Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 8 Chapter 60: Draw Emperor's Road

Chapter 60 Extracting the Emperor's Road

Deep in the chaos, somewhere in time and space.

This place is already far away from the great world of Emperor Dao, otherwise, with the impact of the two people at this time, I am afraid that the great world of Emperor Dao has already been annihilated, and both of them have lost the "Dao Fruit" that they finally competed for.

This is too deliberate. Since the great world of Emperor Dao has a great effect on oneself, it is impossible to let it be buried under the fight between oneself and Emperor Yuan, otherwise, there will be one less opportunity for improvement. .

Therefore, he forced Di Yuan into the distant time and space.

And Di Yuan didn’t want his world to be annihilated in the battle, so he retreated slowly. It could also be said that he was constantly retreating under Taishang’s attack. He was simply unable to resist Taishang now. s attack.

From the fight to the present, he has been suppressed by Taishang all the way. The nine-story holy pagoda cannot return to the radius, and the injuries on his body will only worsen and eventually lose to Taishang's hands.

But he had no other way, he couldn't avoid Taishang's attack at all, and he couldn't escape from this area.

Even his remaining means, the future body and the destiny body, were directly obliterated by the Tai Shang.

Now the body condenses its own avenues and treasures, as well as the rules of the world, as long as his body falls, then everything will be gone.

Taishang didn't show any signs of stopping, so Di Yuan didn't stop the attack in his hands. Once he stopped, his situation would be more difficult, so no matter what, he had to fight for it.

Even if it has been suppressed by too much, it is difficult to turn over, but it is still impossible to stop there.


The murderous intent was condensed and turned into countless divine weapons, penetrating towards Di Yuan's location, the murderous intent locked him, and there was no way to avoid it.

Di Yuan's expression was stunned, the golden holy sword in his hand was continuously cut out, the sword energy flew horizontally, and the sword lights crisscrossed, forming a huge sword net, strangling all the murderous soldiers that fell.

The two sides continued to fight each other, and the shock of terror was stronger than the other.

"Do you really want to kill all Taoists?"

Di Yuan's expression was solemn, after the Golden Sacred Sword blocked the Killing Spear, he spoke in a condensed voice.

"Since you shot it, there is no possibility of reconciliation between you and the sect. Furthermore, the emperor world, the sect must get it!"

Too faintly opened his mouth and said that they were all the Chaos Demon Gods who had fallen and reborn. Father Pangu can kill him once, and he can kill him a second time.

First shoot yourself, and then there will be the Emperor World. It is impossible for Tai Shang to let Di Yuan go. Even the Emperor Dao on his body can be directly drawn to supplement the Promise World. This will be an excellent opportunity for improvement.

"Good good, then fight to the death!"

When Di Yuan heard the words, he was so angry that he turned back and laughed, his body was burning with mana, and a terrifying aura broke out.

Cut out with a single sword, everything dies, chaos returns to the ruins, and returns to the source of the avenue!

This sword, even if it is too high at this time, is very dignified and will be taken very seriously.


At this moment, the long spear in Taishang's hand suddenly pierced out, and only a roaring sound was heard. After a while, a black ray tore through the blood-red sky, a shot was shot out, and the world was dark.

In the next moment, the stars are shining and the stars are shining, but under this gorgeous appearance, it is indeed endless murder and endless destruction!

This shot was a shot of destruction, a shot unmatched.

One shot, buried all beings!

One shot, cut off the past, the present and the future!

With one shot, the stars fell and the earth annihilated!

One shot, nine days are broken, and the heaven is without light!

With one shot, the world collapses and everything returns to the ruins!

This shot is a shot that does not exist in this world, it is a stunning and unmatched shot.


A shot stabbed, this chaotic area was shaken, shattered, and then completely collapsed and annihilated directly under the shot.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

As if it was a death knell that buried everything, it sounded hurriedly at this time.

At this moment, the sword light was under the spear light, and it was constantly being wiped out, a bit dissipated in the chaos, quietly.

A shot, a very calm shot, and also a shot from Dao Zhi Jian.

At this time, the sword light was directly penetrated, and the sword light was also broken and wiped out.

After the spear light passed through, the sword light directly turned into a little golden light, completely dissipated.


The spear light is approaching the extreme, as if it was the light of the tribulation at the time of the explosion of chaos and the opening of the sky, with an irresistible calamity, with the force that obliterated the ancients, buried the power of nothingness, and directly penetrated the emperor. Yuan's heart.

Di Yuan couldn't avoid it, with an incredible expression on his face.

How can it be! ?

How could he not be able to stop the shot of Tai Shang with a sword that burned his mana?

But at the same time, he was relieved again, in the face of this ruined shot, what else could he resist?

Under destruction, nothing can exist!

Terror, destruction, this is the real calamity!

"My deity, I regret taking the shot in advance..."

After a long time, Di Yuan struggled to spit out a word, Tai Chi Tu slowly suppressed it, and he was already exhausted.

After Tai Shang drew out the Gunslinger, he stuck out one hand and took the Emperor Dao on Di Yuan's body.


Di Yuan looked painful, and the road was drawn. This will be the last time.


The vast and essence of the avenue aura suddenly surged out, and a golden avenue was directly extracted from Di Yuan by Tai Shang.

At this time, Di Yuan had already fallen completely.

After Tai Shang glanced at it, three cyan lights flashed in the crimson Qingyun, turning into a Sanqing Taoist, directly refining Di Yuan's body in the position of three talents, this will be an opportunity for improvement, and naturally you should not miss it. .

After watching the Taoist Sanqing start to do it, Taishang's eyes fell on the Emperor's Avenue in his hand.

"What a complete emperor's way..."

Too catchy praised ~www.ltnovel.com~ and then waved his hand, the Promise World flew out. After he wiped out the other powers, only the most quintessential and vast Dao power and Dao rules were left, and then he shot directly Into the boundless world.


In the Promise Realm, there was a roaring sound, the world began to expand, the origin of the world gradually improved, the control of the heavens became more powerful, the rules were also being improved and improved, and the laws of the great roads became more and more clear. .

Not only that, but as the way of the emperor was integrated, the Wuji Realm had one more road that could be walked.

This will be a greater opportunity for countless creatures among them.

All the creatures at this time knew exactly what was going on. At this time, staring for nine days, they all looked happy, waiting for the completion of all the evolution and the completion of the world promotion.

At that time, it will be a good opportunity for improvement and development.



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