Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 8 Chapter 59: War Demon God Diyuan

Chapter 59 The Demon God Emperor Yuan

Chaos world, in a certain area deep down.

A dignified color appeared on Di Yuan's face. Although the grade of the Killing Spear was the same as the golden holy sword in his hand, it was of the innate treasure level.

But the attack of the gunshot was extremely terrifying, and the sharp murderous intent and spear light could be injured by it if he was not careful.

The sword edge of the golden holy sword in Di Yuan's hand turned around, and a golden sword light swept out, welcoming the terrifying spear light from Taishang's assassination.


The divine light flashed, and even after seeing the golden light and the black light burst out of the ultimate strong light, it instantly flooded the world!

Under the light and shock wave, everything is buried silently in the chaos, and everything has formed the ultimate vacuum, complete nothingness.


A clear sound echoed in the endless chaotic world.

In the next instant, I saw Di Yuan fly directly out of a trillion mile of land, crushing countless areas, and his expression looked too dignified.

Under this blow, he fell into the wind, and he also understood that although his strength was in the same realm as Taishang, Taishang was a lot deeper than himself because he was controlled by the laws of the Great Dao.

That spear stabbed, looking at the spear power that contained only killing and horror, there were actually several avenues lingering above the avenue rules, and it was just like that, even a blow from the superior could not be completely followed by Di Yuan.


With a move in Taishang's hand, the golden light of Taiji figure flashed, and it immediately turned into a golden bridge, crossing the long river of time and space, and suddenly came to Di Yuan.

"call out!"

Seeing this, Di Yuan's expression became more and more solemn. A light flashed above the nine-story pagoda, and countless strengths were condensed. He was urged to move them away. A dazzling divine light was lit up on every floor of the tower. The power and breath of terror fluctuate constantly.

The grade of this pagoda is not weak, and its power is naturally quite affirmed by Taishang, but now, there is no need to entangle too much.

A golden glow flashed across his scarlet Qingyun, and immediately turned into a ninety percent golden pagoda, which is the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda.

At this time, the pagoda is against the pagoda!

With a wave of Taishang's hand, the Linglong pagoda flew out directly, spanning countless time and space, and came directly to the pagoda of Diyuan, and attacked directly towards the pagoda of Diyuan. The terrifying aura made this chaotic area all for One swing.

Di Yuan looked a little surprised!

Here, why does Taishang also have a pagoda?

Although the ranks are different, the power seems not to be under your own pagoda, and the defense is even more terrifying!

In Taishang, how many treasures are still not revealed?

His own strength was so terrifying that it made his heart tremble, and now it was a Taiji Tu, it was also a shotgun, and then there was an exquisite pagoda.

He felt that in this battle he was afraid that there was not much possibility of winning!

Why did he cut out that sword? Why should we establish cause and effect with the existence of Taishang? If it weren't for this, I'm afraid that this battle won't happen, and I won't have a serious injury, or even the possibility of fall.

But what's the use of being upset now?

The exquisite pagoda of the supreme entangled his nine-story pagoda, and he killed himself again.

In addition to resisting Taishang's ultimate move, he also had to defend against Tai Chi Tu's suppression. It really made him rushed. If he was not at the same level as Taishang, Di Yuan believed that he would not be able to support his current position.

The magic weapon penetrated the endless area, breaking the rules, laws, all past, present, future, destiny, and cause and effect are all annihilated and broken, buried everything, disturbed one after another, and flooded toward Emperor Yuan.

Di Yuan's expression changed drastically, and the golden holy sword in his hand was directly slashed out. Everything returned to the vacuum, nothingness, and collapsed area. Numerous void fragments with terrifying chaotic power directly met Tai Shang's shot. .

"call out!"

The divine light scattered, penetrated time and space, isolated the past, and buried the future.

At this moment, there was not too much sound, everything was annihilated in the impact.

Di Yuan was blasted off again, although his injuries were not serious, but in the end it affected his strength. Facing the next more terrifying Taishang, Di Yuan's heart was actually very dignified.

But he has no good way at this time. Not to mention that this place is blocked by Taijitu, looking for opportunities to suppress him, even if he can escape, but the Emperor Dao world is here, he can't leave, it is related to his future proof.

Therefore, it can only be a fight at this time.

Every step of the great road is to be contended, and only after the struggle can there be a chance to prove the Dao.

Whoever succeeded in proving the Dao is not a sea of ​​blood beside and behind him. If he stepped out in one step, it would be **** and bloody.

Di Yuan’s eyes were filled with bright golden light. A pair of golden divine pupils stared at Tai Shang who had crossed time and space. The golden holy sword in his hand turned around and slashed out directly. The sharp chaotic sword aura flooded this area. Staggered and crisscrossed, terrifying.

The two sides handed over again at this time, not knowing where they hit in the chaotic time and space.

Only the shock that was more terrifying swept away, and wiped out the chaotic air, the chaotic void, and some distant, unknown chaotic beasts in time and space could not escape, but also fell directly into it, becoming a sacrifice under the impact. By.

At this time, even if the Chaos Storm is swept in, under the impact of the battle between the two sides, it will be directly erased and completely dissipated.

If there is a world in the place where the shock hits, even if it is a great world, it will be directly erased.

The impact at this time was too terrifying, it was not an ordinary existence, and the ordinary world could resist it.

In the battle between Taishang and Diyuan, the chaotic air collapsed, evolving the earth, water, wind and fire, and the world was born, but the world was annihilated. The two of them seemed to be the masters of the world and the masters of all living beings.

With their thoughts, they can create sentient beings, and UU reading www.uukanshu.com can also bury sentient beings.


Although the nine-story holy pagoda and the Linglong pagoda did not have a victory or defeat at this time, the nine-story holy pagoda was entangled by the Linglong pagoda. For Di Yuan, it was a great loss and lost a lot of combat power.

After all, a lot of defensive power is missing, and Taishang's attack will fall on Di Yuan. Even if he is the body of the Chaos Demon God, facing Taishang's ultimate move will be a lot of damage.

But on the other hand, Taishang, not only his own body is stronger than Di Yuan, but also the defensive treasures like Tai Chi Tu and Qiankun Ding, Di Yuan's attack damage simply cannot go to Taishang's body.

In contrast, Di Yuan's injuries on Yuzhan's body became heavier, and his combat power also declined. Facing the attack from too high, he became more disadvantaged, which in turn deepened his injuries. .

At this time, Di Yuan became an endless loop. If he couldn't fight back, his fate would not be too good.



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