Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 8 Chapter 64: Reconsideration of the Zixiao Palace

Chapter 64: Purple Cloud Palace Reconsideration

As time passed, another three thousand years passed.

Taishang got up and began to approach the area where the Zixiao Palace was located. This way, besides practicing, he was also in the chaos world, absorbing some chaotic origins to supplement himself and the Infinite World. The origin of the great road and the origin of the world have many benefits.

Although there are not many, it is quite rare for Taishang itself and Wujijie.

Now everything is up, there is no need to stop practicing when you are here, and there is no good place to practice. After getting up too much, you will move forward quickly, and soon you will enter the chaotic area where the Zixiao Palace is located.


Zixiao Palace, in front of the palace gate.

Taishang glanced at the Chaos World, and then at the area where the prehistoric was located.

Then he looked back and looked at the Zixiao Palace that had come several times, a smile appeared on his face indifferently, and then he stepped into the Zixiao Palace.

Slowly walking through the starry sky corridor, Taishang came to the main hall of Zixiao Palace.

In the main hall, Hongjun Daozu sat cross-legged on the futon, and opposite him, there was another golden futon.

Too high diameter walked to the front of the futon, and then directly sat down.

Taishang looked at Hongjun Daozu and smiled slightly, "It seems that Dao friends have made some progress recently..."

Taishang could clearly feel that Hongjun Dao Ancestor's Dao Aura was a lot richer. If it weren't for the limitations and limitations of Heaven's Dao, it was time to be promoted to the late Hunyuan Taiji Golden Fairy.

Unfortunately, limited to this, his realm cultivation at this time is a bit weaker than Taishang, but his understanding and control of the Dao, and his own Taoism, Taishang did not underestimate him.

As a Taoist ancestor, Hongjun Taoist's strength and Taoism, Taishang is very affirmed.

Now that there is progress, the strength of the cultivation base will only become more powerful.

"Even if the poor Dao has made some progress, it is still a lot worse compared to the Dao friends. The Dao friends have really gained a lot from this chaotic journey..."

Hongjun Daozu heard this, smiled slightly, and said.

This place has been completely cut off by Taishang. No matter how strong the heavens are, there is not much difference between it and Taishang at this time. It is impossible to spy on the situation here, so Hongjun Daozu does not have it at this time. The indifference of the past.

Too great to listen to this, there is no words, can not be denied.

His trip to chaos was indeed a great gain. Not only did he obliterate Luo Hu, he also got the big world of killing, extracted the imperial avenue of Emperor Yuan, integrated the big world of the emperor, and promoted the late Hunyuan Taiji Golden Fairy .

If such a thing is placed in the predicament, then I don't know how long it will take to reach this step.

After all, the opportunity in the predicament now is that it is impossible for Taishang to be promoted to such a level.

Prior to this, the humane situation was still being improved and improved, and it could improve some of the realms of the Supreme Being, and the Dao understanding.

But now, the situation of humanity is not much worse than that of heaven. Unless the humanity is in charge of the prehistoric, it is possible to improve too much. Otherwise, there is really no opportunity in the prehistoric to help get too much.

However, I didn't care about these too much. Anyway, what I want now is the completion of my own path. I don't have too many opportunities for other things.

As long as one's own avenue is complete, then the humanity and the prehistoric behind will be a chance.

At that time, there will be no surprises when the promotion comes up.

This point is still too clear, and it should not be rushed. Everything needs to be done slowly. Now, let's talk about the completion of our own road first. The rest will also need this step to complete the trip.


Taishang waved his hand, and a table appeared in front of the two of them. Taishang took out the Enlightenment Tea. After making the tea, he took a sip from the teacup and said to Hongjun Daozu, "You will be Ready for everything..."

The meaning of "too-shang" is very obvious. Anyway, Hongjun Daozu meant it. In that case, the preparations that should be done must be done well.

At that time, there is no need to worry too much.

"Friends of the Taoist rest assured, the poor Dao himself, everything of the saints, will be planned, and everything should be arranged properly..."

After Hongjun Taoist ancestor sipped a sip of enlightenment tea, he smiled.

The saint entrusts the way of heaven with the primordial spirit, immortal and immortal in the precipice, just like the old quasi mention, it is like falling under the master, but that will only reduce his own cultivation level and will not cause a real fall.

In the prehistoric times, the saints rely on the mighty power of the heavens to entrust the heavens with the soul. This is the reason why the saints are immortal and there are ants under the saints.

And since it is going to take action against the Heavenly Dao, then these must be prepared early.

After all, Hongjun Daozu exists in harmony, and he is still very clear about the situation in the heavens. With his current strength and means, it is indeed too difficult to achieve this.

"Since Fellow Daoist has this arrangement, then I won't say any more. I plan to work together in the future. Everything will be very fast. The Daoist is ready to make all preparations. Later, I will leave it to me..."

His expression was too calm, and he said lightly, his tone was unwavering, as if the matter had little to do with him.

Hearing this, Hongjun Daozu nodded. He knew all of these. The strength of the ether is naturally dependent on him for future plans. He only needs to make those arrangements, and leave the rest to Taishang.

"After the demise of the Dao of Heaven, there will be chaos and chaos in the rules and regulations. If you want to stabilize the land, you still need to be in charge of the land. But in the heart of the Taoists, do you want to let the Dao control the land?"

Daozu Hongjun put down the teacup in his hand, looked at Taishang, and slowly spoke.

"Humanity is the way of all beings. Humanity is in charge of all beings. For all beings, it will be a great help and promotion. It is also an opportunity for all beings. This is also a great help to the future development of the prehistoric..."

Taishang listened to this ~www.ltnovel.com~ Looking at Hongjun Daozu, he nodded slightly.

Humanity is the way of all living beings. The improvement of humanity will benefit all living beings accordingly, and the improvement of living beings will also feed back the improvement of humanity. This is not a small matter for the development of humanity, the development of the land and the development of living beings. Helping.

Therefore, it is indeed the best result to control the world with humanity, and this point will not change too much.

This is not only beneficial to him, but also beneficial to the prehistoric and all living beings. This is too much to be done. Even Hongjun Daozu cannot change this.

Hongjun Daozu naturally knew what Taishang meant, and he did not object, because it was indeed the best result for humanity to take charge of the prehistoric.

The three ways of heaven, earth and man are indeed the most suitable for humanity.

Therefore, he did not deny this point, but agreed with it.



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