Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 8 Chapter 29: All parties should

Chapter 29 The parties shall

Above the heaven, in the endless void.


There were thousands of rays of light and golden light, and bursts of vast aura radiated from the Conferred God List.

After all the true spirits left the Conferred God List, the Conferred God List shook slightly, and all the golden light seemed to be condensed into substance, piercing the surrounding void.

"call out!"

In the next instant, the Fengshen Bang turned into a stream of light and fleeed towards the outer sky.

Its mission has already been completed, and now it is about to return to where the Taoist ancestor is.

Seeing that the Conferred God List hanging above the Heavenly Court disappeared, those in the Heavenly Court who had been on the Conferred God List were relieved in my heart. After a long time, they looked back and could reshape their bodies. I believe it would be easier for them to practice. .

At this time, Heavenly Court also began to arrange these things.

Although the Heavenly Court no longer had the problem of manpower scarcity, but this part of the Conferred Gods Board and casual cultivators were willing to join the Heavenly Court, that was also a good thing.

Heavenly Court's overall strength will also be improved, after all, from now on, the casual cultivation of this part of the Conferred God Ranking will be considered part of the true Heavenly Court's overall strength, and it was not counted here before.

The true spirits on the list of conferred gods, whether they are from the monster race, or Western disciples, or casual cultivators who fell on the list in these prehistoric times.

They are all subject to the Conferred God List and serve in the Heavenly Court, just because of the term of the Conferred God List, these are not counted in the overall strength of the Heavenly Court.

Now that the term of the Conferred God List is over, they have left the Conferred God List. At this time, they choose to join the Heavenly Court, and that part of the casual cultivation is considered to be part of the true Heavenly Court's overall strength.

In this way, the Heavenly Court will continue to be cultivated, and they will be able to improve a lot because of the accumulation of thousands of years on the Conferred God List. In this way, the Heavenly Court's overall strength and luck will be improved again. Kind of a minute.

After Gou Chen Yimai this time, I believe it will improve on the overall strength and luck.

After all, it has been accumulated over thousands of years, even if there is no great improvement, a small level is still possible.

Emperor Goochen himself, who was in the mid-stage of quasi-sage, was immersed in this realm for 12.96 million years because of the entitlement of gods. Now he has escaped from the entitlement of gods, and the accumulated accumulation is at least promotion. In the later stage of the quasi-sage, it is very possible for the quasi-sage to reach Consummation.

This is what Haotian wants, I believe he can do it, and he will always give Gouchen the resources for cultivation.

Only when the Gouchen channel is truly developed, can the other three channels be overpowered.

Heavenly Court's overall strength and luck will rise again.

Haotian looked at the location of Gouchen's line, and then at the part of the scattered cultivation that joined the heavenly court. Under the arrangement of Taibai Jinxing, the matter of cultivation first, all operations are accelerating, and he still feels quite in his heart. For the satisfaction.

After watching for a long time, Haotian retracted his gaze, and then continued to assist Yaochi to attack Hun Yuan for a half-step.


Taiqing Palace, in the Promise Hall.

"Brother Dao, the term of the Conferred God List is over, and Western disciples get out of trouble and return to Western Buddhism. As a result, Qi Luck is once again condensed and improved. The Hinayana Buddhism matter before, I am afraid that it will not have much effect..."

Nuwa, who came from Fengqi Mountain, sat opposite Taishang, put down the tea cup in her hand, and looked at Taishang Dao.

On the side, the disciple Confucius also put down the tea cup in his hand and looked at his teacher.

Even if it was him, he hadn't tasted it too many times before. After tasting it this time, he still praised the taste.

"Theravada Buddhism, you are not just what you see. Although the disciples in the West have returned and their luck has skyrocketed, it is impossible to break the balance of Theravada Buddhism. As long as Theravada Buddhism is present, the West is lucky. It is impossible to truly rise. As long as the western air luck rises and exceeds it to a certain extent, it will balance to Hinayana Buddhism."

"Therefore, you don't need to worry about this situation. When the Western disciples return, their luck will naturally flow back to Theravada Buddhism. You can just observe this point..."

After hearing this, Tai Shang smiled and looked at Nuwa and Kong Qiu.

If it is just to balance the first Western air luck, then Hinayana Buddhism is not necessary. The existence of Hinayana Buddhism is to balance every increase in Western luck.

As long as the Western air luck improves, it will flow back to the Hinayana Buddhism and reach a balance of air luck. Therefore, the Western air luck cannot really improve at all. This is why Taishang and Li Er let Hinayana Buddhism stand up. the real reason.

This is not to balance one or two times, but to truly cut off the opportunity for the rise of Western luck.

The Hinayana Buddhism is recognized by the world. If Zhunti is made, the price is not small.

Besides, everyone now knows that Li Er and Taishang are behind Hinayana Buddhism. It is still unknown whether Zhunti dare to make a move.

So, this is too much to care about.

Nuwa and Kongqiu were slightly surprised when they heard this. When they looked at Theravada Buddhism, they were all a little surprised.

Since Taishang said so, then they just watched the change.

Looking at the next situation, how much luck will the Western Buddhism return to Theravada Buddhism.


The true spirit of Fengshen Bang was out of trouble, but the demons of the demon race also resisted. After finding a place to live for cultivation, they no longer set foot in the predicament.

However, Dijiang and the others are naturally clear about the matter of the demon race. They didn’t make a move for the time being. It’s just a look at the situation behind. Anyway, there is no turmoil, but it’s not in a hurry. urgent.

As for the other true spirits of the Conferred God List, the Wu Clan didn't care about it, and it had nothing to do with it, and it continued to return to its own situation.

The Feng Clan and Qilin Clan didn't care about the consummation of the term of the Conferred God List. They just wanted to continue to develop. They already had no intention of fighting for hegemony, so they didn't care about too many things.

Although the Dragon Clan had the desire to subdue the demons, but they also knew that the time was not right, so they could only look at the situation in the future.

The human race, the underworld and other forces, after taking a few glances at the existence of the escape, they stopped paying attention.

These things can't affect me, that is, I don't bother to pay too much attention to it.

Yuanshi~www.ltnovel.com~ Tongtian glanced at the West, watching the medicine master waiting for the Western disciples to return, and a smile appeared on their faces. They wanted to see how much this luck will balance in Hinayana Buddhism.

They are the most Pangu Sanqing, and naturally they know their elder brother's plan. This Hinayana Buddhism is definitely not that simple.

It depends on how much luck can balance the West Spirit Mountain.

Think about it, it will be a good result.

They were looking forward to seeing the two holy sages of the West, watching their luck flow again to the look of Hinayana Buddhism.

Next, a good show will be staged.



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