Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 5 Chapter 136: Humanitarian changes

Chapter 136 Humanitarian Changes

At the same time, Nuwa left directly from Fengxi Mountain and came towards Shouyang Mountain.

This matter is indeed related, she intends to ask Taishang, what is going on, unexpectedly the sixth emperor of the human race was born.

Yuanshi and Tongtian wanted to leave, but think about it, this matter is a matter of the human race. Since Nuwa has gone, they didn't leave.

In any case, this is of great help to my elder brother's humane control and understanding, and it is also good.

After Hou Tu was slightly shocked, he withdrew his gaze.

Dijun naturally would not pay too much attention to human affairs. After taking his gaze back, he continued the demon race's causal karma. The current demon race has taken a step forward from the time to reappear the prehistoric state. Not far away.

The second sage of the West, whether shocked or not, is now sealed on the top of Lingshan, so even if it is shocked, it is the same.

They also knew where they were, so after being shocked, they withdrew their gazes, not seeing their hearts out of trouble.


Terran, in the Holy Land.

"Ren Zu, is this the sixth emperor of the human race?"

Fuxi raised her brows, looked at Sui Ren beside her, and asked.

He exists as the first Hunyuan of the Human Race. He can see clearly the vision of the birth of a baby, the situation of the human luck and the prehistoric luck, and only the human emperor of the human race has such a situation.

It’s just that he doesn’t understand, isn’t this human race's general trend, three emperors and five emperors? How come there is a sixth emperor again?

"Humanity has changed, and the general trend of the human race has also changed. The sixth emperor is probably born because of this. But this is not a bad thing for the human race. After all, one more human emperor adds a lot of human strength and luck. It’s also a good thing for Humans..."

After thinking about it in his heart, Suiren looked at Fuxi and said.

After a pause, he continued, "Humanity changes, and the general trend of the human race has changed. You may not know the six emperors in the future. This way, you can also improve and improve the humanity in turn. This will also have a lot of benefits for the leader... …"

Listening to this, Fuxi nodded, and the leader is in charge of humanity. If the humanity is improved, it will indeed be of great help to the leader.

Viewed in this way, the changes in the general trend of the human race and the increase of the human emperor, whether for the human race, or for the leader, humanity, are all opportunities for improvement.

"Since it's the younger junior apprentice, there is no need to worry about this. The sixth emperor, let Cangsong teach it!"

Sui Ren glanced at Cang Song and said to Fu Xi.

Hearing this, Fuxi nodded. He still knows a little about Cangsong. He is a named disciple of the leader. Although his strength is placed in the entire prehistoric land, he is not too strong, but Daluo Jinxian's consummation cannot be achieved by any existence. of.

With him teaching, that is enough.

After Sui Ren retracted his gaze, he did not speak again, closed his eyes and began to comprehend.

When Fuxi saw this, he also retracted his gaze and continued to comprehend.


Shouyang Mountain, in the Taiqing Palace.

"Brother Dao, isn't this human race's general trend, three emperors and five emperors? How could there be a sixth emperor?"

Nu Wa raised her eyebrows, looked at Tai Shang, and asked.

The matter of the three emperors and five emperors was discussed in the Zixiao Palace in the past, and they were all set, but now, there has been a change. Although it is not a bad thing for the human race, there has been a change in the end, she I really want to know some.

"Humanity changes, the general trend of the human race, is no longer as simple as the five emperors. This is also a key to the perfection of humanity. This is also a good thing for the human race, but there is no need to worry..."

After hearing the words, Taishang said with a smile on his face.

Hearing this, Nuwa nodded slightly. From the perspective of the human emperor, this is really not a bad thing for the human race. After all, the birth of a human emperor can solve the human race's problems and increase the overall strength and luck.

In this way, Human Race will only become stronger, which is really not a bad thing.

"Since there is a change in humanity and an increase in the emperor, then I don't know how far it will be?"

After thinking about it, Nuwa looked at Taishang and asked. After all, Taishang is in charge of humanity. Since it is a change in humanity, he should be the most clear about this matter. Just like this general trend of human race, he has already occupied all the opportunities.

Therefore, Nuwa believes that Taishang must know the specific circumstances of the humanitarian changes.

Waiting too much, humanity manifests in his eyes, and there is yin and yang intertwined, exploring the mystery of humanity, and seeing all the secrets.

After a long time, Taishang regained the color of clarity in his eyes, and said, "Nine and nine are the number of extremes. This is also the biggest change in the power of the emperor..."

"Nine Emperors?!"

A look of surprise appeared on Nuwa's pretty face, and she was actually changed to the Nine Emperors, which surprised her.

"After the Six Emperors, it is not so easy to make the emperor become the emperor of mankind. It is not a unified one. It is impossible to be the founding king of a dynasty. Like the current five emperors, thinking of one dynasty and two emperors is unlikely... …"

Taishang looked at her and slowly said, this is also a limitation for the future to be an emperor and become a human emperor~www.ltnovel.com~ Not only must be unified, but also the founding king of a dynasty, wanting to be like now It's impossible to be like Five Emperors, Di Yu and Yao.

After all, although humanity has changed, it is not so easy for the emperor to achieve it. With this restriction, it is normal.

Nuwa didn't think so much about these things. She didn't have to think about these things. After all, humanity was too controlled. He would make it perfect. As long as he knew the changes in humanity, it was enough.

"The Six Emperors are out, wait for his return!"

He smiled too much and looked at Human Race.

Nuwa nodded when she heard the words, and looked towards the human race.


After Cang Song rescued the Six Emperors, he was brought up by Gun's wife and named Yu.

After learning about his father, Yu decided to shame his father and quell the flood, so he rushed to find a good solution for water management.

As time flies, decades have passed in an instant, and Gun’s son, Yu, has grown up by this time.


However, after Shun executed Gun, he caused terrible disaster to the human race.

Since the beheading of Gun, the human race can not find a water control energy.

In the end, Shun had no choice but to pro-autonomous water. Although Shun had great talents, he was superior to the governance of the human race, and Shun was unable to achieve very good results in the management of water.

Although Shun was so busy every day that he didn't even have time to sleep in order to control the waters, the floods still broke out frequently. Shun was obviously powerless, so the floods in the floods became more and more severe.

The whole country suffers from the flood, even more so.

At this time, the harvest of the human race is getting lower every year, and life is getting harder year by year. Every hard work is washed away by the flood and turned into rubble.

Looking at the already embarrassed Human Race, Shun was so distressed that he could only summon all his officials to discuss.



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