Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 6 Chapter 36: Channel, back to the prehistoric

Chapter 36 Channel, Return to the Wild

Earth star, somewhere above the fairy mountain.

"The disciple has long eyebrows!"

After hearing Taishang's question, the Taoist with long eyebrows quickly replied.

"You have no connection with this teaching as a master or apprentice, but you are sincere in seeking Taoism. This teaching sees your heart in seeking Taoism, so you will add a named disciple of this teaching..."

Taishang looked at him and said lightly.

"The disciple thanked the teacher!"

The Taoist with long eyebrows doesn't care. It's good for the teacher to accept himself. As for name and personal transmission, it doesn't matter.

The listeners among them looked enviously at the Daoist with long eyebrows at this time, and they also wanted to worship Dao Zun's sect. They were all creatures in the predicament, monks, and naturally knew the harshness of Dao Zun's apprentices.

Nowadays, there is only one named disciple besides Suisheng and Xuandu Master.

Wanting to be taught by others, but it is extremely difficult. The Taoist with long eyebrows has a lot of opportunities to be valued by the Taoist venerable too, enters the school of others, and becomes a named disciple.

As for the others, there is no such opportunity.

"This missionary matter is over, you will need a good life and practice in the future. Although this place is far away from the land of the original source, but the cultivation is improved, and there is a chance to return to the land of the original source..."

Taishang looked at everyone, and said lightly.

He intends to open up a space-time channel here, and it is considered that some practitioners can ascend to the land of the original source, but it is also limited to the ascent from the earth star to the land of the original source. If he wants to go upstream, he can't do it.

After all, this is the space-time channel through which Tai Shang personally opened up. It is not so easy to reverse it first.

"Follow Dao Zun's meaning!"

Everyone heard the words and bowed down again.

Tai Shang nodded slightly, then got up, came into the void, sat on Qing Xuan's back, and went to other places.


Before he went far, Taishang turned his head, looked at the fairy mountain he was preaching, smiled faintly, and then with a wave of his hand, the force of the avenue swept across, leaving two simple words on the fairy mountain, Emei!

After all this was done, Taishang disappeared, and only the voice of a mysterious avenue came slowly.

At the beginning of Hunyuan, Dao was judged to be respected, and the world was clear and turbid.

The two forms of Tai Chi give birth to the four phenomena, which are still in the palm of the hand.

Alchemy in the palace is mixed with one's own self, and there is medicine in the furnace to seize the innate.

Once built in Kunlun, I know that one gas has transformed into three cleansers.

The illusory sound of the avenue reverberated continuously between the heaven and the earth. All the monks and creatures on Mount Emei heard it, their minds were slightly shaken, the avenue was clear, and they looked at the direction of Dao Zun's departure, with a slightly shocked expression.

After that, all the monks and spirits left Mount Emei and returned to their respective places.

The Taoist with long eyebrows did not leave, but chose to practice on Mount Emei, striving to ascend to the land of the original source as soon as possible, and truly worship the teacher.

Although he is only at the point of completion of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, he believes that after practicing the "Hunyuan Daojing" written by his teacher, he will soon enter the realm of the Daluo Golden Immortal. When he wants to go to the land of the original origin, he will It's okay.

And this, the long eyebrows naturally did it in the future, not only that, the Taoist with long eyebrows once again established a sect and was respected by the ancestor of the long eyebrows, and he claimed to be an authentic school, respected Taiqing Taishang as a teacher, and worshipped day and night.

And the other six dojos in the earth star, because the other six are located in the area, there will often be signs of manifestation of the saints, and later in the earth star, the famous fairy family blessing land, there are many legends.

Of course, these are all things to do.


Somewhere in the earth and stars.

When the Taishang left Mount Emei, Yuanshi, Tongtian and Nuwa, who also passed down their own traditions, left one after another. After gathering the Taishang, they were ready to leave Earth Star.

"Big Brother intends to open a space-time channel for Earth and Star?"

Yuan Shi raised his brows, looked at Tai Shang and asked.

"With such an arrangement, it is not necessary for Da Luo Jinxian and above, but below Da Luo, if you want, you can use the time and space channel to go to the land of the original source. This is a chance for hundreds of millions of creatures among the earth and stars. ..."

After a big smile, he looked at everyone. The opportunity has fallen, but whether they can grasp the opportunity or not depends on their own situation.

Yuan Shi and others nodded upon hearing this.

The avenue appeared in Taishang’s eyes, swept across the earth and stars, looking for a suitable place, and showed his power in his hands. The vast avenue power and countless avenue laws were under his control.

"Time and space, open!"

Tai Shang gave a soft drink, and immediately opened up a space-time channel, which was consolidated according to the situation of the ascent.

After doing all this, he nodded too much. For him, these things were extremely easy, but for the creatures of the Earth and the planet, it was a great opportunity.

Taishang looked at the passage and said to everyone, "Let's go!"

After all, Qingxuan was transformed into a hundred meters in size, Nuwa, Houtu, Suiren, Fuxi and others sat on Qingxuan's back and headed towards the place of the prehistoric.

After Yuan Shi and Tong Tian looked at each other, they also drove their mounts, followed Tai Shang's body, and headed towards the prehistoric land.


For more than a thousand years, the superiors returned to the prehistoric state.

At this time, the Qifang Daochang was calmed down at this time, but the luck and merit of Zhufang Dajiao were improved a little.

For this result, Yuanshi, Tongtian and others are quite satisfied.

Returning to the prehistoric land, Yuanshi, Tongtian, Suiren and Fuxi returned to Yuxu Palace, Biyou Palace and the Holy Land of Human Race.

As for Nuwa and Houtu, they followed Taishang and went to the Taiqing Palace.

In the Notre Dame Palace, Caifeng was the only one taking care of it, and Nuwa didn't have to worry, and there was nothing wrong with returning to the dojo. As for Houtu, it doesn't matter even more. There is peace in the underworld, and both Samsara and the underworld can operate on their own, but she doesn't need her.

Therefore, to return to the dojo, it is better to be in the Taiqing Palace, and to ask Taishang about the incomprehensible points of the Dao, and to practice faster.


Shouyang Mountain, in the Taiqing Palace.

After Taishang returned with Nuwa and Houtu, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com took out the enlightenment tea that had not been used for a long time to entertain them.

After the three of them had a drink, Tai Shang waved his hand, and in front of them, a picture of the area of ​​the earth star appeared.

"It seems that Heavenly Court is also aware of the news, and will not let go of this opportunity..."

Houtu and Nuwa raised their eyebrows and spoke.

"Brother Dao, do you need to take action to isolate the people of Heavenly Court directly?" Nu Wa asked while looking at Tai Shang.

"It's okay, the earth and the stars are special, no matter how many elements there are, and Haotian is also a smart person, knowing how to grasp a degree, he knows how the heavens should do without breaking the balance, as long as the balance is in the balance, what he does, It is also conducive to the development of Earth and Planet..."

Hearing the words, Taishang smiled faintly.

He looked at the picture. At this time, Taibai Jinxing directly led the heavenly people into the earth star.



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