Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 5 Chapter 111: Chi You defeated and retired

Chapter 111: Chi You Defeats and Retires

Terran, the land of Banquan.


A sound of thunder blasted through the four directions, impacting and annihilating hundreds of thousands of miles. If the power of the four masters were not controlled, I am afraid that the tribes of the bear tribe and the Jiuli tribe would have to fall under the impact of the two sides. .


Jiufeng backed away thousands of miles, looking at Qingchen solemnly.

The body of the great witch is not bad compared to Da Luo Jinxian. With her strength and physical strength, it is enough to compare the existence of Da Luo Jinxian in the later period, but the Qingchen on the opposite side is beyond the perfection of Da Luo Jinxian and is about to reach the quasi-sage. exist.

In addition, Qingchen still has Innate Spirit Treasure in his hands. Although it is a low-grade, in terms of overall strength, even in a short period of time, it is enough to resist the quasi-sage.

Although he was able to compare to Da Luo Jinxian's late stage, there was still a gap between Qingchen and Qingchen.

"Nine Phoenix, the newly promoted great witch has such strength, even the great witches of the old witch clan are rare..."

Qing Chen stood in the air, looked at Jiufeng, and said slowly.

Qingchen is naturally aware of Jiufeng’s situation. The newly promoted great witch in the line of human witches is not weak. Give her a period of time to grow to the peak of the great witch. It's in line.

Jiufeng was silent when she heard this. Although she had never been to the Witch Clan, after hearing Chi You's words, her great power of the Witch Clan was considered superior among the Witch Clan.

But these are not the key now, the key is oneself, not the opponent of Qingchen.

"call out!"

Qingchen smiled slightly, and with a movement of his hand, a golden glow seemed to be the first divine light to open the sky, and it immediately enveloped the nine phoenixes, and in the next instant it turned into a roulette wheel, turning this world into endless time and space. Shrouded in it.

Seeing this, Jiufeng's expression changed slightly, and his real body suddenly appeared tens of thousands of feet, and he blasted towards the shrouded roulette with a punch.


Qingchen had already arrived in front of Jiufeng at some time. Although his figure was very different from that of Jiufeng at this time, when the two laps collided, Jiufeng was retreating. Qingchen's strength was still overwhelming. Her head.

Jiufeng looked solemn and glanced at Xiangliu on the other side. The situation was not good.

Jianxin is a sword repairer. Accompanied by a divine sword with a low-grade innate spirit treasure, it has the power to cut down the willow. The sword aura is 30,000 li, as if it has cut the heaven and the earth in half, just like the situation of the willow at this time. , It is also difficult to resist.

As for Chi You's side, the two armies retreated. At this time, the fight is divided into spring and autumn. No one has the upper hand. On the high-level side, although Chi You and Xuanyuan are now on the same level, as long as he and Xiang Liu are defeated, they will still not last long. .

After all, Qing Chen's strength lies there, Chi You is not a great witch now, how could it be able to resist it.


Chi You is also quite impatient now. If it weren't for this, the attack would be a bit messy, and Xuanyuan wouldn't be even with him.

"Chi You, if you return, I can grant you the position of general..."

Xuanyuan spoke while parrying Chi You's attack.

"Hmph, it's impossible for me to submit to Chiyou..."

Hearing this, Chi You looked cold and shouted.


As soon as Chi You's voice fell, there was a ray of light blooming in front of his eyes. Under the circumstances at this time, he was a bit confused between sword light and sunlight.


Xiang Liu was repulsed by Jian Xin's sword, leaving deep marks where he crossed his hands, and retreated directly to a place not far from Chi You.

Seeing Xiangliu's wounds, Chi You immediately spoke, "Brother Xiangliu, is there a serious problem?"

Hearing this, Xiang Liu shook his head solemnly.

Seeing this, Chi You's eyes were slightly drenched, and he gritted his teeth and shouted, "All troops retreat!"

The sound wave rolled and spread over 30,000 miles. All the Jiuli tribe army had heard Chi You’s voice, and immediately withdrew from the battle circle, retreating like a tide, and Chi You and Xiang Liu rolled up a part and retreated quickly. .

Jiufeng retreated while fighting, and then, with the counter-shock power of the Qingchen Roulette Lingbao's attack, directly retreated tens of thousands of miles, and then fled directly.





Seeing Chi You retiring from the army, the bear tribe army shouted Xuanyuan's name. This battle also boosted their confidence.

Although most of the credit goes to the immortals and the others, it does not hinder their joy of victory.

Qingchen and Jianxin looked at each other, and then slowly fell from the void.

Jianxin relied on the power of Lingbao to overwhelm Xiangliu, but Qingchen was actually stronger than Jiufeng. These two great witches were defeated, even if Chi You were tough, it would be of no avail at this time. .

Temporary retreat was also his best result.

"Thank you for helping me and a few immortals..."

Xuanyuan saw Qingchen and Jianxin, as well as the four human disciples, Xuanqing, Xuanming, Xuankong, Xuanling, and he immediately thanked him.

"Since there is a great witch in Jiuli, I have to help you as a teacher. This time Chi You retired from the army, but it was because I and Jianxin Brother and I defeated Jiufeng and Xiang Liu, and we had to retreat. If Chi You comes again, maybe There is something to do..."

After Qingchen paused, he continued, "There is the bear tribe army and there is room for improvement. Behind Jiuli, there is the Dongyi Alliance. Your path will not be so easy. You need to go step by step... "

"The teacher's words, the disciple has noted..."

Hearing this, Xuanyuan nodded solemnly and said, he naturally knew this.

However, with the help of the teacher, no matter how hard I can promote the bear tribe army, I want to deal with it without any major problems.

Seeing this, Qingchen nodded slightly and said, "Then let's go!"

After that, after taking a look at Jian Xin, after Xuan Qing's four, the six directly flew in the air and flew toward Chen Du's place.

"Return to Chendu!"

Seeing this, Xuanyuan waved his big hand, and the class teacher returned.


The news of Xuanyuan's victory over Chi You's army quickly spread back to Chen Du.

The human races in the Chen Capital are naturally very happy about this co-lord's victory ~www.ltnovel.com~, and their belief and prestige for Xuanyuan have all improved a lot.

Naturally, Xuanyuan was very happy about such a thing, and that was what he wanted.

But the next thing is not so easy, he needs to improve the strength of the army first.

On the other hand, Chiyou, Xiangliu and Jiufeng three great witches led the Jiuli tribe to retreat to the original place, and then temporarily rested and waited for the opportunity. At least, the injuries of Jiufeng and Xiangliu should be restored. Up.

As for the others, just come step by step.

The bear tribe and Jiuli calm down temporarily, while the Dongyi Alliance is temporarily not calm.

Because of the battle between the bear tribe and the Jiuli tribe, the Dongyi Alliance also knew about it at this time.

Next, it will be time for restlessness again.



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