Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 8 Chapter 63:

Chapter 63 Chapter Name Flies

The boundless chaotic world, somewhere in time and space.

The Demon God Sword Cang looked a little shocked, looking at a certain direction, a certain time and space, and could not speak for a long time.

Just now, he seemed to have been spied by a certain existence. Although it was not clear whether that existence saw him, he did have his eyes scanned this place. Jian Cang was still very sure of this feeling.

"What a terrifying Dao cultivation base, such a realm cultivation base, at least it must be at least the late stage existence..."

"In the chaotic world, when did such a terrifying existence appear?"

Jian Cang's heart was throbbing. Facing such an existence, he really doesn't have much chance of winning right now. After all, it is difficult to make up for the difference in cultivation level. You must know that it is above Hunyuan Taiji Golden Immortal. , Just a slight difference in cultivation level can be obliterated by the other party.

It can be seen from the obliteration of Luohu by Taishang. The origin of Luohu Dao is damaged, and it is difficult to exert its strength by 100%. Facing such an existence as Taishang, it is strange not to fail and fall. Jian Cang also knows this point, so Luohu He was not surprised to fall into Taishang's hands.

If you do it yourself, you can also obliterate Luo Hu, but there is no need for it.

Since Luohu and Honghuang's line have such grievances and cause and effect, it is natural to wait for them to deal with Luohu, and they can also see the strength of the Honghuang line, how to better obtain this'dao fruit' in the future to reach a higher level, Every step needs to be planned.

This time, I had a general understanding of Taishang's strength, but it was not bad. Compared with myself, it was almost the same. As long as I was promoted again, there would be no problem.

Therefore, Jian Cang started his own new round of practice and realization.

But I didn’t expect that in just 200,000 years, a supreme being appeared, and he swept through his area. Although he didn’t know if he saw himself, the feeling of this was enough to make him feel palpitations. Up.

"The deity has traveled through the chaotic world for countless years, and hasn't found such existence yet. Why does he suddenly appear and scan the chaotic world?"

While his heart was palpitating, Jian Cang was also wondering, when did the Chaos World have such a terrifying existence? I have traveled through the chaotic world for countless years, and I have seen a lot of demon gods and chaotic creatures, chaotic beasts, and the highest group, that is, myself, Luohu, Di Yuan and others.

To say that such an existence is difficult to discover by himself, but there is no reason why he has not discovered the slightest clue for countless years. The appearance of this existence makes Jian Cang a little puzzled.

"If it didn't exist in the old days, it would have been promoted only after coming in..."

The thought in his mind turned a thousand times, and Jian Cang's deep eyes flashed a sword light.

If this is the case, then in the chaotic world, that is, own batch of the most advanced existence is possible. After all, they all existed in the middle stage of Hunyuan Taiji Golden Immortal, and the current existence of this statue is at least in the later stage. Only in the mid-term can they be promoted to this realm.

But in the chaos, there are not many suitable demon gods, after all, there are only a few of them.

Jian Cang eliminated them one by one in his heart, and suddenly a thought flashed by.

Two hundred thousand years ago, he was the one who wiped out Luohu's ancestors with his sword qi, could it be him?

"Impossible! In such a short time, it is not easy to overcome such a shackle..."

But immediately, Jian Cang denied it in his heart.

After all, time is too short, what can be done in 200,000 years? Even if it is in the long river of time and space, it is not so easy. It is not time to be promoted. Otherwise, you will not be trapped in the mid-term for such a long time. You need to pay attention to opportunities.

In 200,000 years, it is impossible for Jian Cang to complete the accumulation of time and encounter opportunities.

He is too familiar with the world of chaos, how easy is it to meet chance?

So, at this time, he didn't believe that he was promoted to the middle of the late stage.

Of course, although Jian Cang doesn't believe that he was promoted to Hunyuan Taiji Golden Immortal, he still needs to keep a hand in his heart. Of then.

After thinking about it in his mind, Jian Cang decided to improve his cultivation first, and he was already in the late stage, so he should first upgrade to the middle stage before talking about the latter.

"Honghuang, it seems that it takes the realm of Consummation before it can be completely removed..."

After thinking about it for a long time, Jian Cang said softly, his expression solemn.

But in this case, you have to be fully prepared. In this way, even if the existence of that deity is really too high that you don’t believe in, then you can win. If you don’t fully prepare, the final result will be It will only die away.

Therefore, after making a decision in his heart, Jian Cang continued to practice.


At the moment when Taishang was promoted to Hunyuan Taiji Golden Immortal, it was in the predicament.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Between the heavens and the earth, the sound of the bells of the three avenues sounded, and there were thousands of glows in the Taiqing Palace, the immortal gas was steaming, the purple gas was coming from the east, the golden flowers were blooming, and the avenue evolution and other countless visions emerged.

The top beings in the prehistoric land gathered their gazes here, with different expressions.

Not only them, but Hongjun Daozu was also paying attention at this time. In the chaotic world, there were also some changes. Combined with the situation in the prehistoric Taiqing Palace at this time, how could he not guess what it was like.

Too high promotion, the plan is one step closer, which is indeed a good thing for him.

A smile appeared on his indifferent face, and Dao Zu Hongjun was waiting for Tai Shang's return.


Chaos world, somewhere in time and space.

Too high and slowly moving forward, he did not pay attention to the prehistoric and chaotic visions and abnormal movements, and the thoughts in the mind of existence like Jian Cang. Even if he knew it, he would not pay too much attention to it, in Jian Cang's heart. It doesn’t matter how you think about it. As long as your cultivation level rises, you will not be afraid of their existence~www.ltnovel.com~ Now that they have been promoted to the late Hunyuan Taiji Golden Fairy stage, everything has just begun. An existence like Jian Cang, also It's just some obstacles on the road, but there is no big problem. Too much has not paid attention to too much, and the most important thing is the key.

In the future, we still have to return to the prehistoric, return to the Promise World, return to the consummation of one's own road.

When the thoughts in Taishang's heart flashed, he continued to move forward. After being promoted to the late stage, even without relying on Li Er's induction, he could find the right direction.

He stopped and walked along the way, occasionally stopping to practice and enlightenment, but it took some time.

It took the time of three diversified meetings to get close to the place of Zixiao Palace, and it was not far from the prehistoric land.



PS: The last chapter is just the wrong chapter name, and the content is not wrong, so the problem is not big. Changing the chapter name is very troublesome, so I won't change it, as I said at the end of the last chapter!

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