Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 6 Chapter 38: Lich 2 Fights Again

Chapter 38—The Lich Races Fight Again

Prehistoric, everywhere.

At this time, the whole clan of Wu Clan was dispatched, and headed toward the place of the demon clan. In the immortal realm, human realm, underworld, and heaven, there are countless great abilities and cultivators. It is impossible for the creatures to be unclear about it. .

During these millions of years, the wars between the witch race and the monster race have gradually increased, and their strength and scale have increased. Many great powers and cultivators in all realms are very clear about this, and they understand it. The reason for Emperor Jun's situation, the strength of the Yaozu plummeted.

Under such circumstances, if the Wu Clan does not grasp the opportunity to directly destroy the Demon Clan, then it is not the Wu Clan.

Although it took some more time, but at this time, the timing is good. As long as the Wu Clan can make a full shot, this time, the situation of the Yao Clan, fearing that it cannot be reversed, will be destroyed in the hands of the Wu Clan. The situation in the predicament is about to become more complicated again.


Thirty-three heavens, the heavens, and the palace of the heavens.

The stars are on both sides, Taibai Jinxing is in the center, and he said, "The Emperor of Heaven, the Wu Clan has already dispatched the whole clan, and is heading for the Demon Clan!"

"Well, this is our opportunity."

Haotian looked overjoyed, he immediately stood up, and said to the stars below, "Everyone, follow the orders!"

"The minister is here!"

"All return to the star position, take charge of the stars, cut off the power of the monster clan to summon the stars, I will cut off their help and destroy the monster clan in one fell swoop..."

Haotian's expression became cold, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he said coldly.

"Lead the minister!"

All the stars arched their hands, and then they all retreated.

"Taibai Jinxing!" Haotian turned his gaze to Taibai Jinxing.

"The minister is here!" Taibai Jinxing replied.

"It is up to you to dispatch all the stars, you must do this well, and don't give the monster race another chance to stand up..."

"Tiandi rest assured, the minister knows how to do it..." Taibai Jinxing's body shook, and after arching his hands, he turned and left.

After watching Taibai Jinxing leave, Haotian looked at the Haotian mirror beside him, revealing the location of the monster race, and the cold light flashed in his eyes.


After a long time, Haotian spit out two words coldly.

For Heavenly Court, the most coveted is the Demon Race. They have never given up the opportunity to get the Heavenly Court back. Haotian is also always on guard, especially the Demon Race who is on the list of conferred gods.

Those and others were also secretly planted in the heavenly court. This was also the worst result, another preparation made by the Yaozu.

Fortunately, these are not too difficult to control.

The hard part is the Yaozu itself.

And now, there is this opportunity to destroy the Demon Race, how could Haotian let it go, as long as the Demon Race is completely wiped out, and the demon race coveting the position of the Heavenly Court is destroyed, then he will be firmly seated in the position of the Emperor of Heaven. As for other things The means of implementation can be implemented slowly.

Therefore, this monster race must be destroyed!

Haotian stared at the Haotian mirror, carefully observing the progress of the matter.


Prehistoric, a certain area, the base camp of the demon clan.

In the Pantheon Palace.

"Demon Sovereign, the Wu Clan is coming out from the nest, coming towards my Monster Clan, this battle is inevitable..."

Bai Ze said to Taiyi with a solemn expression.

The current strength of the monster clan is already inferior to that of the witch clan. In addition, the star flags of the monster clan formation are not complete, and the power of the monster clan cannot be used to 100%, so facing the witch clan coming out of the whole clan, it is still very difficult. , It is really possible to be destroyed.

"This battle is a battle that determines the existence of my monster clan. Don't be careless, Bai Ze, let the order go on. The entire monster clan will take action and face the monster clan directly..."

After thinking about it in Tai Yi's heart, there is no better way. He can't be promoted to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and his brother has stopped in this state. The monster clan formation is incomplete. The current method can only be forced. Hope there will be a silver lining.

Otherwise, this robbery of the Yaozu would be really difficult.

"The minister understands!"

Bai Ze nodded heavily, then turned and left.

After taking a look, Tai went to discuss some countermeasures with his brother and sister-in-law.


As time passed, hundreds of years passed quietly.

The Wu Clan traveled extremely fast, and finally arrived at the Yao Clan base camp at this time.

Dijiang and the others didn't hesitate at all. One attack was a thunderous blow, the terrifying power destroyed the world and the earth, directly blasting down towards the base camp of the demon clan.


A series of roaring sounds permeated the four directions, and the terrifying power spread to hundreds of millions of miles. Countless voids shattered like mirrors, turning into a sea of ​​fragments, sweeping towards the surroundings, and numerous cracks in the dark space emerged. The air of chaos shrouded like clouds and mist, repeating the earth, water, wind and fire.

"Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!..."

Countless figures flashed from all directions, they had already guarded the Witch Clan's hand, so they had escaped this blow at this time.


Di Jun's expression became cold, and he spit out two words in a deep voice.

"Dijun, I know you haven't fallen, but now you don't have much effect..."

Di Jiang sneered coldly. Even if Di Jun hadn't fallen, with his quasi-sage perfect cultivation base, there was no threat to the Wu Clan.

The flames in Dijun's eyes throbbed, but he didn't speak. For the Wu Clan, his quasi-sage perfect cultivation base really couldn't overcome any storms.

"Do it!"

Before Dijiang's words fell, he immediately displayed the supernatural powers of the space and flooded towards Dijun.

Ju Mang, Zhu Jiu Yin, Xuan Ming and other ancestor witches all shot, rushing towards the upper level of the monster clan.

In terms of high-level strength, the monster clan is indeed inferior to the witch clan at this time, so in these short ten-odd years of fighting, the monster clan has already been defeated steadily, with countless deaths and injuries.

On the other hand, on the side of the Witch clan, they are unparalleled, and their attacks have become more and more terrifying, especially the Twelve Ancestral Witches. After their rebirth, in these tens of millions of years, their strength has surpassed the former level. Under Shi's teamwork, Dijun, Xihe, and Taiyi's high-levels were all difficult to parry.

Although Chaos Clock is strong, it can't stand the siege of many Ancestral Witches. Can he block two, three, or four or five?

The high level of the monster clan has fallen too much in the past, and it is really difficult to completely block the witch clan.

Emperor Jun’s Hunyuan Heluo Array ~www.ltnovel.com~ was also destroyed by the three ancestor witches in a few short years. His mind was damaged and his injuries became more serious.

Although he has not fallen, and his realm has fallen, his own injuries are not small. In these millions of years, his injuries have not healed, because they are injuries from the origin of the Dao, and it is not so easy to recover. Here.

But this is no way, the Wu Clan is like this, he can only go out to fight.

"Taiyi, set up an array!"

Di Jun glanced at the situation of Yaozu's retreat, and suddenly shouted.

At this time, if you don't set up an array to guard the monster tribe, it is afraid that if it continues, it will lose more than 80% in less than a hundred years. Such a price, the monster can't afford it.


A crisp, melodious bell suddenly rang in the wild, attracting countless powerful stares, and their faces were shocked.



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