Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 5 Chapter 112: The Supreme Lord Gives Golden Pill

Chapter One Hundred and Twelfth Chapter Supreme Master Gives Golden Pill

Eastern Terran, in the Eastern Yi Alliance.

"Unexpectedly, the bear tribe defeated Jiuli so quickly, it surprised me a little..."

Rong Yi looked at Chen Du's relief and said in a condensed voice. He hadn't expected such a result.

Originally intended to hurt both sides, or after one side was defeated, he could take action and subdue that side, but now it seems that although the Jiuli army has retreated, it has not actually lost much.

If he made his best effort and won Jiuli, it would have hurt both sides. Even if it succeeded, it would have lost too much. By then, a bear tribe would be able to take it down without any effort.

Naturally, Rong Yi would not do such a thing. At this time, he should wait first, sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, and reap the benefits of the fishermen.

Anyway, between the Bear Tribe and the Jiuli Tribe, there is already a fight, and there must be another battle next. This battle will be the key. The time is not yet time, so you don't have to be too hasty.

"This time from the Holy Land of the Human Race, a few not weak Human Race disciples came. Jiuli Dawu was caught off guard. It is normal to suffer a loss..."

The pharmacist beside him heard the words and said immediately.

"The Holy Land is not weak, can the teacher be sure?"

Rong Yi frowned, looked at the pharmacist and asked.

Jiuli are all at a loss. If their own teacher can't cope with it, will the Dongyi Alliance also have the same result?

"You don't have to worry, assistance is just assistance. Between you and Xuanyuan is the key to victory. I will return to the West and ask the teacher to give you some assistance and improve your cultivation. At that time, as long as you win Xuanyuan, everything will be settled. ..."

The pharmacist looked at Rong Yi, flashed a sharp light in his eyes, and said.

Hearing this, Rong Yi nodded. Since this is the case, his chances of winning will be much larger when he improves his cultivation level. If he has the assistance of teachers and others, I believe there will be no big problems.

"In the next period of time, you don't need to pay attention to the situation of Jiuli and the bear tribe. You should quickly develop your own army and return to the West as a teacher, and ask for your help and help you hit the Golden Immortal..."

The pharmacist squinted his eyes slightly, bright golden light emerged from it, and a vast Buddha's power filled it.

"Disciples, thank you teacher!"

Seeing this, Rong Yi immediately got up and bowed his hand to the pharmacist.

The pharmacist nodded, and disappeared into the hall with a movement.

Rong Yi glanced at the location of Jiuli and Chen Du with a cold expression, then snorted and left the hall. The next step is to improve the strength of the army and his own strength. As for the affairs of the two tribes, I will ignore them for the time being. .

As for my teacher, I'm waiting for good news from him.


The speed of the pharmacist was not slow, and in just a few months, he returned to the Lingshan realm from the Dongyi Alliance.

However, the Dongyi Alliance is closer to the West, otherwise, even if the cultivation base of Pharmacist Da Luo Jinxian, it would be difficult to return to the West within a few months.

After the pharmacist came to the western realm, he came directly to the Great Leiyin Temple on the Lingshan Mountain.

After entering the Great Leiyin Temple, the pharmacist came to the side of the Eight Treasure Merit Pool.

"Disciple pharmacist, see the teacher..." The pharmacist saluted towards the lead and Zhunti.

With a wave of his hand, he lifted the Pharmacist up and said, "Do you know about Xuanyuan and Chi You?"

"The disciple already knows that when I came to Lingshan this time, I wanted to invite a teacher to improve Rong Yi's strength so that he could gain a favorable advantage in the next battle..."

When the pharmacist heard this, he immediately said, telling him the purpose of coming here.

"The teacher has known your intentions for a long time, and has prepared everything. Here is an acquired spirit treasure soul eater, which can be handed over to Rong Yi to improve his strength. As for his own cultivation..."

After the lead took out a three-foot big knife and gave it to the pharmacist, with a move in his hand, a group of golden light appeared in his hand, and continued, "This thing, you hand it to Rong Yi, you can improve his cultivation... "

Seeing this, Zhunti's eyes flashed by, but he didn't speak.

Although the pharmacist couldn't see the specific situation of this light group, he could also feel the terrifying energy contained in it. He believed that if this was given to Rong Yi, it would not be a problem to upgrade Da Luo Jinxian.

After thinking about it in his heart, he took it, and then put away the light group and the soul eater.

"So, the disciple thanked the teacher for Rong Yi..."

After the pharmacist put away the things, he saluted again.

"If this is the case, then you go, the time is calm, and the strength of the Dongyi Alliance should be improved first..." said the lead.

Immediately, he paused, and continued, "When the Dongyi Alliance is at war with You Xiong, the teacher will let Maitreya and the others go and help you. Then, don't let the teacher down..."

"The disciple understands, please don't worry, teacher..."

The pharmacist listened and said with a solemn expression.

The leader nodded, indicating that the pharmacist could return to the Dongyi Alliance.

Seeing this, after the pharmacist gave his hand, he turned and left.

"Senior brother's arrangement depends on the specific situation behind Rong Yi..."

After the pharmacist left, Zhunti opened his eyes and said.

Knowing that he was talking about helping him, he smiled and said, "Some things must be prepared in advance. Do it now, and it will be easier to use it later..."

Zhunti nodded, did not speak any more, looked at the Dongyi Alliance.


Thirty-three days, Dongfang, Dousizong.

"Qing Ming, when you come here, there is something for you to do..."

Taishang Laojun looked at Qing Ming, the emperor Qinghua in front of him, and said lightly.

"Teacher please give instructions, Qing Ming should do his best..."

Hearing this, Qing Ming immediately bowed his hand and replied. Since the leader has something to order, he must do everything he can to complete it.

"This time the human co-lord Xuanyuan will face the two major opponents of Jiuli and the Dongyi Alliance. There are forces behind them. Although there is support from the Holy Land, Xuanyuan's own strength is also indispensable..."

"Between the two sides~www.ltnovel.com~ In addition to the forces behind, the decisive factor is the cultivation base of the leaders of both parties. For now, Xuanyuan's cultivation base is still lacking, so this time, this seat intends to let you Bring a golden pill to Xuanyuan to improve his cultivation and occupy more advantages..."

Taishang Laojun looked at Qing Ming and slowly said.

Qing Ming listened and nodded slightly. Although she was shocked by the fact that the leader gave the golden pellets, after all, the leader's golden pellets had a very good effect. Judging from the current situation, I am afraid that the level of the golden pellets given by the leader is not small.

However, what the leader said is also reasonable. As a co-owner, facing two forces, strength is naturally indispensable, and promotion is feasible.

I just don't know what level of golden core the leader plans to give Xuanyuan.

After Taishang Laojun was silent for a few breaths, with a wave of his hand, a golden pill appeared in front of Qing Ming.

Seeing this, Qing Ming's expression changed, and he looked at Taishang Laojun in shock.



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