Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 5 Chapter 142: The time of preaching comes

Chapter 142 The Time of Demonstration Arrives

Majestic, above the earth.

Although the nine beams of light in the land of Kyushu, that layer of enchantment barrier gradually dissipated in the eyes of countless creatures and mighty prey. But those monks, the mighty people discovered that at the junction of the vast void and the thirty-three days, a power like a barrier appeared there.

Even the Western Two Sages, Houtu Dijun and others, all showed different expressions at this time.

The Kyushu enchantment protects Kyushu, and it is also protecting the human race, that is, all saints. They are all within the isolation range of this power, and it is normal for different expressions to change.

Shouyang Mountain, Taiqing Palace.

"There is a Kyushu enchantment. If you want to reach out into the human race in the future, you have to pass the Kyushu enchantment first. This enchantment is so strong that it can be resisted by ordinary existence. In the future, the human race Kyushu will have no problem..."

Nu Wa looked at Tai Shang, smiled on her pretty face and said, very satisfied with the power and effect of the barrier.

Too Shang heard the words, smiled, did not speak, but the facts were as she said.

"The Kyushu enchantment was established, and Xia Yu's proof of the Dao has been completed, so he waited for the day of proof..."

After a great pause, he continued, "After Xia Yu returned to the throne, there will be no small changes in the dynasties of the human race, but these are all in the rise and fall of the dynasty. For the human race, there is no change..."

"As for, the following three emperors will also appear in this dynasty change..."

Hearing that, Nu Wa nodded, these are all the humane masters, Tai Shang is paying attention to, she doesn't have to worry about anything, she is the name of the vice leader, but she is in control.

After thinking about it, Nuwa's eyes fell on Chen Du again.


Honghuang, Terran, Chendu.

At this time, Chen Capital was auspicious in the sky.

A vast golden cloud of merit came to the sky above Chendu, and there were several golden clouds of merit, 20% of which flew to the land of Shouyang Mountain, which belonged to Qiankun Ding and Kongtong Seal, 40% Flew to Xia Yu who was standing aside.

The remaining 30% flew to the nine great tripods that fell into the land of Kyushu, and 10% turned into countless shares and fell on the tribal leaders in the square.

With the blessing of the four virtues of success, Xia Yu's cultivation level quickly improved, and it didn't take long for him to reach the late stage of Da Luo Jinxian.

But at this time, there was no sign of stopping, he was still improving, and finally reached the quasi-sage, only then began to slow down, and finally stabilized at the initial peak of the quasi-sage.


The great admiral took away the merits that had flown, and then went into the Qiankun Ding and Kongtong Seal. Although not much improvement, it is also accumulation, which is always a good thing.

In Chen Capital, as the cultivation base stabilized, Xia Yu slowly opened his eyes. With the breakthrough of the cultivation base, his vision changed drastically, and he looked at the leaders in those squares.

He found that under the blessing of that merit, they had broken through the existing realm and became the cultivators of the fairyland. Seeing this, Xia Yu couldn't help but smile.

He glanced at the leaders and said, "Okay, the matter is over, I have one more thing to announce. In fifty years, I will withdraw from the position of co-lord, proclaim the six emperors, and return to the throne of the emperor..."

After all, Xia Yu suddenly disappeared on the altar in Chendu Square.

The leaders who heard Xia Yu's words also bid farewell and turned and flew to their tribes.

As for what happened fifty years later, they believed that Xia Yu would definitely find a good successor to their human race.


The Holy Land of Human Race, in the Temple of Human Ancestor.

"After Xia Yu proclaimed the Dao, not only the three emperors and five emperors, but also the six emperors of humane changes, they will all return to the human emperor, and then the human race will be able to firmly occupy the position of the protagonist of the world. As for whether there will be an emperor in the future, it depends on the humanitarian situation It's..."

Sui Ren slowly closed his gaze back, looking at the Chao family and Zi Yi family and said.

Hearing this, the two nodded. The human race's strength and luck are indeed firmly in the position of the protagonist of the world. In the prehistoric, there is really no race that can have the strength and luck of the human race.

As for whether an emperor will be born after the humanitarian change, it depends on the situation behind.

"After Xia Yu returned to his throne, the affairs of the human race will be managed by the human race, and the Holy Land does not need to intervene..." Sui Ren said.

You Chao and Zi Yi nodded, the current operation of the human race does not need them to care too much. Since the sixth emperor is about to return, the Holy Land naturally does not need to care too much.

"Brother, if the Human Race has bad dynasties and co-lords in the future, do you want to take action in the Holy Land? Also, if other human emperors are born?"

Suddenly, Chao's asked, this is also a question.

"Good or bad, the human race will solve it. The human race is no longer the original human race. You don't need to pay too much attention to these things. Let the human race solve it by yourself. The rise and fall of dynasties and the good or bad co-lords are all the robberies of the human dynasties. You don't need to intervene. ..."

Sui Ren looked at the Chao family and said.

After a pause, he continued, "As for whether there will be an emperor born in the future after the humane changes, this is not too much to worry about. The teacher is in charge of the humane. If there is a human emperor, the teacher will arrange everything. You and I don’t have to. Worry..."

Hearing this, the two Renzu nodded and stopped talking.

"On the day Xia Yu proves the Dao, you can go with me!"

Sui Ren said ~www.ltnovel.com~ and then notified Emperor Fuxi and others.

"Yes!" The two human ancestors responded, and then they waited.


Time flies, in a flash, fifty years have passed.

At this time, it was the day when Xia Yu abdicated and became virtuous, and the tribal leaders also gathered in Chen Du early to wait for the appearance of the new co-leader.

At this time, they had received news that the new co-master might be Xia Yu's son "Qi".

During these fifty years, Xia Yu began to put Qi in front of the stage, while he himself lived in seclusion behind the scenes. Qi's ingenuity was also unanimously affirmed by the ministers.

At noon, Xia Yu led a group of ministers and his son Qi to Chendu Square.

Along the way, Xia Yu frequently waved to the tribe leader on the side.

When he came to the altar, Xia Yu walked up slowly, holding Qi in his hand, while Taoist Cangsong, the emperor's teacher, stood aside.

At this time, there were statues of the saints, Hou Tu, the lord of reincarnation, the three ancestors, the emperors and the elders on the altar.

Xia Yu pulled Qi to worship the statues of the sages, the elders of the ancestors, the emperor and others, "Humanity is above, the sages, the lord of reincarnation, the emperor of the ancestors! Pass on the position of co-lord to Qi..."

As soon as Xia Yu's voice fell, there was a thunder in the wild sky.

In the next instant, I saw 30,000 li of purple air rising from the prehistoric Eastern Sky, and four figures flying from a distance, it was Taishang and Nuwa, Yuanshi, and the Three Sages. And after the four, it was Hou Tu, the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

In the future, among the holy land of the human race, there are people Zusui people, including the Chao clan, Ziyi clan, Emperor Fuxi, Dihuang Shennong, and Renhuang Xuanyuan. Five emperors Shaohao, Zhuan Xu, Di Yu, Tang Yao, and Yu Shun arrived.

In this way, all the top existences that should come are all here.



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