Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 5 Chapter 74: Fuxi seeks Shennong

Chapter 74 Fuxi Seeking Shennong

Nuwa, Fuxi's good corpse, they stared closely at the situation of the human race at this time, watching the Lieshan tribe's cohesive luck grow deeper, Shennong has reached the extreme of his current position.

Next, Fuxi came to find Shennong, and then began to teach him to take over the human race.

After everything is over, you can return to the emperor.

Regarding this matter, in addition to Fuxi himself, Nuwa and Fuxi's good corpse were the most concerned, so they watched carefully.

Taishang looked at Nuwa and Fuxi's good corpses, knowing what they were thinking, but he didn't worry about anything. Most of his minds were enlightened and practiced in the Promise World, and then he paid a little attention to the human race.

When Fuxi returned to his throne, he was leaving for the human race, and he was enrolled as a human emperor.

He still doesn't care about these things now.


As time flickered, another decade or so of time passed quietly.

Sui Ren nodded with satisfaction as he watched the changes in the human race over the past decade or so.

"The luck of the human race has become more and more profound. After the emperor returns to his throne, he will be promoted to a level..."

Sui Ren looked at the changes in the human race, then glanced at the luck of the human race, and nodded slightly.

Originally, the number of human races increased somewhat. After the development of the two human emperors Fuxi and Shennong, they began to grow again, and their luck also began to improve. This is a good thing for the human race.

After all, the Human Race is now in the position of the protagonist of the heaven and earth, and the current Qi Luck is the help to help the Human Race stay in this position.

Therefore, Sui Ren felt quite pleased with the current changes in Human Race.

"I look forward to how the Emperor's return will rise..."

After a long time, Sui said softly among the people.

When the voice fell, he turned his gaze to Fengqi Mountain, and uttered two words softly, "Prove the Dao!"

Having said that, Sui Ren stopped speaking, looked back, and waited for the time for Fu Xi to prove the Dao.


With the continuous promotion of grain and irrigation methods in the Lieshan tribe, Shennong's reputation has become more and more vigorous. Among the human tribes at this time, there are few people who don't know Shennong.

And his method of planting grains and irrigation has now affected the entire human race. Every tribe has human races planting grains. The difference lies in the area of ​​cultivation.

And because of Shennong's rising reputation, Fuxi in Chen Capital already knew about it.

Chen Du, in the co-owner's residence.

"The matter of the Emperor Shennong has been established. The method of planting and irrigation of grains has made a great contribution to the human race. With this achievement, it is enough to be a co-lord and take over the affairs of the human race..."

The innate gossip pattern appeared in Fuxi's hand, revealing the endless secrets, and whispered in his mouth.

"So, the timing is almost too..."

After a few breaths, the vision in Fuxi's hand slowly dissipated. He looked at the Lieshan tribe, his eyes narrowed slightly.

The time for his own preaching is very near, so finding Shennong to teach him to take over the matter of the human race is already not to be delayed.

I have been waiting for the opportunity before, waiting for Shennong's reputation to spread, waiting for him to make countless deeds that benefit the people, because these are the foundation for laying the throne of his land.

Therefore, he did not interfere with anything before, but waited quietly, waiting for Shennong's achievements to spread, waiting for Shennong's reputation to come.

Now, the time has come, and it is time for me to find him and teach him to take over the human race.

In this way, after waiting for a few months, Fuxi set off from Chendu and came towards the Lieshan tribe.


When Fuxi left, naturally he did not hide the truth from Yuanshi, Tongtian, Nuwa, Taishang, Fuxi's good corpse, Suiren, Western Second Sage and others. As for Hou Tu and Dijun, they were all focusing on their own race at this time, and now they didn't pay too much attention to Human race.

When Fuxi left at this time, they all knew what happened next, which was the pass.

At that time, Fuxi will prove that Dao will return to the emperor, and the human race will also add a top master.

Luck will be improved again.


Since the Communist Party leader Fuxi made fishing nets and domesticated some wild animals, although most of the food problems have been solved, many tribes still suffer from food shortages.

Now, with the grains of Shennong, the most important problem in the human tribe has been solved.

After that, the tribes no longer need to migrate, and they can have food without hunting.

After all, during hunting, people from the tribe often fall into the mouth of wild beasts and beasts, which is also extremely dangerous. The domesticated beasts are still far from enough in the face of the huge base of the human race at this time.

Shennong's method of five grains, irrigation, as well as the farm tools made by Shennong and the division of the twenty-four solar terms, these are extremely important things for the human race at this time.

Therefore, Shennong's reputation at this time is indeed reasonable, and I also lament that Shennong is worthy of being a great sage.

Maybe, Shennong will be the next candidate for the co-owner.

Of course, the matter still depends on whether the co-lord Fuxi chooses him.

As for the human race in Chendu, seeing the co-lord heading towards the Lieshan tribe, they all wondered whether the co-lord would choose Shennong as the co-master?

But guessing is guessing, and the specifics still depend on the co-owner's own decision.


On this trip, Fuxi did not go fast, nor did he conceal the itinerary.

Therefore, the news that he was coming towards the Lieshan tribe spread very quickly, and many tribes already knew the news.

Among them, there is Fuxi's purpose tribe, the Lieshan tribe.

Mainly come to Lieshan tribe!

After hearing this news, everyone in the Lieshan tribe was overjoyed. This is a great thing!

Now the clan leader of their own tribe has gained a lot of fame and resounded through the human race. The coming of the co-lord made them think of the relationship between the two.

If the co-lord came this time, just intending to pass on the position of co-lord to the patriarch, then his own Lieshan tribe would really rise, and it would be very possible to become the top tribe of the human race in the future.

Therefore, after knowing that the Communist Party came to the Lieshan tribe, they began to prepare for the arrival of the Communist Party.


Although Fuxi deliberately slowed down his schedule, with his current cultivation base, it would not take much time to come from Chendu to the Lieshan tribe.

In just half a month, Fuxi had already arrived in the Lieshan tribe.

As the saying goes, hearing is not as good as seeing. Although I have heard of the prosperity of the Lieshan tribe before, at this moment, Fuxi has indeed seen the extraordinary of the Lieshan tribe, which is not much worse than his own Fengyan tribe. Up.

At the same time, he became more and more curious about Shennong~www.ltnovel.com~, who was able to develop the Lieshan tribe to this point and solved most of the human food problems.

Therefore, he immediately summoned Shennong, wanting to see with his own eyes, this great human race, this earth emperor, his specific situation.


Lieshan tribe, in the residence of the patriarch.

Knowing that the co-lord had come to meet his own Shennong, he hurriedly arrived at this time. He was instructing the human race to plant grains, but the current situation is naturally to see the co-lord first, maybe there is something big.

When Fuxi saw Shennong, he could naturally see the emperor’s aura in Shennong, and it was also the luck condensed on him. This one is the emperor of the earth. You don’t need to be much different from these things. For it's not enough.

But this is not the key, so it is no longer within the scope of Fuxi's examination at this time.

Therefore, Fuxi didn't pay too much attention to this point, and everything still had to return to the human race.



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