Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 5 Chapter 138: Dayu's Water Control (2)

Chapter 138—Da Yu's Water Control (2)

But it is said that during Yu's control of the water, he heard that the Yangtze River and the Yellow River were flooded suddenly, the rivers flowed backwards, the mountains and rivers collapsed, and the waves of the river rushed towards the human tribes on both sides of the river. Many human tribes have suffered.

Hearing this news, Dayu's face was startled, and his face suddenly became gloomy.

But there is no doubt about the truth of the matter, because no one will lie about this kind of thing.

Dayu didn't care about other things, so he hurried away.

Before leaving, he said to the left and right, "Call the ministers quickly and inform my teacher that I will take the first step."

After that, Dayu Dang even hurried to the Yellow River and the Yangtze River basin.


When Dayu came to the scene, he found that the facts were as the man said, that the rivers in the two river basins had already been flooded, and the facts were more serious than the news he had heard.

I saw the turbid river water rise to the sky, tens of thousands of feet in the void, and then slammed down, hitting both sides of the river channel. The huge force hit the river channel and the river channel collapsed.

The monstrous river poured out straight to both sides, and the billowing river rushed away like wild beasts.

Boundless trees fell, countless rocks collapsed, endless houses collapsed, endless crops were submerged, and countless human races were submerged in the General River, struggling!

Disasters, endless disasters come and take away infinite lives.

Dayu looked at the human being constantly struggling in the water with a look of sorrow on his face.

But at this time, he couldn't allow him to think about other things in his heart. During the years of water treatment, his cultivation base was under the teaching of Taoist Cangsong and his own hard work. Although it is not very high, there is also a golden fairyland at this time.

Coupled with the two magic weapons that Cang Song gave him, Dayu could only stabilize the flood at this time.

Just listen to Yu shouting loudly, "Set the sea **** needle, set it for me, open the mountain axe, and go!"

Immediately, I saw Dayu flying out of the two magic weapons that Cangsong gave him, and the Dinghai Shenzhen suddenly turned into a golden pillar, dropped from the sky, fell into the Yangtze River and the Yellow River, and instantly immobilized the turbulent river water.

Immediately afterwards, a black axe flashed by the mountain axe, severely splitting the wall of water that came from slamming, and fell into the river water to stabilize the situation.

But in a moment, the monstrous river was stabilized by Dayu, and at this time, the black hand behind the scenes also appeared. Dayu fixed his eyes, but it was a huge water monkey.

The water monkey was also amazing, and he immediately defeated Dayu's magic weapon and continued to stay in the water.

At this time, some casual cultivators and immortals who had helped Yu gradually arrived at this time, looking at the Yellow River in shock.

"Wu Zhiqi?!"

A San Xiu exclaimed, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

Hearing this, Dayu looked at him puzzled.

When he saw Dayu's look, he said in a deep voice, "This witch's Qi is a born **** monkey, a great demon in the demon clan's heavenly court of the past. Seeing his expression at this time, he should have set foot on Da Luo Jinxian to complete... "

At this time, the few casual cultivators shook their heads again and again. No matter where they could deal with that realm, Dao Cang Song, the teacher of Dayu, was almost the same. After all, he was already a quasi-sage with one foot.

Seeing the suffering of the human race, Dayu couldn't help but was very anxious.

"Apprentice is not anxious, I will help you as a teacher..."

A vigorous voice came, and when he heard that, Dayu looked happy, and his teacher Taoist Cangsong arrived.

As soon as the voice fell, Taoist Cangsong stepped into the sky, and immediately fell from the void.

His cultivation is extraordinary, and the light in his eyes shows that he knows the thing in the water.

For Wu Zhiqi, Cang Song naturally knows his identity. Although the monster clan has fallen after the war of the Lich, and has not yet reappeared in the wild, the skinny camels are bigger than horses, and their strength is still not to be underestimated.

Over the years, they helped Dayu to remove a lot of obstacles from the demons, but those demons were not able to get on the stage, and their cultivation level was not high.

But the big demon in front of him was extraordinary in strength, and looking at it, he was only a few points worse than himself.

As Da Luo Jinxian consummated, Cang Song wanted to defeat the witch, but it was a bit difficult to kill it.

Except for himself, the people present are not its opponents.

If it is defeated, but it will come again in the future, but it will not work. The injured will still be Human.

Moreover, with the murder he committed at this time, the Human Race would naturally not let it go.

So Wu Zhiqi naturally wanted to kill it here.


After Cang Song thought about it for a while, he attacked Wu Zhiqi, and the two sides fought together.

Cang Song's strength was a bit higher than Wu Zhiqi, and coupled with the terrifying power of the Lingbao in his hand, Wu Zhiqi was taken by Cang Song in a short moment.

However, although Wu Zhiqi could be easily defeated, it was not easy for Cang Song to completely kill him in a short time, but it was not impossible.

"I am instructed by my master to help Da Yu cultivate and control the waters. Today you are endangering the human race, and you should be killed here!"

"Well, Cang Song, a disciple of the Taishang Taoist Sect of Taiqing Palace in Shouyang Mountain, please let the Master drop the Taiqing Divine Thunder to kill this scorpion!"

Cang Song's voice rolled, resounding through the sky and the earth, causing the thunder from above the nine heavens~www.ltnovel.com~the vastness of the sky.


In the next moment, a terrifying coercion descended, accompanied by a horrible thunder light, as if tore the whole world apart, cutting the dark sky in half, revealing faint rays of light.

The world was dim, as if a sea of ​​ink was pouring down, and the Thunder God of Supreme Qing seemed to rise from the end of the avenue, straddling the long river of time and space, as if to bury the entire world.

The Taiqing Divine Thunder came from the nine heavens, and wherever it passed, everything returned to the ruins, like the first destroying Divine Thunder that opened the sky, terrifying to the extreme.

At this moment, the trillions of trillions of creatures in the predicament watched the God Thunder fall in horror.

As the protagonist, Wu Zhiqi, the original spirit was trembling at this time, and the Taiqing Divine Thunder was about to fall into the land of Jiuyou.

Seeing a divine thunder flashing between the sky and the earth, Wu Zhiqi's face was as gray as death. He did not expect that Cang Song directly invited the Supreme Dao Venerable to descend the Taiqing Divine Thunder.

That was a divine thunder that even the two sages of the West could not resist. Although the power of this divine thunder was not as powerful as the divine thunder that was descended from the West in the past, this one was enough to annihilate all existence below the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Even if it surpassed the existence of Quasi-Sage Consummation, under this divine thunder, all had to fall on the spot, the avenue collapsed, completely dissipated in the long river of time and space, and the long river of destiny.


At this moment, only a golden light flashed, and then a one and a half month golden wheel appeared above Wu Zhiqi.


A terrifying sound of thunder echoed between heaven and earth, attracting the attention of countless powerful people.

At this moment, Yuanshi, Tongtian, Nüwa, the second sage of the West, and Houtu all turned their eyes to this place, and their expressions were a bit surprised.

Di Jun, is this going to save Wu Zhiqi?

He dare to face that one? This is looking for death!

With a sneer on his face, the Second Sage of the West watched the next good show quietly.



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