Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 5 Chapter 139: After the flood control is completed, Xia Yu succeeds to the throne

Chapter 139 After the control of the water, Xia Yu succeeded to the throne

Terran, near the Yellow River Basin.

The Rijin Wheel blocked this clear divine thunder, and the surrounding void was suddenly torn apart by the impact. Numerous spatial cracks burst out, and the air of chaos seemed to be enveloped in clouds and mist, swallowing everything in it.

In the collision of thousands of ways and law, all existence is buried, and the world is in chaos.

Although the Taishang didn’t use the power of the gods, the power was still terrifying. The Rijin Wheel was directly shaken back into the void for hundreds of millions of miles, and the place where it passed was crushed a lot. area.

"Demon Emperor?!"

Wu Zhiqi's eyes lit up, isn't the golden wheel that day is the spirit treasure of the Demon King? He looked overjoyed and hurriedly said, "The Demon Emperor, help me!"

As the great demon of Daluo Jinxian's consummation, there is still some weight among the demon clan. After all, the demon clan is declining at this time, and Daluo Jinxian's consummation exists, and even the number of hands is gone. At this time, one less is one less.

Otherwise, Di Jun wouldn't be able to take action personally, blocking the Supreme Thunder God Thunder.

"Di Jun, are you trying to fight against this teacher?"

"The heavens and the earth are moving, the human race should do it, and the witch's spirit will harm the human race and prevent the general trend from moving forward. Such a guilt, we should be blamed!"

Between the heaven and the earth, an indifferent voice suddenly sounded, and a terrifying coercion and aura suddenly enveloped. The coming of the humane force is the sages who feel the terrifying aura.

At this time, the sun golden wheel was bursting with brilliant light, resisting this aura and coercion, but under its protection, Wu Zhiqi still felt confused and spit out a mouthful of blood, looking at the east in horror.

"Dao Zun's words are different. As the great monster of the monster clan, Wu Zhiqi is wrong and should be taught by the emperor. Besides, he has recognized the mistake this time, and he will correct himself in the future. Why should Dao Zun be ruthless? hand?"

Di Jun's voice came slowly, with a hot breath, his tone was also somewhat solemn.

"Stop the human race from moving forward, stop the general trend of the world, and harm the creatures, punish!"

When the voice fell, I saw that there was another Taiqing divine thunder falling above the nine heavens. This divine thunder, not to mention Wu Zhiqi, was Di Jun himself. At this time, his expression changed. This Taiqing divine thunder It is the real Thunder God.


When the divine thunder fell, all the void collapsed, like a mirror, suddenly shattered and turned into a sea of ​​fragments, the air of chaos enveloped the surroundings, everything returned to the ruins, and the terrifying power blasted down toward the sun golden wheel.

The sun's golden wheel shines brightly on the heavens, just like a round of brilliant sun, the rays of light pass through the dim and ink-like world, illuminating the whole world.

Rijin Wheel collided with Taiqing Divine Thunder, a bit of cold light appeared, and the divine light immediately flooded the world!

At this moment, there were no too many voices, everything was annihilated, and even Wu Zhiqi was completely dissipated under this impact.


I don't know how long it has passed, it seems like a thousand years, ten thousand years, it seems like a flash.

Waiting for the return of time, space, and the five elements of heaven and earth, and another roaring sound, even after seeing the dim sun of the golden wheel flying backwards for hundreds of thousands of miles.

Under a single blow, it is as strong as the sun golden wheel, at this time the light is dim, and there is a bit of mottled appearance on the wheel.

All Saints, Hou Tu and others were not too surprised by this result.

The expressions on Di Jun's face alternated with dignity and gloom. He knew that the Taiqing Divine Thunder was powerful, but he didn't expect that the Sunjin Wheel would have been hit hard by one blow. This is the best innate spirit treasure!

"If the Yaozu makes another move, perhaps the original sect should go to the Yaozu!"

In Di Jun's ears, an indifferent voice sounded, with a humane force, as if a heavy blow hit his heart. He snorted and left a blood stain on the corner of his mouth.

"Dijun will restrain himself!"

Di Jun said, the horror breath just dissipated.

Dijun looked at Hong Huang's direction, a dark cloud flashed across his face, and he cursed Wu Zhiqi secretly in his heart, why should he provoke the human race at such a moment.

I wonder if this one is the sixth emperor of the human race? Really thought it was just five emperors?

Even if it is the Five Emperors, it can't be easily shot. Now the human race is still not flat, and the demon race is a critical period. Why should you intervene in it? Caused such a big trouble to the Yaozu.

Now Yaozu has lost a master and lost face again.

After Di Jun cursed in his heart a few times, he stopped paying attention. Human race could not intervene now, even if he wanted to intervene, it was not this time.

Now, the Yaozu itself is still the most important thing.


After Wu Zhiqi's fall, Cang Song took the magic weapon he used with the stick and refined it with the Dinghai Shenzhen in Dayu's hand, making it even more powerful.

After the fall of Wu Zhiqi, Dayu also began his own journey of governance.

With things like the fall of Wu Zhiqi, and with the restraint of God Jun, the monster race dare not make any changes at this time. They don't have the cultivation base of Wu Zhiqi, so what if they have? The Demon Emperor couldn't keep it, and it wasn't a dead end.

So, as long as it's not hot-headed at this time, no Demon Race will stop the Human Race anymore.

Without the demon clan's obstruction, Dayu's situation became a lot easier.

After 13 years of hard work, they opened up countless mountains, dredged countless rivers, and built countless dams.

Then, deep gulfs were drawn on the earth, allowing these rivers to flow into the sea smoothly.

And because some places connected to the sea needed to measure the water level to prevent the seawater from overflowing, Cang Song sent the newly-made Dinghai Shenzhen needle to Dayu~www.ltnovel.com~ With the help of Dinghai Shenzhen, Dayu finally made the world's best The rivers flowed to the sea, and finally succeeded in controlling the water, and the flood was completely cured.

In the flood-affected places, Yu asked Boyi to plant seeds for the people and teach them to grow rice because the land that had just receded from the flood was too wet.

Let these flooded places rejuvenate and start life again.


After Dayu succeeded in controlling the waters, his prestige in the human race was further advanced. He was already close to the Three Emperors. When Emperor Shun saw this, he gave the position of co-lord of the human race to Dayu, and he was the emperor of the Taoist and went to The Holy Land of Human Race.

The fifty-three-year-old Yu formally took the throne as the co-lord of the human race, with Anyi as the capital, the country was named Xia, the surname was Si, and he was known as Xia Yu in history.

After Xia Yu succeeded to the throne, he entrusted Dan Zhu to Tang, and Shang Jun Yu Yu, and changed the calendar day to the Xia calendar, and the month of Jian Yin was the first month.

At the same time, the tribes of the Central Plains have gradually formed a high-level human race centered on the Xia.

Xia Yu's position in this high-level position has already assumed kingship. He asked Gao Tao, who specializes in penalties during water control, to formulate some regulations. If the clans and tribes do not listen to orders, they must be punished with penalties.

At that time, the patriarch of the ancient Yue tribe, the Fangfeng clan, always wanted to dominate one side, claiming to be the leader of the various tribes of the Yue people, and would not listen to Xia Yu's orders.

Xia Yu publicly ordered him to be put to death at the Miaoshan Conference, and the corpse was violent for three days. The princes and Fang Bo knew the power of the Xia Dynasty and the sacredness of Xia Yu, and they dared not offend King Yu.

Those clan tribes that did not participate in the court meeting with King Yu heard about this, and they also paid tribute to the Xia Dynasty.

Since then, Xia Yu's sphere of influence has reached the Jianghuai River Basin, and his martial arts have shocked the world, and no one can disrespect him! After that, "the Quartet will return, and the land will be the king."

In the process of water control, Xia Yu once traveled all over the world, knowing everything about the terrain, customs, and properties of various places.



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