Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 5 Chapter 96: Shennong Consummation

Chapter 96 Shennong Consummation

Prehistoric, on the banks of the East China Sea.


As soon as Zhulong's voice fell, a ray of light pierced the sky, and then turned into a three-legged tripod, falling towards Ao Luan's suppression.


Ao Shuang was suppressed by Shennongding at this time, and he did not know his life or death.

"Human, please keep your hands..."

Zhulong glanced at Ao Shuang, who was seriously injured at this time, and was close to the fall. He also knew that Shennong did not kill him at this time. Otherwise, it is estimated that Ao Shuang would still fall on the spot. After all, that was the power of the innate spirit treasure.

"Today, I will give the Zhulong Patriarch a face, I will not investigate this matter anymore..."

Shennong stepped out of the sky and said lightly.

After all, he is a co-owner and a healer with a benevolent heart. Since the girl is okay, Ao Twins is the same again. He does not want to make things too stiff, otherwise, I am afraid that the matter will become uncontrollable. To the point.

This is not the situation that a benevolent gentleman or a doctor wants to see, so he deliberately left a hand at this time and did not develop the matter to that point.

"Thank you, the emperor, but this is the fault of Ao Shuang after all. This place is originally under the jurisdiction of the dragon clan. Since the daughter of the emperor likes to play here, then the candle dragon is the master here and belongs to the territories of the human clan..."

Zhulong looked at Suiren's phantom and Shennong on the side, and said.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he had decided on the bank of the East China Sea. Even Shennong was a little shocked at this time.

Although this place is not very vast, it is also a place that can be developed. If it is given to the human race, it is also a good place.

Zhulong looked at Suiren phantom and Shennong, his expression unchanged.

Although this side of the East China Sea is under the jurisdiction of the Dragon Clan, it does not have much to do with the Dragon Clan. Moreover, the Dragon Clan is less than the one who manages this place, and it can be given to the Human Clan as a gift.

The time for the Dragon Race is not yet at this time, so it is not a wise choice to have a conflict with the Human Race. To be honest, Zhulong didn't care about the life and death of Ao Shuang.

However, the Zusuiren clan and Shennong, the human beings, were here, so he had to deal with this matter carefully. Temporary retreat was nothing, so at this time, it was nothing to give the place on the shore of the East China Sea to the human race.

"So, I would like to thank Patriarch Zhulong..."

Shennong smiled on his face when he heard the words, and replied with his hand to Zhulong. Then with a wave of his hand, she put away the Shennong Ding that suppressed Ao Shuang, and came to the girl's body.

"Ancestor, Emperor, goodbye!"

There was a smile on Zhulong's face. It was good that the matter did not cause trouble to that point. The Flintlock phantom came here, and one might be the battle between the Human Race and the Dragon Race. In this way, all the plans of the Dragon Race were completely messed up.

Without the need for other human masters to take action, Suiren's phantom shadow is enough to obliterate the Dragon.

Therefore, this time to calm the matter down, Zhulong felt that losing a shore of the East China Sea was nothing at all, and it was quite worth it.

After Zhulong arched his hands towards Suiren and Shennong, he rolled up the Ao Twin who had passed out, and then escaped into the East China Sea.

This time, Ao Shuang almost caused a catastrophe. If Ao Guang did not work properly, Zhulong would have to consider changing his face as a spokesperson. As for Ao Shuang, from now on, he would not be able to leave the East China Sea for half a step.

Of course, as Ao Shuang is now, even if he can recover, that's it. The avenue is destroyed by Sui Ren's holy prestige. Although it has not fallen now, it will only be a waste dragon in the future.

However, Zhulong didn't care about these, as long as the human race and the dragon race were kept steady, and it was enough. As for the life and death of Ao Shuang, Zhulong didn't care at all.


"This time, I would like to thank Renzu for helping!"

Shennong bowed to Suiren's phantom. This enchantment is a barrier to protect the human race and can operate on its own. However, encountering an existence like the candle dragon, there are still some shortcomings, and he may take away Ao Shuang.

But the ghost of the Suiren descended here, and the candle dragon didn't dare to make any trouble.

"Take good care of Terran!"

Sui Ren looked at him with a smile on his face.

When the voice fell, he saw him untie himself, turned into a boundless divine light, and merged into this human enchantment.

Shennong once again bowed to Suiren's place and said, "Ren Ancestor rest assured, Shennong will take good care of Human Race..."

"Father!" The girl raised her head and said.

Shennong touched her head, smiled and said, "Let's go!"

After that, he took the girl and walked towards the tribe when he came.


In the Holy Land.

The two ancestors of the Chao clan and Ziyi clan were also a little surprised at the fact that Zhulong was so quick to be soft.

However, since the candle dragon is soft and cut the shores of the East China Sea to the human race, that matter is fine. Now at the critical moment, Shennong still allows him to prove the Dao smoothly before speaking. For other things, as long as there is no fight, there will be nothing. Too big a problem.

As for the banks of the East China Sea, the Chao family immediately asked the disciples of the Holy Land to take over.

Although this area is not very good, it is at least not a small area. It is also a good choice for the human races near the coast of the East China Sea to move here and develop more.

Therefore, the disciples of the Holy Land are very fast, and soon they are still building here.


And Shennong returned to this tribe with her baby girl. After handling the matter, she returned to Chendu.

Regarding this Ao Twin incident, it was just a small episode. After all, it didn't happen to that point, and Shennong wouldn't be too concerned.

After returning to Chendu, Shennong devoted himself to dealing with human affairs. On the shore of the East China Sea, he promised Renzu to take good care of human affairs, although he would do well without Renzu's instructions.

But since Renzu's admonition was added, he naturally had to work harder.

As for his own cultivation, he didn't fall behind either. While practicing while dealing with human affairs, he sometimes needs to go on his own.

However, as a co-owner, Shennong didn't care, so his reputation at this time was growing.


Time passed, and quietly, more than three hundred years passed.

The Human Race has gradually strengthened under the leadership of Shennong, and now Shennong's achievements are much better than Fuxi, and it can be said that they are chasing the Human Race and the second ancestor of the Ziyi family.

The second ancestor of the Human Race created a new era for the Human Race in the era when the human race was drinking blood. The meaning of the representative was extraordinary. Shennong can see it by comparing it with it.

This is in the human race~www.ltnovel.com~. It can be said that Shennong has this ability, which is Fuxi's governance in the human race. At this time, it is a bit short.

He tasted the herbs for the human race, so he was praised as the ancestor of medicine by the human race, and the valley that almost killed him was also named by the honorific name of Shennong, Shennongjia.

Shennong was born in Jiangshui, and his merits were consummate with Shennongjia, so he was also called Emperor Yan.

Shennong's eulogy among the human race at this time can be said to have surpassed Emperor Fuxi and pursued the third ancestor of the human race.

Even in the border land of the human race, those human races who had intersected with the witch race also respected Shennong at this time, and even called Shennong the supreme god.

During the thousand years of Shennong's reign, he felt that he had completed his merits and virtues. At this time, as long as Shennong was like Fuxi, he could find his successor and succeed him as the co-lord. .

Shennong is about to prove the Dao, so it indicates that the next human emperor will come to the world human race.



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