Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 5 Chapter 75: Shennong enters Chendu

Chapter 75 Shennong Enters Chen Capital

Shennong was the emperor of the land, and this was known to Fuxi. From the emperor's aura at this time, the aura condensed on his body, the secret secrets he knew, etc., he had long ago determined.

Therefore, in Shennong’s body, the low cultivation base is only temporary. The latter is naturally improved, and the speed is not slow. Just like myself, it is now in the realm of quasi-sage. .

Of course, Human Sovereign naturally wants to be a Human Race, so Fuxi still wants to return to Human Race in this investigation.

Shennong is also the patriarch of the Lieshan tribe. He has some opinions and experiences regarding the governance of the tribe and human affairs. These are the scopes he wants to examine. He wants to see Shennong's situation on these matters. .

Therefore, after Shennong finished the ceremony, Fuxi took him aside and asked about the matter.

These things, Jiucheng is about the tribe, about the governance of the human race, and Fuxi observes his answers and countermeasures. For the remaining 10%, Fuxi asked about this grain.

For these, Shennong answered one by one. After this question and answer, Fuxi was very satisfied with Shennong, and Shennong gave himself no small surprise as to the scope of her investigation.

In this way, he can safely hand over the position of co-lord of the human race to Shennong's hands.

Not only is the emperor of the land, but also has unique insights on the governance of the human race, and has quite a countermeasure on the problem of the governance of the human race.

What else is inappropriate for such a candidate?

I have searched for the co-owner for hundreds of years, right in front of me, and I can make a decision.


At the moment, Fuxi said to Shennongdao, "Shennong, I never thought that you have a lot of experience in governing the human race, so let me go back to Chendu. Now I have been in power for hundreds of years, and I have long been unable to do everything about the human race, and In the human race, it is not too long.

After you get acquainted with the things of the human race, I will give you the position of co-lord. I hope you can lead the human race to a better life in the future and to a more brilliant and prosperous place..."

Hearing this, Shennong was shocked and hurriedly said, "Shennong is a farmer. How can he be the co-leader of the human race? The co-leader should choose another talent. I am afraid that Shennong can't bear this important task..."

After hearing this, Fuxi smiled slightly and said, "You are too modest. Human food has always been a big problem that plagues Humans. It is me, and I haven't figured out a real solution to Human food in recent years.

Now that this matter has been resolved by you, what a great contribution this is to the human race! It can be seen that your talent is no less than mine, so you don't have to shirk..."

Shennong waited, and was sincere and horrified.

However, seeing that Fuxi's attitude was extremely firm, Shennong thought for a while, and agreed to return to Chendu with Fuxi and take over as the co-leader of the human race.

Before leaving, Shennong thought of his teacher, so he went to bid farewell to him.

This matter is very important, so it is better to inform your teacher in advance, or to have a preparation.

Fuxi naturally had no objection to this. He knew the identity of Teacher Shennong, who was the second disciple under the chair of the leader, and the junior of Renzusui.

To count this, Xuandu is also a senior of the Human Race, if it weren't for his special body, he could have gone with Shennong at this time.

But that's okay, let Shennong tell everything, and then you can go to Chendu with yourself and take over the human race.


Beside the Lieshan tribe, in the mountains.

Shennong appointed Fuxi as the next co-leader of the Human Race. After he informed his teacher Xuantu, he heard Xuantu smile and said, "You just go to Chendu, and you will also go to Chendu as a teacher in the future. I met..."

Shennong was originally the body of the emperor of the earth, and naturally he wanted to take over as the co-leader of the human race. This is known to the Profound Capital. At this time, Fuxi came to find Shennong and decided on the co-lord. Next, it is normal.

As the teacher of the emperor, Shennong will settle in Chendu in the future, and he will naturally go there to teach Shennong the next thing.

However, during this period of time, he still needs to return to Shouyang Mountain. The teacher told him to return, and it is not too late to go to Chendu after the matter is over.

After Shennong got his own teacher's answer, he was happy, and then he said goodbye to Xuandu and returned to the Lieshan tribe.

After staying in the tribe for a few days, Shennong went to Chendu with Fuxi.


The people of the Lieshan tribe, regarding Shennong following Fuxi to Chendu, intending to take over as the co-leader of the human race, they naturally agreed with both hands and feet. This is a good opportunity to upgrade the Lieshan tribe and make the Lieshan tribe more brilliant.

Although the Lieshan tribe at this time was among all the human tribes, it was considered a larger tribe, and its strength was not weak. But compared with the Fengyan tribe of the co-lord Fuxi, it is much weaker.

If Shennong can take over as the co-lord, then the Lieshan tribe is estimated to be able to develop to the same level as the Fengyan tribe in the future. By then, the Lieshan tribe will truly rise and prosper.

Coupled with the co-lord Shennong, the Lieshan tribe's status in the human race will also rise.

Therefore, they all agreed with Shennong's trip to Chendu. As for matters in the tribe, Jiang Shan, the old patriarch, and several capable helpers who assist Shennong to deal with it, naturally there will be no problems.

It is also in this situation that the governance of the tribe will not be messy, and the powerful helper and the old patriarch, Shennong Chen, and his party, are more at ease and don't worry about things in the tribe.

You can safely follow the co-master to learn about the governance of the human race, and slowly take over the co-master's things, so that you can meet the requirements of the co-master, and then you can take over this position from the co-master.


With the cultivation bases of Shennong and Fuxi at this time, within a few days, they had already arrived outside Chen Du.

Basically, it was Fuxi who was leading Shennong. After all, Fuxi was the cultivation base of the quasi-sage mid-stage. It was naturally very easy to lead Shennong.

After arriving in Chendu, Fuxi didn't have a brain to let Shennong take over all, leaving it alone. But let Shennong take charge of human affairs, and he assisted as an assistant. In this way, there will be no problems.

Although Shennong was the patriarch of the Lieshan tribe and managed a large tribe, it was only a tribe. At this time, Shennong needed to deal with the affairs of the entire Terran ~www.ltnovel.com~ but it was extraordinary.

Therefore, Fuxi needs to familiarize Shennong with the affairs of all tribes first, and then walk the meditation.

Besides, the renunciation is no trivial matter. You need time to prepare. At that time, you will also invite your own teacher, several ancestors and several elders to come. As for the leader, the Virgin, and all the saints, they are also to be invited, as well as reincarnation. The Lord and so on exist.

All of these need to be prepared in advance. Therefore, it can be said that it is a matter of killing two birds with one stone to arrange this during this time, and to let Shennong familiarize and master the affairs of the human race.

Although Shennong is still a bit slow to get acquainted with the affairs of the entire human race, with Fuxi there, Shennong doesn't have to worry.

After all, he was the emperor of the earth and the patriarch of a large tribe. With the assistance of Fuxi, he gradually became familiar with the affairs of the entire human race.

It was also in the process of a little bit of processing, and the progress began to be mentioned.



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