao is already complete, and the rest is to teach the human race..."

Looking at Chen Du with a calm expression, he said slowly.

The changes in his own Wuji Realm made his own understanding of "Tao" a little deeper. This is what Nuwa was aware of, and she also felt more and more profound in Taoism.

However, she also knew that the Taishang cultivation base was terrifying. In these years, it was normal to have new insights, so she didn't care about it.

"In this way, the day when my brother proves the Dao is not far away..." Nuwa Shengyan said with a smile.

Too smiled and nodded, "It's true, it's not far to return to the position, and it's not far to preach..."

Listening to this, Nu Wa nodded, her eyes turned to Chen Du again, a divine light flashed across her beautiful eyes.


When congenital gossip emerges, covering hundreds of millions of miles of heaven and earth.

Many powers and monks who were shocked and concerned by this vision also gained a lot of insights and good luck in the evolution of heaven and earth, and I believe they will make progress again soon.

They didn't expect that Fuxi could actually come up with such a situation, and it would make many spiritual monks great fortune.

After all, Fuxi was just a human emperor. Even though they were respected by their status, they had never thought that the human emperor could have such a method. At this moment, the human emperor was indeed extraordinary.

At least, from the eyes, it was like this. If it weren't, how could the emperor Fuxi make such a big movement at this time? This is obviously extremely difficult, or Fuxi itself is extremely difficult.

Although they are not sure, it does not mean that they have not linked Fuxi and the elder brother of the saint Nuwa Fuxi.

But such things are obviously not something they can snoop, so even if they have guesses in their hearts, they dare not say it.

These things are naturally the result of the desires of the human race and those who dare to spy, and only oneself will fall.

Therefore, in the current situation, if you can get good luck, then you have to. Others, ignore it.


Taiqing Palace, in the Promise Hall.

"Fuxi calculates the secrets, calculates the changes in the world, and has to seek good luck and avoid evil. From then on, the human race will be safe on this path. In the face of catastrophe, there will be a way to deal with it, without too much death and injury... "

"Humanity has also been complemented by Fuxi's method~www.ltnovel.com~ in an instant, and it has become more complete..."

Taishang secretly said in his heart, he secretly felt a change in the power of humanity in his heart, and nodded slightly.

Human race is the most critical part of humanity, and any growth at this time is the key to improving the power of humanity, and this is the case at this time for Fu Xi.

The next few human emperors will also promote the human race and fill up some of the blank moments of the human race. This is already known to the Taishang. Therefore, this is the time to stabilize the protagonist of the human race. It is also an opportunity to improve humanity.

"It depends on how much humanity can be improved after Fuxi's preaching..."

Taishang looked at Chen Du and said softly in his heart.

At this time, not only Taishang, but also the Nuwa beside him, the Fuxi corpse in Fengxi Mountain, now also hopes that Fuxi can quickly prove the way and return.



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