Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 8 Chapter 62: Promoted to the late stage of the Promise Golden Fairy

Chapter 62 Promotion to the Promise Golden Fairy Late Stage

The chaotic world is vast and vast, vast and boundless, in an endless void.

Sitting cross-legged too, in front of him, there is a half-fusion world floating in suspension. At this time, the world is transparent. You can see the mountains and rivers, the endless creatures, and the fusion of the walls of the world. , The fusion of the continent, the fusion of the stars and the sea, and so on.

And now, it is also the most critical step, the fusion of rules and laws.

The fusion of the world and the rules and laws in the world is considered to be a lot of experience for Taishang. First, there is the practice of the Bone Emperor, and then there is the fusion of the immortal world and the killing world.

These are nothing to Tai Shang at this time. Judging by his current methods, it can shorten a lot of time.


Countless sands of the Ganges River fly by, and the velocity of time and space is visible to the naked eye. In the dark space around the Tai Shang, there are brilliant rays of light, like a dark starry sky, a series of meteors passing by, gorgeous abnormal.

The integration of rules and laws, the whole world is changing. The addition of Emperor Dao, because of the Diyuan Dao, so the integration is very smooth at this time, and the speed is also very fast.

As for the fusion of the rules of heaven and earth, it has also made the progress of the heavens very great. The expansion of the continents in the Promise World is no longer as simple as a big world, at least the size of several big worlds.

Seeing the situation of Wujijie at this time, he nodded with satisfaction.

After careful observation, he concentrated on fusing the two worlds, and his mind was divided into two, while the other mind used the fusion at this time to bring his cultivation closer to the later stage.

Crimson Qingyun slowly floats above the heavenly spirit, and Wuwei Avenue runs through endless time and space, as if connecting the past and the future, the origin of the avenue and the end of the avenue, all cause and effect destiny are disturbed.

On the Dao of Wuwei, the Dao of Yin and Yang, the Dao of Alchemy, and the Dao of Soul interweave and emerge, all condensed into a new Dao.

On the Avenue of Wuwei, humanity gradually emerges, and its rules and laws have now evolved to a new level.


Suddenly, a roar came from the humanity, shaking the chaotic world.

In the next moment, countless rules and laws of humanity emerged directly, and they were introduced into the Dao of Inaction. The Dao of Yin and Yang, the Dao of Alchemy and the Dao of Soul suddenly evolved at this time, and they were promoted to a higher level.

The Dao of Wuwei and the Dao of Humanity merged, and the atmosphere of the Dao on Tai Shang's body became more terrifying and vast at this time.

Faintly, the Supreme General was about to break the shackles and reach a higher level.

At this time, Tai Shang was full of emptiness, the avenues were thorough, and he was concentrating on the avenues and humanity, and with the help of the integration of the Promise World and the Emperor World, he began to attack the later stage of the Hunyuan Taiji Golden Immortal.

The realm is steadily improving, and the fusion of the Promise World and the Emperor World is also in rapid fusion, and both sides are in rapid progress at this time.


Time flickered, and a hundred thousand years passed in the chaotic world.

The Taoists of the Sanqing Dynasty had recovered their power of the Great Dao, and this refining was also a bit of consumption for them, but after adding it again, they had made some progress.

"call out!"

The golden light of the Tai Chi picture flashed and turned into a golden bridge, directly connecting two chaotic time and space, and came to the Supreme Heavenly Spirit, slowly suspended and rotated, bursts of Yin and Yang Dao aura spilled down, integrated into the Supreme Qingyunzhi in.

The Taoist Sanqing glanced at it, and then the Taoist Taiqing said, "The deity is about to cross this step. The power of the Great Dao of Di Yuan may be able to help the deity to step into this realm..."

Hearing this, the Taoist Yuqing nodded and said, "If this is the case, let's start!"

The Shangqing Daoist and Taiqing Daoist nodded, and then took the power of the great Dao of Di Yuan, crossed time and space, came to the side of the Taishang, and directly drove the power of the great Dao of Di Yuan into the body of the Taishang.

"Sanqing return!"

Suddenly, Tai Shang opened his eyes, two golden lights shot out from his eyes, piercing the void in front of him, and lightly shouted.

Before the words fell, I saw the Taoist Sanqing staring at each other, and then Liantai stepped into the body, turned into three cyan rays, and directly escaped into the mark of Taishang's eyebrows, and a terrifying atmosphere of the Great Dao suddenly swept away. Then, countless chaotic voids were twisted, as if they could not bear this breath.

"Wuji World, Rong!"

Taishang looked solemn and made a soft sip, like the sound of the avenue, drifting through the origin and end of the avenue.

The avenue is like a torrent, rushing endlessly, the eternal sky, the infinite power of the avenue rushes out at this time, and merges into the boundless world.


The road is roaring, and the chaos is shaking!

At this moment, the Promise World was completely integrated with the emperor's great world, and bursts of roar of the road suddenly swept away.

In the next moment, the entire Promise World directly turned into a stream of light, sinking into the center of Taishang's eyebrows.

Under the impact of this great power, Taishang directly stepped into a whole new realm.

At this time, the power of the Sanqing Taoist was integrated, and the great path on the upper body began to transform, evolve, and the realm was gradually promoted, then stabilized, and slowly stabilized in the later stage.

I don't know how long it has passed, and the aura of the Great Dao on Tai Shang's body gradually converged, and his calm was restored.

In the crimson Qingyun, three green lights slowly emerged, and they re-evolved into the Sanqing Taoists.

The Sanqing Taoist sits on the three lotus platform, and between the turbulent air, the Sanqing Taoist gradually hides in it until it disappears.

Taishang opened his eyes, his eyes were like a clear sky, and his thoughts were so clear that he penetrated the endless areas of the chaotic world, saw many areas, and spied a lot of things~www.ltnovel.com~After a few breaths , Taishang retracted his gaze and nodded in satisfaction.

"The late stage has entered, and it is time to return to the wild land..."

"The final plan is almost on the right track..."

"The evolution and improvement of humanity didn't disappoint me either. Judging from the situation of humanity at this time, I'm afraid it's not much worse than heaven..."

"The way of all beings is in charge of all beings, this is the most suitable existence..."

After a thousand turns of the thoughts in his mind, his upper body figure moved and returned to his original form. After a glance, he followed the breath and induction of Li Er's place, and then after finding the direction, he started to move forward. It's the way back to the wilderness.

This trip to chaos has been a great reward, and now it is time to return to the prehistoric land and prepare for the final step.



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