Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 5 Chapter 113: Jin Dan 9th turn, Xuanyuan Sword

Chapter 113 The Nine Golden Core, Xuanyuan Sword

In the east of the heavenly court, in the palace.

"Master, this..."

Qing Ming looked at Taishang Laojun with a shocked expression. Although he was already the Great Emperor Qinghua, he had seen such a treasure once, and it was normal to have such a shocked look.

You must know that such a treasure, Qinghua the Great Emperor, is not yet qualified to obtain it. Although it does not have much effect for him, such a pill is only rumored in the prehistoric state, and indeed rarely exists. See.

"You can bring this 9th Rank Golden Pill to Xuanyuan. It can help him ascend to the realm of Daluo Jinxian. By then, there is no need to worry about the following things, everything has its own set..."

With a faint movement in the hands of the Taishang Laojun, a jade bottle appeared, which contained a very strong prohibition, and stored the Nine-Rank Golden Pill in it, blocking all auras from leaking. From the outside, it was an ordinary thing.

Qing Ming's hand moved, and the jade bottle flew slowly and fell into his hand. Although there was not much weight, he felt the weight of a big Luo Jinxian and the weight of a human emperor.

"Don't worry, the leader, Qing Ming will hand it over to Xuanyuan..."

After Qing Ming carefully put it away, he arched his hand to Taishang Laojun.

Taishang Laojun nodded slightly, then waved his hand and said, "So, you go!"

Hearing this, Qing Ming once again arched his hand, and then left the Palace of Dousiz, and came towards the land of Chen Capital.

"So, Xuanyuan's assistance is almost the same..."

Taishang Laojun looked at the western Lingshan, with a smile on his face.

He naturally knows the Western moves, and they are also helpful, but the Nineth Rank Jindan has no side effects, but the help that he receives is provided. In contrast, he made a judgment.

After a long time, Taishang Laojun withdrew his gaze and stopped paying attention.


Qing Ming's speed is not slow, his quasi-sage existence is naturally extremely fast, and within a short period of more than a year, he came to the lower realm from the heavens, and then came directly towards Chen Du.

A few months later, Qing Ming finally came to Chen Du.

In the Chamber.

Xuanyuan, Qingchen and the others were discussing matters here. Suddenly, a horrible aura condensed. Before they could make any movements, they saw a figure appearing in front of them, it was Qing Ming.

"I have seen Emperor Qinghua..." Xuan Qing said, the five Jian Xin saluted.

"I have seen Brother Qingming..." Qingchen saluted.

"I've seen Emperor Qinghua!"

Xuanyuan and the others did not expect that the visitor would actually be the Great Emperor Qinghua of the Heavenly Court, the teacher of the former Emperor Fuxi, and the number one disciple of the holy land of the human race. His cultivation skills are unfathomable.

Xuanyuan, Fenghou and others were shocked, and immediately saluted.

Seeing this, Qing Ming smiled, waved his hand, raised up the crowd, smiled and said, "You don't have to be polite!"

"Emperor Xie (Brother Dao)!"

After everyone handed over, they stood up and said.

"Brother Dao, you are here this time, but what are you going to do?"

Qing Chen looked at Qing Ming and asked.

Now there is a bear tribe, and Jiuli and the Dongyi Alliance are about to break out again. At this time, Qing Ming is coming, obviously there is a major event, otherwise, as Qing Ming's strength, he should not come here casually.

"I came here by the order of the leader to give something to the co-owner..."

Qing Ming listened to this, smiled, and said.

"The leader?!"

Qingchen and the others were a little confused and shocked when they heard this. They were actually the orders of the leader?


Qing Ming did not speak, but with a movement in his hand, a jade bottle appeared in his hand, and then said, "The leader bestows Gong Xuanyuan with a nine-turn golden pill. This pill has powerful effects and can help CCP Xuanyuan step into the realm of the golden fairy. The slightest side effect..."

When everyone listened, their expressions were shocked again.

There is no side effect in the elixir that enhances Da Luo Jinxian!

This, these Nine Ranks Golden Pills, but Heaven-defying Pills! It's worthy of the pill of the leader!

"Xuanyuan, thank the leader for giving medicine!"

Xuanyuan insisted, and immediately faced the direction of Shouyang Mountain and bowed down.

Qing Ming handed the jade bottle in his hand to Qingchen, and said, "Next, you will help Xuanyuan absorb and dissolve the medicinal power of the Nine Ranks Golden Core, so that Xuanyuan can quickly ascend to the Golden Fairy Realm of Daluo. Really displayed..."

"Brother Dao, don't worry, I will arrange it properly..." Qingchen nodded.

Qing Ming nodded slightly, and with the help of Qingchen, Xuanyuan could quickly ascend, and Daluo Jinxian Realm was enough.

When Qing Ming saw something, he planned to leave.


Suddenly, a terrifying coercion came, it was a coercion above all the saints, it was a force.

Qing Ming's expression changed, and he knelt on one knee immediately, "Disciple Qing Ming, respectfully welcome the leader!"

"Welcome the leader!"

Seeing this, the expressions of Qingchen, Jianxin, Xuanyuan and others all changed. It was the leader who came and saluted them one after another.

"call out!"

In the next instant, a golden light flashed, and then turned into a three-foot green front, a sharp sword intent swept over it, the meaning of the sharpness was that Jian Xiu's sword heart felt heart palpitations.

"Xuanyuan proving the Dao requires something to prove the Dao. This sect will give you a sword today, the name Xuanyuan. I hope you will master this sword and complete the proof of the Dao!"

The magnificent voice that pierced through the long river of time and space echoed in everyone's ears, as if imprinted in the depths of the soul.

"The disciple thanked the leader for giving the treasure!"

Upon hearing this, Xuanyuan immediately worshipped, and a touch of joy appeared in his eyes.

The emperor Fuxi and the earth emperor Shennong’s proofs were given by the master himself, and now I can also get the treasures of the proof given by the master, which is a very good thing for me.

Can the treasures given by the leader be worse? With these help, Dongyi and Jiuli are not afraid.

After Xuanyuan paid homage, the terrifying coercion gradually receded.

"Respectfully send to the leader!"

Qing Ming took the lead and saluted again.

After doing all this, everyone looked at the divine sword floating in the void, exuding an extremely terrifying sword intent, cutting through the void sword aura.

It was a quaint golden long sword, three feet long, with the sun, moon and stars carved on one side of the sword, and vegetation and mountains on the other side.

On one side of the hilt is engraved the techniques of farming and animal husbandry, and the other side is engraved on the strategy of unifying the world.

The sword body is simple and lavender, and there is an extremely upright aura around it.

"What a Xuanyuan sword!"

Seeing this, Qing Ming's eyes suddenly lit up, and she sighed.

Hearing this, everyone nodded slightly, quite admiring Qing Ming's words.

That righteous Dao aura is extremely vast and rich, and the pure righteous Dao aura contains a trace of the human emperor's aura. It can be said that it is the human emperor's sword, and it is also a divine weapon that is extremely compatible with Xuanyuan.

A look of joy appeared on Xuanyuan's face. He felt that he had a lot of connections with this sword in the dark. It was really his own sword of proof~www.ltnovel.com~哧! "

Xuanyuan Jian let out a sword sound, then flew over and fell into Xuanyuan's hands.

"Xuanyuan has this help, it is no problem. This matter is over, I should go too..."

After taking a look at Xuanyuan and Xuanyuanjian, Qing Ming said softly. Immediately he moved his body and left here.

"Send the emperor respectfully!" everyone saluted.

"Xuanyuan, next, you will first absorb the power of the Rank Nine Golden Core and raise it to Da Luo Jinxian. As for the sacrifice of Xuanyuan Sword, you will slow down for a while, and I will talk about it after the promotion..."

After Qing Ming left, Qing Chen looked at Xuanyuan and said.

Hearing this, Xuanyuan nodded, and the Xuanyuan sword in his hand was squeezed for a moment, and a brighter divine light burst into his eyes.



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