Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 5 Chapter 95: East China Sea

Chapter 95 The East China Sea

In Chendu.

As the co-lord of the human race, Shennong is busy with daily affairs and is not in Chendu most of the time.

The girl also knows that her father is busy with work, she is also sensible, and often plays by herself.

Occasionally, she would follow her father to walk around the human race.

This time, the girl followed her father to a tribe near the East China Sea for disaster relief.

Shennong went out for disaster relief, naturally did not let the girl go with her, let her play in the tribe.

The girl felt that the tribe was boring, so she went to the East Sea alone to play.


On the banks of the East China Sea.

The girl was playing here alone, and it didn't take long before she saw a sudden churn above the originally calm sea, and then she saw a huge dragon of hundreds of feet rushing straight up, and the dragons chanted in all directions.

Although the girl had heard of the Shenlong, she hadn't seen it with her own eyes. When she saw the rumored dragon at this time, she looked at the dragon with curiosity.

The giant dragon hovered in the void, and the huge dragon's eyes looked at the ant-sized baby **** the ground, and a trace of sullenness flashed in her eyes.

The girl's eyes looked at him as if she was looking at a plaything, which made him extremely uncomfortable.

He was the fifth prince Ao Shuang of the Dragon King of the East China Sea, Ao Guang, who actually let a human girl look at it like this, and, still looking at it with a plaything, he was naturally angry.

"I am the fifth prince of the Dragon King Ao Guang of the East China Sea. Who are you to dare to play in my land?"

Ao Shuang stood in the air, coldly staring at the girl, and said indifferently, her voice was so loud that her ears buzzed.

He just came to patrol on the surface of the sea, and when he saw a human girl here, he showed up, but he didn't expect to be looked at like this by her, and he couldn't help but feel angry.

The girl looked calm and said lightly, "I am the daughter of the human co-master Shennong, this place belongs to the human race, why can't I play here..."

"What Shennong, this prince doesn't know. You dare to say that this place belongs to the human race, so you are not afraid that I will take your life here?"

Hearing this, Ao Shuang let out a cold snort, and looked at the girl below with contempt.

The Dragon King of the Four Seas of the Dragon Clan was appointed to heaven, and he had a special identity in the predicament. Together with the power of the Dragon Clan in the dark, they all gave Ao Shuang the proud capital.

Furthermore, it is the dragons who retired and walked in the wilderness, that is, the dragons of the four seas that were restricted to the heavens. As for the power in the dark, even if the causal karma is almost eliminated at this time, it is not the time of the world at this time, so it does not appear.

Therefore, Ao Luan belonged to those who did not walk in the wilderness, and knew nothing about the power of the wilderness human race at this time. That's why Ao Shuang was so contemptuous when the girl talked about her father Shennong.

"Bold, you dare to insult my father..."

The girl became angry when she heard Ao Shuang's words, and a touch of sullenness appeared on her small face, and she pointed to Ao Shuangdao.

Ao Shuang did not speak when he heard the words, and the dragon's tail curled up, bringing up a huge wave, and photographed the girl, intending to drown her.


Before the giant wave arrived in front of the girl, she was on the shore of the East China Sea, blocked by an invisible force, and couldn't move forward half a point at all. The force was extremely terrifying, and no matter how powerful the giant wave was, it would be blocked. Cannot go further down.


A clear sound echoed between the heavens and the earth. Even if I saw the huge waves being dispersed by this force, the Ao Shuang, including them, were all retreated by this force, smashed on the surface of the sea, and shook the waves to the sky. , Spread to billions of miles.

Ao Twin's huge dragon eyes showed a shocked look. Although he didn't know what power it was, the power was extremely terrifying. Now it was just a simple shield covering the place, and it didn't urge it to move.

He believed that if this force were to operate, he would probably be severely injured or even wiped out under the counter shock.

But immediately, a trace of flame emerged from Ao Shuanglong's eyes, and said angrily, "I have a human barrier in the land of the East China Sea. Is this provoking my dragon?"

As he spoke, the huge dragon's tail had already shot down towards this invisible barrier.


The huge dragon's tail smashed directly onto the barrier, making a huge noise, and then I saw ripples on the barrier, and immediately I saw a ray of light flashing, and in the next moment, I saw the huge Ao Lun The dragon's tail was blown to pieces, **** and bloody.


Ao Shuang screamed and fell into the sea again, dyeing a piece of sea red, extremely terrifying.

Ao Shuang’s dragon's tail was shot hard, and it was immediately backlashed by this force. At this time, the dragon's tail was blown to pieces by this force, and it was already considered light. If it weren't for the girl here at this time and the strength had been reduced, I guess Ao Shuang had already fallen.


In the next moment, a ray of light flashed across this barrier, and then I saw this barrier forming a light curtain, and then spreading towards the East China Sea, wherever it passed, everything was frozen. All of the aquariums fell under this force.

Ao Shuang looked horrified, seeing that the light curtain was about to come in front of him, he felt a deep sense of fall.


At this time, there was a roaring sound in the East China Sea, and then a huge bead glowing with colorful divine light appeared in front of him, blocking this terrifying light curtain.

"Inheritance of Dragon Ball!"

Ao Shuang was overjoyed and said that he was no stranger to inheriting the dragon clan. Although he had never seen it, he knew its name, which was the treasure of the dragon clan.

In the era of tribal hegemony in the past, this treasure was in the hands of Zulong, but now, it is in the hands of the patriarch, Candle Dragon.

The appearance of the inheritance dragon ball now indicates that the patriarch has taken action. Now that this light curtain is blocked, nothing will happen to the East China Sea.


Suddenly, there was a roaring sound from the Human Race East Sea barrier, ripples and divine light flickered above the barrier, and then a vast avenue of power condensed and manifested. A phantom came, coercing the heavens.

"Ao Shuang is good at attacking the human emperor's daughter, Zhulong, are you planning to go to war with the human race?"

The phantom stared coldly at Donghai~www.ltnovel.com~ and said indifferently.

The sound contained Tianxian, the entire East China Sea seemed to be steaming, and countless trillions of miles of seawater were evaporated. Among them, the aquarium was killed and injured at this time. Among the dragons, the influence was quite large. Even the candle dragon himself felt a sense of horror. The coercion shrouded himself.

As for Ao Shuang, under this coercion, he vomited blood and flew upside down, his expression wilted, even if he didn't fall away later, that would be the case.

And the inheritance Dragon Ball that was protecting him was already shocked by this terrifying aura, and it was temporarily unable to protect Ao Shuang.

"Suisheng calms down his anger, Ao Shuang doesn't know the daughter of the emperor, he has been severely injured, please open the Suisheng net..."

The candle dragon rose from the East China Sea and arched his hands towards Sui Ren's phantom shadow.

Although what came at this time was only the phantom of Sui Ren's mana, but in a short time, it was no different from the deity, and it was effortless to obliterate the realm of quasi-sage perfection like him.



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