Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 6 Chapter 8: War, Luo? Pro

Latest website: Chapter 8 Battle, Luo Huilin

All the forces supporting Dixin have arrived. The West is led by Xinzhu and Xinchen. Except for the medicine master and Maitreya who have not come to retreat, and a very small number of disciples, it can be said that 90% of the Western forces are At this point, it can be said that this matter of Emperor Xin is quite valued.

On the side of the demon race, there are two quasi-saintly powerful big demon, Yu Jiang and nephew, Daluo's consummated scorpion, Shen Gong leopard in the middle stage, and two Taiyi, nine-tailed demon fox and nine-headed blue bird. This kind of power assisting Di Xin is already the most generous of Di Jun.

If it weren't for the monster clan who was still making the final preparations for the reappearance of the prehistoric event, perhaps Di Jun would not only send such strength. Of course, this kind of power is very important even in the monster clan. After all, the big monsters in the monster clan, especially the quasi-sage and the big Luo level, are already scarce.

This time, there are a few big monsters who can make a shot, which is already quite valued.

As for the Heavenly Court, it is led by Emperor Gouchen Mingji, and his four generals are all in the early stage of the quasi-sage and a team, this kind of strength is even stronger than the monster race.

It can be said that among the three forces, the West is the weakest. After all, Xinzhu and Xinchen are the perfection of Daluo Jinxian. As for the other disciples, they are also between Taiyi and Daluo, with the demon race and the heavenly court. In comparison, it's really not high.

The 10% remaining in the West is the strongest. Except for the two quasi-sages, the pharmacist and Maitreya in the early stage, the others are basically from the middle to late stages of the Da Luo period. They are the backbone of the West. Mention is of course to be on guard.

Fortunately, Di Xin didn't care. The three powers were united. Even if the Western powers were not too strong, together, they were not weak.

At this time, Di Xin still had a lot of confidence in Xiqi.


On the other hand, on Xiqi's side, although there have been disciples who have come here, they are all second-generation disciples for the time being, and the real masters have not yet come here. The disciples of Jiedao have not yet arrived at this time.

It can be said that in Xiqi, in addition to some second-generation disciples, that is, some casual cultivators supported, facing the three-party forces of the Yin Shang, they are not opponents at all.

However, the Yin and Shang army was rolling in, like a torrent, rushing past, only taking Xiqi, even if Xiqi did not fight, it would be impossible.

Therefore, when the Yin and Shang army came, Xiqi could only fight against it, because a must fight would not help at all, and the human city of that level of masters could not be able to withstand it.

The two sides fought, not long, Xibo Hou Jichang was taken down, and the eldest son Bo Yikao was also beheaded.

Just as Xiqi was about to lose, the disciples of Chanjiao and Shujiao arrived.

"What a demon race, actually intervening in human affairs..."

Just as the disciples of the second teaching of Chanjie took action and faced the masters of the three forces of Yin and Shang, there was another voice in the sky.

In the next instant, a slender figure walked out of it.

Seeing this, the disciples of the second teaching salute one after another, "I have seen Brother Xuandu!" Even Duobao also salutes.

Xuan Du nodded, and immediately moved his body shape, and immediately rushed towards Yujiang. He was a quasi-sage perfect existence, which was enough to cause severe damage, even directly obliterating Yujiang.

This time, Yu Jiang relied on the body of the demon race to resist the attack of Xuandu, the quasi-sage perfection. Although he fell in the wind everywhere, there were some injuries, but fortunately, he did not lose in a very short time.

Seeing Xuandu's force pressing Yujiang, he was already about to inflict heavy damage on him. The other disciples of the Second Sect rushed to the Western disciples and the heavenly people, and the two immediately fought together.

As for the armies of both sides, they continued to rush at this time, with countless casualties.

In the end, Di Xin was also the perfect existence of Da Luo Jinxian, who joined the battle at this time.

The masters on both sides beat the sky dimly, the earth collapsed, countless voids shattered, and aura annihilated.

Although the strength of Yin Shang was terrifying, the disciples of the Three Teachings did not immediately win, but they were overwhelmed.

After the army fought for several months, each of them suffered countless deaths and injuries. At a great price, the two sides retreated first.

As for the masters of both sides, the battle is still in progress at this time.

In this battle, the two sides fought for several years, and finally Di Xin waved his hand and retreated temporarily.

Xuan Du led the Sanjiao disciples and returned to Xiqi.


The Holy Land of Human Race, in the Palace of Human Emperor.

"This Xibo Hou Jichang has good qualifications, and he has his own opinions on the way of deduction..."

The divine light in Fuxi's eyes flickered, and after a few breaths in his heart, he stretched out a hand and looked into the void.

At this time, far in the Yin and Shang army, Xibo Hou Ji Changben was taken and seized by Di Xin, but at this time, there was a terrifying coercion, and then he saw a big hand.

The expressions of the masters of the tripartite forces have changed drastically. If this big hand is directly photographed, they believe that no one can escape it.

Yujiang and Silence are all thinking this way. This palm must be at that level of existence.

Fortunately, this palm didn't hit them, but just grabbed Ji Chang directly and disappeared.

Although Di Xin had some guesses in his heart, since the Holy Land didn't intervene, that was the case, and it was useless for Ji Chang to come anyway.

And in the Holy Land.

Seeing the changes in the environment, a man in front of him looked at him with a smile, and his heart moved, but he was able to figure out Fuxi's identity. Fuxi did not hide everything and let Ji Chang calculate.

"Human Ji Chang, meet the Emperor!" Ji Chang saluted immediately.

"Gossip you the day after tomorrow and show the emperor's view..."

Fuxi nodded, and after supporting him, said.

Ji Chang's acquired gossip is different from the one he passed down at the beginning. It is a gossip created by his own insights.


After Ji Chang responded, he made a seal in his hand, and then the gossip pattern appeared, revealing everything he controlled.

The avenue appeared in Fuxi's eyes, and after careful observation, he nodded in satisfaction.

After a long time, he retracted his gaze and smiled at Ji Chang, "Okay, you have such an opinion, it is really rare to be able to create such a gossip. Would you like to learn the method of deduction with the emperor?"

Hearing this, Ji Chang looked happy, but when he thought about Xiqi's situation, he couldn't help but look worried.

"You don't have to worry, the disciples of the Three Sects have gone, and the danger in Xiqi is solvable. As for Xiqi, there is a rising phenomenon. You don't have to worry too much. You stay in the Holy Land for the best result..."

Fuxi looked at him, knew what he was thinking, and said immediately.

Hearing this, Ji Chang no longer had any worries, and immediately said, "Ji Chang is willing to study with the Emperor!"

Fuxi nodded, and then led Ji Chang to a place in the hall, and began to plan to teach him the practice of deduction.


Shouyang Mountain, in the Taiqing Palace.


Tai Shang opened his eyes suddenly, killing intent emerged in the crystal clear eyes, and Nu Wa on the side also opened his eyes.

Almost at the same time ~www.ltnovel.com~ Yuanshi, Tongtian, Houtu, Fuxi, Suiren, Western Second Sage, Dijun, at this time all opened their eyes and looked in the direction of the chaotic world.

There was a horrible darkness shrouded in it.

Yuanshi Tongtian and the others who knew about this had an unusually solemn expression.

Taishang and Nuwa glanced at each other, and Taishang said, "Luohu is here, this battle is not easy..."

Having said that, he got up, took a step, and appeared in the chaotic world.

A strange color flashed in Nuwa's eyes, and she also got up and came towards the chaotic world, which was too slow for a few breaths.

The two stood side by side, looking at an unknown number of trillions of miles away, with solemn expressions on their faces.



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