Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 5 Chapter 143: Xia Yu proves the way, Xia Dynasty

Chapter 143 Xia Yu Prove Dao, Xia Dynasty

Terran, outside of Chendu.

Along with the existence of these existences, the land of the human race is full of auspicious auspiciousness and fairy music, and the entire wilderness is filled with the visions of saints and Hunyuan traveling, the goddess scattered flowers, and the ground is covered with golden lotus.

Countless creatures are nourished by auspicious auspiciousness, and many monks have absorbed those golden lotus and have lost hundreds of years of penance.

This is also the biggest gain of these monks who came to observe the ceremony.

Seeing this, Xia Yu took the lead in worshipping, "Meet the leader, the Virgin, the sage of the beginning, the sage of the sky, the lord of reincarnation, the three ancestors, all the emperor brothers..."

As soon as Xia Yu's words fell, he saw Tai Shang faintly waved their hands, "Don't be polite!" Immediately helped them up.

Taishang, Nuwa, Yuanshi Tongtian, Human Ancestor and the Three Emperors and Five Emperors all changed their figures and appeared under the altar of Chendu, waiting for the time to come.


On the altar of Chendu.

After waiting for a while, Cang Song looked at Xia Yu and slightly nodded, indicating that he could prove the truth.

Xia Yu understood this and began to pray, "The Terran co-lord Dayu, governing the floods, promoting rice, suppressing the world, and dividing the nine states. Reigning for thousands of years, I feel the accomplishment of merits and virtues, and pass on the role of the co-lord of the Terran to Qi... "

After Xia Yu finished speaking, everyone in the audience began to shout the names of Xia Yu and Qi in unison.

At this time, the sky exploded, and a huge amount of merit flew from the chaos outside the sky. This merit includes the merits of water control and the merits of the emperor.

At the same time, the river of destiny in the dark is also surging. A golden dragon with a human mouth rushes out of the river of destiny and flies towards Chen Du. The power of Taoism and faith floats on the heads of the wild creatures.

The three powers quickly converged in the sky above Chen Du. At this time, the merits of the golden cloud fluctuated, and instantly turned into several shares. Xia Yu got seven and a half, ten to Taoist Cangsong, and ten to Qiankun Ding and Kongtong. Yin, semi-cheng turned into countless shares to those who had helped Xia Yu.

At this time, after receiving the merits of Qiankun Ding and Kongtong Seal, Tai Shang threw the Kongtong Seal and shouted, "Human Emperor, stand!"

As soon as Taishang's voice fell, he saw a person of Emperor Qi flying out of the Kongtong seal, and then merged into Xia Yu's body.

Thanks to the seven-and-a-half percent of the merits and the human emperor's spirit, Xia Yu's cultivation quickly broke through to the pinnacle of the quasi-sage, becoming a rare quasi-sage perfect master in the world, and returned to the position of the human emperor.

At this point, the renunciation matter is over, and the era of the three human emperors and five emperors is not only completed, but the sixth emperor after the change of humanity is also successfully proclaimed and returned.

With the guardianship of the Three Emperors and Six Emperors and the suppression of the Jiuding, the luck of the human race will continue for a long time.

As for whether there will be an emperor born in the human race in the future, we can only wait and see.

After the ceremony of renunciation, Taishang and Nüwa, Houtu, Yuanshi, Tongtian, the third ancestor of the human race, and the emperor of the people all left.

And Xia Yu also followed the three human ancestors, three emperors, four emperors, and several elders, and returned to the holy land of the human race on the shore of the East China Sea.

Nuwa did not follow Taishang to Shouyang Mountain, but returned to her own dojo for good fortune.

After Xia Yu returned to the throne, Human Race entered a new situation.


It is said that after Xia Qi succeeded to the throne, he changed the renunciation system of the original dynasty and created a precedent for the hereditary system that has been used for thousands of years.

Since then, the world has become a family world.

There is a patriarchal relationship in the blood of the central royal family of the country, there is a feudal relationship in politics, and a tribute relationship in economy.

After Xia Qi became the Communist leader, he organized an army, built a city, formulated a criminal law, and established the first slavery dynasty in the history of the human race.

Xia Chao!


Before the Xia Dynasty established by Qi, although it was also called a dynasty, the great king was actually a leader, not an emperor.

There is still a big difference between the two.

After the establishment of the Xia Dynasty, the land of Shenzhou (Kyuzhou) was also called Huaxia!

At this time, the struggle for the throne of the Human race could not attract the attention of the great powers. After all, the three emperors and the six emperors had returned to the throne. The dynasty change of the human race at this time was no longer a general trend and could not attract his attention.

As for the saints and the two Hunyuan, they didn't even care, and they withdrew their gazes to understand their own way.

As for the human race, at this time, from the public world to the family world, although many of them have changed, it is not a kind of progress of civilization?


The Holy Land of Human Race, in the Temple of Human Ancestor.

"Brother, this public world has now become a family world, what's wrong?"

You Chao frowned, looking at Suiren and asked.

The previous co-owners of the human race were all human great sages who made great achievements in the human race, and they were served by the existence of a great reputation. Once they were not good, they could be overthrown and replaced with other virtuous people. The person to serve.

But now it is different. The co-lord has become an emperor, and the world has become a family. This situation is very different from the past. He is worried that it may develop in a bad direction.

Hearing this, Sui Ren smiled and said, "The public world has become a family world. This is the general trend. Even if this generation does not appear, it will appear in the future. This is the development and advancement of the human race. Less general trend, so don’t worry..."

"As for the good or the bad, there will naturally be some, but these are all dynasties. The development of the human race on its own does not require our Holy Geography Association and too much intervention. After this time, it is to call back the elders and disciples guarding the Holy Land. !"

"Human Race, it's time to manage and rule on its own, and the Holy Land should also be separated, and it's time to delegate power to the Human Race..."

Listening to this, the Chao family and Zi Yi family thought for a while, nodded and said, "According to the big brother!"

They discussed this issue before, and now speaking, they naturally know how to do it.

What's more, my eldest brother made it very clear ~ www.ltnovel.com~ These are not harmful to the long-term development of the human race, and they are also the general trend of development, so they don't say anything anymore, and let the human race move forward on its own.

It is impossible for the Holy Land to run the development of the human race all the time, and the human race must come by itself, so it is not wrong for my eldest brother to do this.

After you Chao and Zi Yi gave their hands to Sui Ren, they got up and left.

Sui Ren watched the two go down to make arrangements, and his gaze stayed among the three emperors and six emperors for a few breaths. Fuxi now preached to the other eight emperors, and they are all in the practice retreat. By then, the level of cultivation will rise sharply. of.

After a long time, Sui Ren retracted his gaze, and began to practice. The flame mark on the center of his eyebrows bloomed with bright light, and a terrifying temperature filled the Ren Ancestral Hall. The laws of the Tao, Da Dao and Dao circling around Sui Ren had already begun to practice. stand up.

At this time, the human race is also starting a new trajectory, a new operation.



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