Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 6 Chapter 37: Haotian intends, Wu Clan will take action

Chapter 37: Haotian's plan, Wu Clan takes action

Shouyang Mountain, Taiqing Palace, Promise Hall.

After hearing this, Nuwa and Houtu looked at each other and nodded slightly.

Since they said so, they have no objections. This diversified practice is also helpful to the creatures and monks among them.

Haotian will know how to do it and won't break this balance, so don't worry too much.

Taishang looked at the situation in the picture, and calculated the direction of humanity according to his heart. Judging from the current situation, it is estimated that the resurgence of the situation will come again soon.

After thinking for a while, Tai Shang waved his hand to dissipate the picture in front of him.

He made tea again in his hand, and between each movement, the trajectory of the Dao and the true meaning of the Dao were hidden, and the rhyme of the Dao flowed through it, and bursts of mysticism radiated, and merged with the energetic aura of the tea, floating in the void.

Nuwa and Hou Tu glanced at each other, their beautiful eyes gleaming, and then tasting the enlightenment tea while comprehending the mysterious meaning.

In addition, Houtu and Nuwa also asked Taishang about some things they didn't understand on the avenue.

After the two took control, they retreat in the Taiqing Palace for a period of time.

Tai Shang did not retreat this time, his eyes turned to the prehistoric, paying attention to the situation in the prehistoric.

In the current predicament, although it is relatively calm, the situation will change a lot in the near future, and the real victory or defeat will soon appear between the two clans of the Lich.

The relationship between the Dragon Race and the Heavenly Court is also very delicate, and it is difficult to sustain it for long.

The general trend in the human race is also about to rise. These things will continue to emerge in the next time. Humanity will continue to evolve and improve itself as a result, and Tai Shang will also improve itself by this.

"When the opportunity arrives, after entering the middle stage, you can travel into the Chaos World again and completely break the cause and effect with Luohu..."

After a long time, Tai Shang said in his heart, the trajectory of the great road and the magic power of the calamity were constantly running in his body. Although he was not closed, the matter of cultivation was always in motion.

As for the enlightenment of the Dao, there is also a part of the mind in the enlightenment practice.

It can be said that Taishang is always practicing.

His current cultivation is the perfect state of the early stage of Hunyuan Taiji Golden Immortal. The accumulation of this state is already complete, but if he wants to go up and enter the middle stage, although he has accumulated enough, he still has a few opportunities.

As long as Tai Shang waits for the opportunity to arrive, he can enter the middle stage, and then he can take a trip to Chaos and thoroughly understand the cause and effect with Luo Hu.

As far as Luo Hu's previous injuries are concerned, it will not be possible to recover in just a few hundred thousand years.

He was not only injured in his own body, but also on the road. He was attacked by the power of the road when he was promoted. His road was damaged. Coupled with the means of Hongjun Daozu, he wanted to really recover, but It can't be done in just a few hundred thousand years.

Therefore, there is still plenty of time to spend too much time, and he is not in a hurry, and comes step by step.

He looked at the wild land, his eyes were faint and unpredictable, and he didn't speak any more.


As time passed, tens of thousands of years passed away quietly.

Thirty-three days, heaven, in the palace of the sky.

"The Emperor of Heaven, the ministers have already completed the matter of the earth and stars. Although it is impossible to maximize the power and control of the heavenly court, the ministers have already arranged everything that should be done..."

Taibai Jinxing arched his hands, and he had arranged everything for tens of thousands of years.

Hearing this, Haotian nodded. If it weren't for worrying that those few would make a move, he estimated that he would have controlled all of this so-called earth star in the hands of Heavenly Court.

To be able to get their favor, this earth star is naturally extremely extraordinary.

But it is precisely because of the extraordinary nature of the earth and stars that these few people will always stare at them. Although these broken realms were broken out of the prehistoric, they are no longer prehistoric.

If his Heavenly Court had done too much, those few wouldn't show any mercy, and would definitely take action. This doesn't have to be a predicament.

Therefore, in order to avoid such things from happening, Haotian will naturally control everything, so as not to destroy the interests of those few people, and his heavenly court can improve some of his luck and merit.

In addition, it can also absorb all the casual cultivators, creatures, etc., with better aptitudes into the primordial heaven.

In this way, if both sides are good, there will be no war.

"On earth and star matters, you only need to take care of some, and the rest is to return to yourself. Honghuang may have variables recently. You need to keep an eye on it and do all the scheduling of the heavenly court..."

After thinking for a while, Haotian said to Taibai Jinxing.

Haotian naturally knew the matter of the Lich family, he felt that it was time to destroy one side.

The monster clan is the enemy of the witch clan, but for the heavenly court, the existence of the monster clan is not a good thing.

After all, the position where Haotian sits at this time belongs to the former emperor Jun.

If it hadn't been for the situation of the monster race itself and the reason of Dao ancestors, Di Jun would not give up, and he would never give up.

Therefore, in order to avoid trouble in the future, Haotian feels that now is an excellent opportunity.

Although I don’t know how to assist the Witch Clan, he secretly, or, in other words, assisted the Witch Clan, and killed the Monster Clan directly. In this way, I can be regarded as a thorn in my heart. .

In this way, I can sit still more firmly in this position.

"Xuan, all the stars are here to meet..."

After thinking about it in his heart, Haotian said directly to the left and the right.

The best way to help the Wu Clan by himself is undoubtedly to cut off the star power support of the Zhou Tian Star Dou Great Array. For these years, he has been in control of the Heavenly Court, and he has no less control over the Zhou Tian, ​​the stars and the sea than the previous Yao Clan.

As long as the support of the power of the stars is cut off, coupled with the incomplete star flag, Haotian believes that this is no longer a problem for the Wu Clan. Destroying the monster race can be said to be a certainty.

Not long after, I saw all the stars coming in from outside the hall and bowed down and said, "Waiting to see the emperor of heaven, the emperor of heaven and eternal happiness, longevity and heaven!"

"Don't be polite!"

Haotian waved his hand to help them and said.

He looked at Jun Xingjun, nodded in satisfaction, and then began to arrange things and plans.


Honghuang~www.ltnovel.com~ At the foot of Buzhou Mountain, in front of Pangu Temple.

"Brother, all ready..."

Ju Mang arched his hand to Dijiang in front of him and said.

Over the years, fighting against the monster clan and temptation, it is already certain that the monster clan is already on the verge of collapse, and it is also the best time for his own witch clan to take action. Thunder strike has completely destroyed the monster clan.

This time, the Wu clan did not keep a hand, and planned to dispatch the whole clan.

"set off!"

Di Jiang waved his big hand, then volleyed up, taking the lead and heading towards the monster race.

Behind him, the Eleventh Ancestor Witch took the power of the whole Witch Clan and followed, and came toward the Monster Clan mightily.



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