Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 5 Chapter 137: Dayu's Water Control (1)

Chapter 137: Dayu's Water Control (1)

Chen Du, in the conference hall.

After the officials arrived, Shun looked at them and asked, "All the Qings, now that the human race has reached the point of life and death, what can you do to deal with this increasingly serious flood?"

The minister who had recommended Gun went out and said, "The co-lord Rongzhen, Gun's son Yu is also proficient in water management, and the minister heard that because of the death of his father Gun, Yu has painstakingly studied the way of water management over the years.

Presumably, it is now blue out of blue and better than blue. Why don't the co-owners call him to give him a try? If he feels that the law can quell the flood, let him take charge of the water management affairs this time! "

When Shun heard this, he felt a little sad.

Gunben was also a sage in the human race, but unfortunately the failure of water control led to the death of countless human races. Due to the pressure of the higher human race, Shun had to execute Gun to eliminate the dissatisfaction within the human race.

It can be said that Gun died in his own hands, but Shun did not want Gun's son to follow his father's back.

Regarding this, Shun looked at him and said lightly, "Gun has no effect in controlling the water, what can his son do? I think it's better to forget, who else can the Qing family have?"

When everyone listened, they were silent.

When Shun saw this, he sighed and said, "If this is the case, let's discuss it later."

After that, he got up and walked out.

When all the ministers saw Shun leaving, they also dispersed.


Prehistoric, among the human race.

When Shun returned to his residence, he began to think quietly, thinking that he had killed Gun under the pressure of the higher level of the human race, and regretted in his heart.

Gun is the person in the human race who is the most able to deal with floods, but it is a pity that those short-sighted people interfere with their decisions at will, which caused the cause of Gun's death, and Shun also sighed.

Then he thought of the Yu recommended by the minister, and Shun was certain that if Dayu was really talented in water control, he would definitely let him use it and let him manage the flood.

Thinking of this, Shun ordered people to go and inquire about Dayu's deeds, so as to see what his behavior was.

If he is really noble and can solve the human flood problem, Shun will never shake his head even if he takes his own life.

Shun ordered people to inquire about Yu's deeds, and then people kept reporting back.

The content of the report made Shun very happy, a noble character, and a talent with a heart for the human race. If he can successfully control the water, he must pass it down to him.

So Shun immediately issued an edict and ordered Yu to come and see him!


However, it was said that Yu spent more than 20 years under the care of his mother and the guidance and teaching of Cang Song.

Later when he was thirty years old, Yu met the daughter of the Tushan clan in Tushan, and fell in love at first sight.

Nv Jiao heard of his ambition and was willing to help him manage the flood. When Dayu heard this, he was overjoyed, and the two supported each other along the way.

Then, Yu and Nv Jiao entered the palace of marriage. Nv Jiao's home was the powerful Tushan clan of Dongyi.

At that time, the Tushan clan was still in the late matriarchal system, and Yu could only be a door-to-door son-in-law, living a life of "husband and wife residence".

Having said that, Yu received strong support from Dongyi, and since then he has a foundation for his career.

At this moment, Yu and the Nujiao couple were having a sweet time. I was so happy, Emperor Shun ordered people to find out about Yu's deeds. After that, people kept reporting back, and Emperor Shun became more and more relieved.

When Yu Zheng was newly married to Yan'er, he suddenly received an order from Emperor Shun, so the husband and wife reluctantly bid farewell. From then on, Yu embarked on the road of water treatment. Before leaving, Yu deliberately went to see his teacher Cangsong Taoist.

At that time, Cang Song sighed, took out a roll of bamboo slips from his body, and handed it to Dayu.

Then he said to Yu, "This is when the teacher rescued you in the past. It was found from your father. It is his relic. Now that the son inherits his father's inheritance, it should be time for you to take over. This time I will treat the water. I will help you later..."

And Cang Song was not unprepared, and took out the two things and handed them to Dayu.

Smiled and said, "These two things are specially made for you by the teacher. The axe name is to open the mountain. It can be used to dredge the river and return water to its place. The stick name is the sea **** needle. It can be used to explore the water level and calm the sea. I hope you can use it well..."

The way of refining is not unfamiliar to Cangsong. The people of the Taiqing Palace also dabble in this sect. The master of his own has a profound understanding of this sect. Therefore, the so-called "superior, alchemy, and refining methods" Very familiar.

On that scroll of bamboo slips, Dayu saw his father’s legacy of water control, and combined his own insights, he came up with the famous saying that “blocking is worse than sparse”.

After Dayu accepted Cangsong's magic weapon and paid goodbye to his teacher, he set off for the human capital to meet with the human co-lord Shun.


A few months later, Dayu had arrived.

In Chendu of the Human Race, in the conference hall, Shun is sitting above, and below is a group of officials.

At this time, a young man attracted the attention of his officials.

This person is the Yu who came to see him.

I saw Yu bowed and saluted Shun, and said loudly, "Weichen Da Yu, see the co-master, co-master Wan'an!"

Hearing this, Shun nodded slightly, motioned to Yu Mengli, and then said, "Qing is flat! I heard that Qing is good at water management, but I don't know what Qing Qing has to do?"

After Yu heard the words and meditated for a while, Fang Dao said, "In response to the words of the Communist Party, the water flows to a low place. According to the opinion of the minister, it is better to dredge the water. The main purpose of water control is to dredge!"

Shun was already at a loss at this time. Now he was overjoyed when he heard that Yu had a way. Regardless of whether it was feasible, he said directly, "Love Qing's plan is very good. I want Qing to take charge of the great cause of water management. Can Qing take it?"

Hearing this, Yu hurriedly knelt to the ground and worshiped, "The minister is willing to accept and vowed to calm the torrent of water, so as to comfort my father's spirit in the sky!"

Yu's firm voice sounded within the big tent, making everyone nod. Obviously, Yu's firm confidence was also approved by everyone.


The next day ~www.ltnovel.com~ Yu got the fate of the emperor and started the great cause of water control.

It is just that water control requires not only knowledge, but also an understanding of geographic location. In this way, Yu summoned the people of the world to assist.

He inspected the river channel and reviewed the reason why his father Gun failed to control the water. He decided to reform the water control method and turn blockage into dredging.

Later, Yu personally climbed the mountains and ridges, crossed the rivers, holding tools, measuring the height of the terrain from west to east, setting benchmarks, and planning waterways.

He led the migrant workers for water management to travel everywhere. According to the benchmark, he opened up the mountains at every mountain and built embankments in order to clear the waterways and divert the floods into the sea.

In order to control the water, Yu tried his best, not afraid of hard work, and never dared to rest.

Later, when he passed by the house and heard the sound of his wife giving birth and his son falling to the ground, he gritted his teeth and did not enter the house.

When he passed by for the third time, his son Qizheng was in his mother's arms. He already knew how to call his father and wave to say hello to Yu. Yu just waved to his wife and children to show that he saw them and still didn't stop.

As Yu succeeded in controlling the waters, the floods gradually subsided.

But because the monster race is approaching the reappearance of the famine, the land of Yu's water, some are the land of the monster, and there are many people of the monster race, at this time there are some small actions to disrupt what Yu is doing.

After all, Yu is the immortal cultivation base now, and some monsters are still above him in strength, so Yu asked his teacher Cang Song for help. Under the awe of the teacher Cang Song's strength, he killed these monsters, Fang Baoyu Water governance went smoothly.

Although the current Yaozu had compromised these strengths, Emperor Jun did not dare to come forward to stop Yu.

For these little fishes and shrimps, it is indeed not worth the gain to get the one shot, so it is normal to ignore it.

At this time, Yu continued on the road of water control.



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