Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 8 Chapter 84: Qian Yuan, calm down

Chapter 84 Qian Yuan, Calm Down

The Central Continent, the border land.

After the Taishang finished speaking, there was no big surprise for the existence of the top players. After they got here, they felt that way. At this time, they were too open, which meant that they affirmed their ideas.

Moreover, even if it is too high to accept the Universe Beast as a disciple, it is still not the second sage of the West, Styx exists, after all, Yuanshi, Tongtian is in front, too high to not accept, these two will also accept it, so it fell. It's not bad either. At this time, it's too high to accept disciples, and that's the best result.

Everyone nodded slightly, but didn't say much.


At this time, Qiankun Beast roared, and immediately approached Taishang. Combined with its voice, he agreed to the matter. At this time, he came to Taishang's body and immediately bowed down.

Because of the large size, the earth and the world were shaking unceasingly.

Taishang looked at it and said, "Get up, from today on, you will be the four disciples of this congregation and give the teacher a name, Qian Yuan!"

After Taishang said, he stretched out a finger and directly pointed it at the center of Qiankun Beast's eyebrows, and a force was transmitted.


In the next instant, the body of the Universe Beast was shocked, and the figure gradually shrank and began to evolve toward the appearance of the Taoist body.

In a short span of dozens of breaths, the huge Universe Beast has already turned into a Dao body appearance, but it is not a young man, but only a ten-year-old human race. After all, it is a newly born Universe Beast. Not much.

"Qian Yuan pays homage to Master!" Qian Yuan immediately bowed and bowed towards the Supreme.

"Well, get up, don't be polite!"

Taishang was quite satisfied, waved his hand, and lifted him up.

Immediately after he gave the cultivation technique and the spiritual treasure, he also introduced the top presences. After Qian Yuan's one-by-one meeting, everyone gave the meeting ceremonies one after another. Even the Western Second Sage, who has no family background, is also at this time. Don't give it anymore.

They have all accepted disciples in front of them. If this is not given, this is not justified. If the Taoist priest is too unhappy, isn't it... is it?

Therefore, even if it is the second sage of the West, at this time it is a generous shot, a congenital spiritual treasure.

Tai Shang was quite satisfied with this, but these were not major events. After the meeting, the matter was settled like this.

Under the gate of the Taiqing Palace, there is also a fourth disciple, the first disciple Suiren, the second disciple Xuandu, the third disciple Gongyuban, and the fourth disciple Qianyuan.

Sui Ren was very generous in his shot this time. After all, he was his junior, and at this time he also quickly established a relationship with his junior.

"The time is approaching. In the next period of time, you must seize the time and make all preparations..."

Taishang looked at everyone and slowly said.

"Big brother Dao brother, teacher, don't worry about Dao Zun!"

After hearing the words, everyone looked at each other, and they all arched their hands.

Tai Shang nodded, and immediately said to Qian Yuan, "Let's go Qian Yuan, and return to Taiqing Palace as a teacher!"

"Yes, teacher!" Qian Yuan and Taishang came to Qingxuan's back after responding.

At this time, Qianyuan began to practice the exercises that were uploaded from the Taitai, and he was also comprehending his own laws. It was born in accordance with the laws of the universe, and has a lot to do with the rules of heaven and earth. Although he practiced the laws of heaven and earth, he was concerned with the rules of heaven and earth. The comprehension is not weak.

At this time, he began to practice, the Taishang casually hit a ban on him, so that he would not be affected by the outside world.

After doing all this, he patted Qing Xuan, and auspicious clouds formed under Qing Xuan's feet, and immediately disappeared into the sky.

After watching Taishang leave, Yuanshi, Tongtian, Nuwa Houtu and others also left one after another, returning to their respective locations, and starting the final time arrangements and preparations. The time is not far away.

After everyone left, the place fell silent again. If it weren't for the abnormal rules and the shaking world, it would be the same as nothing happened, and there would be no existence to know what happened.

However, this matter has been settled, and these matters have also been resolved here.

After that, it was a relatively calm time again, and it was the last, calm moment.


The shaking of the heavens and the earth has subsided at this time, but the rules of the heavens and the earth, at this time, there are countless ways that emerge between the desolate world, visible to the naked eye, and turned into rule talisman and rule chain, criss-crossing, bursts of terror. Spread out.

Among these emerging rule talisman and rule chain, there are some quasi-saint powers, and the expression of the existence of half-step Hunyuan is slightly drunk.

It seems that some different auras are condensing, or are foreshadowing, in the near future, something terrible will happen.

It was so general, the world quaked without any signs.

And the shock at this time caused the emergence of these rules. Is it uniting or telling something?

Many quasi-saint powers and half-step Hunyuan secretly guessed in their hearts. At this time, they felt more and more that the trace of anxiety in their hearts before, behind these rules, seemed to feel more and more clear. This is not good. The signal, it seems, has to practice harder.

Judging from this situation, this matter is definitely not simple. If you want to protect yourself, you must at least let your soul and true spirit not fall in the catastrophe. In this way, even if your body falls, There is still a chance to come back.

Therefore, behind the shaking of the heavens and the earth at this time, all the powerful and supernatural powers have seen different messages.

But without exception, they all want to retreat to practice and comprehend again, so that their cultivation and Taoism can reach a higher level.

Only in this way can we cope with the changes and catastrophes that follow.

Keeping the same in response to the ever-changing, this unchanged, is the improvement of the cultivation base, and the profound path of the Taoist path remains unchanged. At this time, it is all done in this way.

A lot of great powers and great supernatural powers looked at the border areas of the Central Continent with shocked eyes, where the condensed power, rules and laws were the most dense and terrifying in the entire prehistoric place.

This time the situation, it is estimated that it broke out first before, but I don't know what happened.

Previously, the top existences all went there, just don’t know what was going on, but the current situation shows that the heaven and the earth are gradually calming down. Apart from those rules and the changes in that area, everything else is down. There is nothing unusual about it~www.ltnovel.com~ Those who want to come have left here too. I don’t know what they discovered, what they did, and what is the situation like this time? What is foreshadowing? What will happen in the future? What will be the orientation of sentient beings?

All of this is unknowable.

This is also in the past few years, a group of great abilities, great supernatural powers feel that the prehistoric water is too deep, those few, it is estimated that they are calculating something.

But if everything is unclear, they have no choice but to continue to learn and practice and continue to grow their own strength.

I hope that when it breaks out in the future, I can use this to protect myself.



:. : M.x


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