Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 6 Chapter 9: Demon army swept

Latest website: Chapter 9 Demon Army Sweeping

It's only a few trillion miles away from the prehistoric world, in a chaotic void.

"call out!"

A purple light flashed, and then turned into a figure, it was Dao Zu Hongjun, the look on his face was quite solemn, and he didn't dare to look down on this matter.

He argued with Luo Yu, if they had not filled the pit of the Zhuxian Sword Formation, he would not be Luo Yu's opponent yet. It can be said that Luo Yu's terrifying strength is only known to him. Over the years, Luo Hu's strength has become more and more terrifying, and Hongjun Daozu has treated it more carefully.

Last time the two sides did not have a victory or defeat, but that has not yet reached that point. If it is a desperate battle, Taoist Hongjun himself does not feel that he can be safe and sound.

"Luohu has arrived, you have to be careful, this matter, I am afraid it is not easy..."

Daozu Hongjun looked solemn and said to Taishang and Nuwa.

Hearing this, the two nodded, the expressions on their faces did not relax a bit, and they would naturally be very cautious in the face of an existence like Luo Hu.

Taishang glanced over Daozu Hongjun. Although he had practiced comprehension and the power of heaven over the years, he hadn't made much progress. It is estimated that Dao Dao felt a little more understanding.

As for Taishang himself, he is always accumulating. He feels that if he is promoted to the golden fairyland of Tai Chi, he is afraid that he will directly cross the initial stage of entry, because he has been consolidating the accumulation of the road and constantly accumulating.

It's normal to go through the initial stage under the accumulated accumulation and thin hair. This is also too deliberate.

Now the time has come, just waiting for this moment of promotion.

"The magic power is strong, I'm afraid it's this time, it's not just Luo Huo himself..."

With a solemn expression, he condensed and said. Having faced the demons in the past, Taishang is quite familiar with the aura and magic power of the demons.

The demon powers and auras of the Mozu and Luohu are different, so Taishang felt that the army of the Mozu might have come with Luohu, and the strength was more powerful than the previous Mozu.

However, Taishang is not too concerned about the crisis of the demon army. In the prehistoric times, there are Yuanshi, Tongtian, and Houtu, and they are enough to deal with the demon army, even if there is the existence of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

This realm in the prehistoric existence, but there are still eight, enough to deal with the demon army.

No matter how hard it is, Nuwa can also help to go up. The nine Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian and Saints, with such strength, too unbelievable, can't subvert the demon army.

The key now is the deity of Luohu.

But now that Taishang has accumulated to this point, Taishang no longer has the same worries as before. Together with Hongjun Daozu and severely inflicted Luohu, Taishang is still confident, and then two beings of the same realm will join hands when they are promoted.

It's too much to think about how to maximize the damage, but this still depends on the situation.



After a short while, a series of explosions sounded, and the chaotic air seemed to bloom like a lotus flower, and a chain of terrifying forces ignited and cleared the area of ​​trillions of miles.

At this time, the chaotic void seemed to be a broken mirror, full of countless cracks, and then burst into pieces. The fragments cut through more voids, triggering a chain reaction of the laws and regulations in the chaos, and burst out even more terrifying. Power comes.


At this moment, in the chaos and void somewhere, countless demon auras stretched out, as if a supreme demon sage climbed out of the abyss. Those demon auras were just like the palm of his hand. Grasp the chaos void and pull it out of the void.

Devil energy constantly gushes out of it, contaminating this chaotic void, evolving it into a demon domain, and constantly invading toward the four directions.

Those violent chaotic airs are not opponents of demonic energy at this time. They are either being swallowed and strengthened, or they are constantly retreating. The ground, water, wind, and fire are constantly annihilated, forming a terrifying demonic land.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!..."

In the depths of the Demon Realm, roars continued to be heard, spreading across the trillions of miles, shaking countless Chaos Qi constantly oscillating, and the void constantly distorting, as if it were about to be broken in the next moment.


The void seemed to be like a curtain, pulling it open from the middle to the two sides, and then I saw a slender figure walking out of it, dressed in extremely dark clothes, pale face, eyes flashing with cold light, and the breath on his body was extremely terrifying.

He walked out slowly, and the demon energy and chaotic energy around him continued to disperse.

"Hongjun, too..."

Luo Hui looked at Hongjun Daozu and Taishang, grinning and said with a terrifying killing intent in his tone.

"Luo Hui!" The three of them looked slightly dumb.

As soon as the voice fell, I saw a series of dark figures walking out of the void. The strength of the billions of demons was much stronger than the strength of the previous demons.

In the lead, there are actually eight Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian level and five quasi-sage perfection level demons. They are the new demons masters under Luo Hu's command, with seven emotions and six desires, and their strength is indeed terrifying.

"This time, this seat will take advantage of the great land to reach a higher level..."

Luo Hui's face was awe-inspiring to kill, and he said with a cold voice.

"You won't do what you want..."

Taishang said in his hand, I don't know when, he was already holding a sharp gun in his hand.

The purple light flashes above the heavenly spirit of Hongjun Taoist ancestor, and the good fortune jade is faintly visible. The picture of the Nüwa head hanging over the mountains and rivers, with the ground distance in the left hand and the Nüwa sword in the right hand.

"In that case, the only way to fight is to fight!"

Luo Huo said indifferently, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the aura on his body suddenly became violent, and countless demon energy and chaotic energy burst forth.


As soon as the sound fell, all the demons rushed out.


And at the moment when the demons appeared, in the wild land.

Yuxu Palace, Yuan Shi got up and left.

Biyou Palace, Tongtian got up and left.

Underworld, Houtu got up and left.

The Holy Land of Human Race, Suiren, Fuxi got up and left.

Monster Clan, Emperor Jun is also unable to take care of himself at this time, this matter is related to the great famine, and he will not stand by.

In the West Lingshan, the two sages of the West got up and left, but when they left, Zhunti left the means to leave the evil corpse of his good and evil corpses on the West Lingshan, always paying attention to human affairs to make some arrangements.

Dixian Mansion, Heavenly Court, Witch Clan, Human Sacred Land, Suburban Mansion, etc., the forces are all waiting in battle at this time. If the demons enter the predicament, they must be killed.

And when the demons descended, these beings set off and left.

In the Yin Shang camp.

Di Xin's expression changed slightly, and he immediately gathered the three forces, "The general trend will change, and the battle will be made quickly!"

Therefore, the army of Yin and Shang was assembled again, ready to launch the final attack.

And Xiqi Nabian ~www.ltnovel.com~ is also starting to prepare for the battle.


In the chaotic world.

"Shoo! Shoo!"

One after another, the figures stood beside Nuwa, and the eight people in the predicament arrived. Looking at the Demon Race who was rushing over at this time, the nine people looked at each other and immediately killed them towards the Demon Race.

And Hongjun Daozu and Taishang, at this time, greeted Luohu's attack.

As soon as the two sides took action, it was an attack that destroyed the world. This place was in a chaotic world, shattering the scope of countless worlds, and the atmosphere of terror spread to the prehistoric, terrifying the expressions of trillions of creatures.

They stared at the chaotic world. Although they didn't know what had happened, there was hope in their hearts. Their beliefs were condensed, and they hoped that they could win.



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