Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 5 Chapter 140: 9 states, Xia Yu refined 9 tripods

Chapter One Hundred and Fortieth Chapter Jiuzhou, Xia Yu Refining Jiuding

Xia Yu re-planned the world into nine prefectures, namely Jizhou, Yanzhou, Qingzhou, Xuzhou, Yangzhou, Jingzhou, Yuzhou, Liangzhou, and Yongzhou, and then managed and formulated the tribute varieties of each state.

Xia Yu also stipulated that the area five hundred miles away from Emperor Ji was called Dianfu, and another five hundred miles away was called Houfu.

Another five hundred li is called suifu, another five hundred li is called suifu, and the outer five hundred li is called suifu and three suits. They accept different goods or bear different labor services.

To serve, not to pay for service, only to accept discipline and abide by the laws and government orders.

The waste clothing is managed according to its customs, and the DPRK-China politics and religion are not compulsorily promoted.


Xia Yu is a politician and a great man with great talent and strategy. He manages water in conjunction with governing the country and raising the people. While combating water damage, he often guides people to restore and develop agricultural production, promote water transportation, and rebuild their homes.

Every time a place is governed, they take the initiative to unite with the chiefs of the clan and tribes, improve the construction of the government, and make the people live and work in peace.

There is a record of the reign of the Communist Party in the human records. After the flood subsided, Xia Yu led people to build ditches in the fields, irrigate water, plant corn and other crops, and let people Plant rice in low-lying areas.

As a result, not only has the flood control achieved great success, but agricultural production has also made progress.

At this point, thanks to the first large-scale collective cooperation and dense water network project, the Terran quickly emerged from the shadow of the previous flood under the wise leadership of Xia Yu.

Moreover, they quickly broke the cage that hindered the advancement, and the Human Race entered an unprecedented glorious period!

Time flies by, and in a blink of an eye, more than five hundred years have passed. At this time, Xia Yu is approaching the time of completion, and even the next emperor has been elected, but he has not been able to prove the way of the emperor for a long time.

This way he was a little surprised. At this time, his contribution to the human race was much greater than the other five emperors, but now he has not been able to prove the Dao. It seems that there is something missing, and there is still a little to prove the Dao.


Shouyang Mountain, in the Taiqing Palace.

"Based on Xia Yu's current situation, it is not difficult to prove the Tao, but in his current situation, there is no sign of the Tao. Could it be that he, like the Three Emperors, still needs to prove the Tao?"

Nu Wa raised her eyebrows and looked at Tai Tao.

Since the Five Emperors, the human emperors have been able to prove the Dao after reaching the completion of their respective co-lords, but these six emperors seem to be somewhat different from the previous five emperors. The co-lord has been completed, but the proof has not yet been completed arrival.

This kind of situation has only happened to the three emperors, because they need a thing to prove the way, a little thing to establish the way of the human race.

"It is true, but Xia Yu's matter is also important, and it will also be extremely important to the human race in the future, so he must do this matter..."

Too faintly said in his mouth, and immediately moved his hand, a three-legged bronze cauldron appeared in his hand, and then with a movement of his hand, the bronze cauldron suddenly tore the void and escaped into the void.

When Nu Wa saw this, a hint of surprise flashed in her beautiful eyes.

Actually, he wanted Brother Dao’s bronze cauldron to help, so Xia Yu’s proof of the Dao was extraordinary.

"Brother Dao, this..." Nuwa looked at him.

"The matter of Xia Yu needs the help of Qiankun Ding. In this way, the arrangements have been made..."

After a big smile, he said.

When Nuwa heard this, she nodded slightly, did not speak any more, and turned her gaze to the human race again.


Honghuang, Terran, Chendu.

On this day, Xia Yu shouted to the left and right in vain, "Come here, give my order. Let the tribal leaders bring all the bronze produced by their tribes to Chendu, I have important things to announce..."

Time passed quickly for more than three years, and tribal leaders from remote places also gathered in Chendu.

Those tribe leaders received the message from Chen Du. Although they didn't know of any use, they were out of trust in Xia Yu.

They are all meticulous and perfect, because most of these tribe leaders are low-level monks with cultivation bases, and it took half a year to come to Chendu.

On the third day, a group of leaders gathered in Chendu Square. At noon, Xia Yu brought a group of ministers to Chendu Square.

He glanced at the leaders, walked slowly onto the altar, turned to the leaders, and said, "Leaders, I received a humanitarian message a few days ago.

I learned that the development of our human race has reached a bottleneck, but this bottleneck is not something I can break, but my next job is to solve the bottleneck. At this time, I should make some preparations for him..."

Speaking of this, Xia Yu waved his hand to the bottom, and saw that countless copper blocks of various sizes flew to the top of the altar.

At this time, a huge bronze cauldron descended from the sky, and I saw two simple Taoist characters written on the huge bronze cauldron, Qian Kun.


Looking at the huge bronze cauldron that had fallen to the sky in vain at this time, everyone looked startled.

But immediately, they all understood, and their faces were all shocked.

Qiankun Ding, this is the magic weapon of the cult leader Taishang. In the predicament, few monks can see it ~www.ltnovel.com~ I didn't expect to appear in Chendu this time. Looking at the situation of Qiankun Ding, it was obvious that he wanted to help Xia Yu in the next thing.

It's just that these tribal leaders didn't understand what Xia Yu wanted to do, so that the leader's Qiankun Ding could help. Such a face, even a saint, could not have.

However, although they didn't understand in their hearts, they were also very happy, because what Xia Yu had to do was right, and it was very important.

Otherwise, the leader's Qiankun Ding will not come to help.

After thinking about this, the leaders waited quietly, wanting to see what Xia Yu was going to do.


At this time, Xia Yu, after returning to God, was also a little shocked, but even more, he was delighted.

With the help of the leader's Qiankun Ding, one's own proof of the Dao was completed.


At this time, the Qiankun Ding lightly shook, even if there was a cyan light flashing by the Qiankun Ding, then the messy copper pieces were collected into the Qiankun Ding's cauldron.

Seeing this, Xia Yu could not help but bowed and bowed deeply in the direction of Shouyang Mountain.

Then, he turned around and shot a magical force at the Qiankun Ding.

Just listen to ‘Boom! With a sound, the great cauldron burst into a fierce flame as if being stimulated.

At this time, a sky-blue water curtain appeared around the big tripod, blocking the heat wave.

Seeing all this, Xia Yu turned around and looked at the leaders who were stunned by the vision below, and explained, "Leaders, this is what I mentioned in the humane communication, gathering the bronze of the world and refining it. Jiuding transforms Kyushu..."

After all, Xia Yu waved his hand and said, "Okay, it will take seven or seventy-nine years for the formation of this great tripod. You will go back first!"

As soon as the voice fell, he suddenly disappeared on the altar of Chendu Square.



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