Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 8 Chapter 27: The term of the ordained **** expires

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Fifteen Yuanhui's time has passed in the prehistoric lands. In addition to those cultivation bases and newly born beings, it is important for some cultivation bases in the existence of Daluo Jinxian and Quasi-sage.

This is less than two million years, and indeed there have not been many storms.

Realm cultivation is an improvement, but it's not a big one. Daluo Jinxian is better, but in terms of Quasi-Sage Realm or Half-Step Hunyuan, the progress is not so obvious. Any improvement is also a small stage improvement.

As for those below Da Luo Jinxian, the time of these fifteen Yuanhuis has been a lot of help.

At this time, the general situation has taken place, and the aura, rules and rules have become clearer, which is good for them.

Therefore, during this period of time, their improvement has not been slow. I believe that with the promotion of time and the promotion of the general trend, these existences will also be promoted more quickly.

Including those Da Luo Jinxian, the same is true.


For nearly two million years, although it was not very important to some of the prehistoric existences, it did not cause many storms.

But the time of the fifteen yuan meeting was really too important for the existence on the Heavenly Court Conferred God List.

Hard work and no complaints, for thousands of years to "work" for Tianting, and now, it is finally over!

It's not easy! Thousands of years! Do you know how we came here for thousands of years?

Haotian is used to death, wherever there is a shortage of manpower, press wherever it is. No matter what it is, they cannot resist because of the Conferred God List, and they can only accept it.

Western disciples were unable to resist because of the Conferred God List, while the disciples of the Yaozu were temporarily forbearing because of the downfall of the Yaozu.

As for some casual cultivators, there are some other thoughts.

So even though he was reluctant to do so, on the surface, nothing major happened. Over the past tens of thousands of years, he was still carrying out Haotian's orders.

Now that the term of office is about to expire, everything will be bright!

Heavenly Court, in the fairyland of Yaochi.

Haotian raised his head and glanced at the Conferred God List hanging above the Heavenly Court. Every Dao real name on it was shining brightly, and the true spirit in it had gradually been separated from the Conferred God List.

Although the speed is not fast, but it is also the beginning of the final time.

If there were no surprises, that is, the last two or three yuan associations would truly complete their tenure and truly leave the Fengshen list.

However, there was no shortage of manpower in Heavenly Court, so Haotian didn't worry too much at this time.

After taking a look, he continued to assist Yaochi in his half-step Hunyuan.

Now, this matter is still important, and I will talk about it later.


In the west, above Lingshan, in the Great Leiyin Temple.

Next to the Eight Treasure Merit Pool.

"Brother, the term of entrusted **** is approaching, and my Western disciple is finally returning..."

Suddenly, Zhunti opened his eyes, looked at the lead beside him, smiled and said.

Thousands of years!

Since the Western disciples were damaged and only Maitreya was left, the Western Qi Luck has not really improved. Even with the addition of Da Ni Tathagata, it has just recovered a bit.

It turned out that it could be improved a bit more, but as a result, a Theravada Buddhism came, and it directly divided the luck that Buddhism had worked so hard to recover.

If it were not for the inability to make a move, the Hinayana Buddhism would be wiped out with a palm early.

In the following millions of years, the West has been regaining its own luck, and with the addition of Da Ni Tathagata, it is now a little better.

But for real recovery, or development, these are not enough.

Now, the term of the Fengshen Bang is finally about to be completed. In this way, his own evil corpse will return, and all Western disciples will return.

Even if it can't reach the point where it used to be, it won't be too far away.

In this way, there is a lot of help for the development of the West, and there is hope for the rise of the West.

"In the past on the battlefield of the Conferred Gods, all of my Western disciples were damaged. Since then, my Western luck has never been improved. After so many years of silence, my Western luck is about to recover..."

After receiving the quote, he opened his eyes and said slowly, the speed of flicking the rosary in his hand seemed to be a point faster.

The West is inherently barren, and the creatures in it are also scarce. Those who want better qualifications are very few. Only a few hundreds of thousands of years, more than a million years, only a few have been produced. The foundation accumulated before is all in the list of the gods. On it.

This is also the reason why the West has suffered so badly. Fortunately, everything is ushering in the light.

"After this disciple's return, we still have to develop a low-key development in the West for a while. The famine is now coming, and it is also an opportunity for our development and improvement in the West. This opportunity is not to be missed..."

"Besides, as long as it's not a major event in the predicament, I try to avoid the West as much as possible, so as not to lose the luck that has just been restored. Otherwise, the rise of the West and the ambition will be indefinite... "

Sui Yin looked solemnly, looked at Zhun Ti and said, and he also set the way for the west to go.

No matter what, the West will hold on for now, anyway, it is the general timing that can enhance its strength. Nothing big happened in the prehistoric times. Don't interfere with unnecessary things, so as not to lose luck again.

Hearing this, Zhunti nodded, but he also understood the introduction. The West had intervened a lot before, but every time it had no good results.

He could see it through, and he didn't easily intervene in the rest of the matter.

In the next period of time in the West, I still insist on talking about it first, and ignore the others.

Upon seeing this, he nodded slightly, then closed his eyes again, and continued to learn and practice.

After Zhun Ti glanced at the Heavenly Court, he also continued to comprehend and practice.


People like Taishang Sanqing, Nuwa, Houtu and others are naturally aware of the imminent completion of the term of the Fengshen Bang.

But this matter didn't matter much to them, that is, after a glance, they stopped paying attention.

In the prehistoric times, there are few people who pay attention to this point. They are all doing their own things, but they are calm.


In this way, when time flies, three more yuan will pass.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

On this day, in the heaven and the earth, the sound of six great road bells suddenly sounded, echoing between the heaven and the earth ~www.ltnovel.com~, attracting countless creatures in the prehistoric, the monk looked up, not knowing what happened.

"On the Fengshen Board, I was entrusted with a post for a period of 1,296,600 years. Now, the term of the Fengshen Board has expired. In the name of the ancestor of Taoism, I will give you freedom, such as the ancestor, and I will be free from the Sealed Gods Board today!"

After the bell of the great road fell, there was a voice containing supreme coercion, which was the voice of Daozu Hongjun.

At this time, in the name of Taoist ancestor, he ended the tenure of the existence of the former gods on the list.

From this moment on, the term of the Fengshen Bang has been completed.

The existence of those enshrined gods will also return, and by then, it will be a different situation again.



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