Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 8 Chapter 28: True Spirit Leaving the List

Chapter 28 The True Spirit Leaving the List

Above the wild land.

Countless monks, creatures, and some great supernatural powers all raised their heads and stared at the nine heavens.

At this time, there are thousands of rays of light, and the spiritual energy is condensed into essence, like thousands of horses, traversing in the void, and there is heavenly majesty, covering the world.

The voice of the Taoist ancestor spread throughout the entire prehistoric realms, and all the spiritual monks heard the voice of the Taoist ancestor clearly and knew it. From this moment on, the true spirit of the title of the sealed **** on the list of sealed gods has already completed his term of office.

It is also from this moment that you can leave the Conferred God List.

"call out!"

Suddenly, a ray of light descended from nine days and immediately fell on the Conferred God List. A special force condensed and acted on the Conferred God List, as if it had opened a certain restriction and shackles.


In the Conferred God List, golden light emerged, and a succinct and vast expanse of the weather permeated, and the chains of the road formed by those rules were constantly retreating, and all true spirits were truly free and could be restored to their free bodies and escaped. Fengshenbang.

Feeling all this, the true spirit on the Conferred God List was overjoyed.

After waiting for thousands of years, it is finally here.

It feels so good!

Suddenly, all the true spirits left the Conferred God List one after another and flew away towards the surroundings.



Xinzhu, Xinchen and other Western disciples stood in the void, looking at the pharmacist headed by them.

Although they haven't reshaped their bodies, they have been immersed in the list of gods for thousands of years, and they have been improved after all. All Western disciples, including pharmacists and others, have improved their aura by a few points.

After they regained their bodies, their cultivation might be improved.

"My western disciples, have you counted them all?"

The pharmacist swept his gaze slowly, and said.

"The Western disciples on the Conferred God List are all here..." Xin Chen nodded.

Hearing this, the pharmacist nodded and said, "If this is the case, then set off to return to the West..."

"Respect brother's decree!"

After all the Western disciples responded, they followed the pharmacist and set off towards the west.

Passing through the heavenly court, the western disciples looked at the heavenly court with cold expressions, and immediately snorted and drifted away.


"Monster, how am I waiting?"

A demon king looked at the demon saint Yujiang and asked.

The demon clan was destroyed in the hands of the witch clan, and most of it fell, and the demon clan who fled were unable to overcome any storms.

The only prince Lu Ya who can command the Yaozu went to the Western Buddhism and became the only Buddha Dari Tathagata Buddha.

In this way, the most powerful force among the monster race is the monster race on their list of gods.

There are quasi-sages, Daluo Jinxian, and Daluo Jinxian and below, among the second-rate forces, they can be considered to be ranked high.

But their situation is not very good. The Wu Clan wants to put the Monster Clan to death, which can be seen from the previous destruction of the Monster Clan in the Wu Clan.

And among them, there is also the assistance of Haotian, it can be said that they don't want to see the demon clan reappearing.

Therefore, as long as they have any actions in the prehistoric times, they may be directly obliterated.

But in this way, the situation for their monster clan team is very difficult.

The demons couldn't think of it, it could only be the thoughts of the headed Yujiang Demon Saint.

"The monster clan is almost completely destroyed now, and the situation I am waiting for is not good. Not only the Witch clan wants to take action against us, but Heavenly Court also has this idea, so I must act low-key..."

Yu Jiang looked solemn, and after taking a look at the west, he said, "When I return to the wilderness, I will gather the demon clan that fled in secret first, and then continue to hide, and wait until the prince returns in the future..."

"But the demon saint, didn't the prince enter the Western Buddhism and become the Buddha?" a demon king with a big Luo Jinxian cultivation base frowned and asked.

"The prince's plan is naturally more than that. Joining Buddhism is just a matter of planning, and I will definitely return in the future. I will wait to gather all the demon races and wait until the prince returns to do the demon race again..."

Hearing that, the demons nodded, since the demons said so, it can only be so.


After Yu Jiang said a word, he left with all the monster races.

The demon race must be low-key now, so the demon races like Yujiang also walked low-key and calmly, heading towards a prehistoric mountain range where there were relatively few creatures and monks, and they had taken the lead as a stronghold of the demon race.

As for the demon clan left in Beiju Luzhou, they were slowly extradited.

Regardless of the prevalence, the Yaozu must recover in a low-key manner.

Everything, wait until the Prince returns.


Western disciples, after the Yaozu all the Yaozu left.

Emperor Gouchen Mingji also left the Conferred God List with Gouchen's line and headed towards the heavenly court Gouchen's line.

The remaining true spirits of the Conferred God List were all the fallen cultivators during the last time the demons invaded. Some of them remained in the heaven, and some returned to the prehistoric.

The matter of the Fengshen Bang's departure from the list is considered to have come to an end.


Heavenly Court, in the fairyland of Yaochi.

"This monster clan seems to have some thoughts..." Yaochi raised his eyebrows and said.

"Lu Ya is still there. Although he has become a Buddha, his purpose is more than that. With Yujiang's eyesight, how can he fail to see this?"

After a pause, Haotian continued, "As long as Lu Qian is still there, the demon clan will not be considered extinct. As long as their power of the demon clan is accumulated, things can still happen in the future, and the demon clan can reappear the wild land... …"

"In the past, my Heavenly Court assisted the Wu Clan to destroy the Monster Clan, will this be a hidden danger?" Yaochi asked.

"It's okay. Now that the Conferred Gods Board has just completed its term, my Heavenly Court does not need to act for the time being. As for the return of Lu Ya, for my Heavenly Court, there is no longer any storm..."

"Furthermore, based on the situation of the Witch Clan, if the Monster Clan has another sign, it is estimated that the shot will be faster than us, so don't worry too much..."

Haotian didn't care about this at this time. If the monster clan reappeared, the witch clan would not let it go.

In this way, Heavenly Court would not be needed to make a move.

Furthermore, with the strength of Heavenly Court, he is not afraid of these.

If Tai Yi is still there, he may still be a little jealous, but Tai Yi, Emperor Jun has already fallen, and only a land pressure cannot shake the heavens. Haotian still has this confidence.

Temporarily leaving the list ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Tian Ting is not good to immediately make a move, take a look at the back slowly.

If there are any signs, I don't mind revealing the information to the Witch Clan and let the Witch Clan take action.

Believe that they will be happy to bury the Yaozu completely.

After thinking for a while, the corner of Haotian's mouth bends slightly.

"The term of the Fengshen Bang has been completed, and I hope that Ming Ji can seize this opportunity..."

After a long time, Haotian looked at the location of Gouchen's pulse and said lightly.

Hearing this, Yao Chi nodded slightly, his gaze also turned to Gou Chen's vein.



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